Ode to Trivia

How do you pick the stuffs

To lug along on journeys to the stars?

What data-computation’s marrow flesh

Do you jot-tittle jettison or packet tie

For Alpha circumnavigations? bright folk came to ask.

Your task, I said, is: clear your heads!

Stuff the equations!

Take everything! titanic, super-giant,

Mega-minute small.

Ship tons of dumb confetti,

Trolley tickets!

Rosebowl seat-stubs!

Take it all!


Professors rhubarb necks empurpled as they

Spun to

Flay and flense me

With their gaze!

My craze for any stupid damned old briarpatch fact

Backed them away.

What say?!!

They burned me small.

White alum pursed their lips,

What, ships, they cried, vast rocket ships

Crammed full of seashell nonsense, toast-crumbs, menus,


Tributes to lost God Omnivia?

Dumb trivia?

Trivia! I cried, But, look!

Great whales survive on trivia!

Blue whales, the gray, the white?

All night!

I said

They gargle sloughs of junk

They dunk in jeroboams of brit!

So I, with molecules of sifting pollen words

Turn gunk to wit!

I imitate the way whales suck their teeth

And gasp great hurricanes of microscopic breath

Whose bright bacterial bods and bloods

Save avalanching whales from death.

What take to space, you ask, and at what cost?

For want of a snail, all Mars is lost!

So film-tape-keep-bank-sum

A for Alice Faye,

Z for zounds.

Mute not the smallest sounds, blink not bacteria

Fetch life from every class,

Crop devil-grass, bindweed, fresh clover,

Your soul the rover

From Aardvark A to D for DeHavilland, Olivia.

Recall the whales, the gray, the white

Who feed on night and brit, survive,

Thus stay alive…on trivia!