I Am God’s Greatest Basking Hound

I am God’s greatest basking hound,

I’ve found the sun and keep it in my blood,

I sleep it in my brooding veins,

Take pains to sunflower its flight,

Burn night away by lifting head to follow

Then swallow up swift drifts of light.

We two are one. There is not sun and me,

But paired we trade our gifts of bright—

The sun to give and I to burn in tales—again! again!

The right word to explain

A life that brims the universe;

Rehearse its richochet from mind

That was but will not stay half blind.

So I would be the year around—

The silent sound that sun can make

When it my vibrant soul does bake

And all my harp threads fill with fires

That burn away my rank desires

And I in noon and light am found:

God’s dear and greatest basking hound.