
We would like to say a huge thank you to all our friends and families for supporting us in our Grub venture, even those who thought we were a little crazy when we said we wanted to start our own edible insect company!

Thanks to Jay Radia for helping us with initial funding for Grub, and a special mention to Helen Radia and Karen and Roy Whippey for their unconditional love. Thanks also to Sinead Groves and Max Hargreaves for allowing Seb to constantly cover the kitchen walls, ceilings and floors with bugs until the early hours of the morning (all in the name of culinary experimentation).

Thanks to Seb’s mum Vicky Fossaluzza for her unwavering support, both in attending all of our pop-ups and never being afraid to lend a hand (and her kitchen!), as well as Craig Broadhurst for his help over the years.

Thanks to chef Andy Oliver for bringing Seb and Grub together, and Anita Potter for helping out when shit was hitting the fan and for being the ‘boss’!

Thanks to Poonum Chauhan for designing our brand and Chloe Marshall for her copy writing for Grub.

We would also like to thank everyone that has worked so hard to make the Eat Grub cookbook a reality.

Thanks to Zena Alkayat for believing in Grub and for her singleminded passion for creating an awesome insect-inspired cookbook!

Thanks to Glenn Howard for the book design, Mowie Kay for photography, Olivia Bennett for prop styling, Hat Margolies from Lucid for helping bring the team together, Kathy Steer for recipe editing and Euan Ferguson for proof reading.

A huge thanks to Thom Lawson who came up with the amazing insect-packed cocktail recipes. And to Howard Bell, Entovista Research Director, for input into the farming section.

Thanks also to Dr George McGavin for the mealworm loaf recipe and Josh Pollen of Blanch & Shock for the scrambled egg and ant recipe. And a final thanks to Carl-Daniel Smith at Forager Ltd for sourcing those delicious ants.