
Jean ruffled the hair on the back of Brutus’s neck. The Longshaft’s family dog had kept Jean warm throughout her night on their cabin floor. She was surprised by how well she had slept, and grateful. Her health was restored, and she was ready to go back to the village of Cotton Ridge.

“Safe travels Jean,” Ester Longshaft said as she handed Jean a small bag of provisions for the road.

“Thanks again for the hospitality and the lesson in leather working,” Jean said with a genuine smile.

“Thank you. I might not be standing here if you hadn’t helped with the wolves,” Ester said as she looked down at her son, Steven.

“Will you come back to visit us?” Steven asked.

“I have to find my granddaughter first. After that, maybe?” Jean said. She wanted to be honest with the family. Sarah was her priority. And if what her daughter, Megan, said was true, Jean needed to get strong fast. Sarah was still trapped as a slave for the Black Wolf Guild.

“Good luck!” the family said as Jean left the cabin area. She checked her map for the best route and started jogging.

It was a clear sunny day and Jean made good time back to the village. The new outfit Ester had helped her make was excellent. She felt like she could move more comfortably in the soft leather. She had been grateful to leave behind the scratchy wool shift. She was going to take Esther’s advice and seek out Jorgen Munch. She hoped he would be able to finish her bandoliers and boots quickly. She wanted to start moving towards Sarah as soon as she could.

Jean could see the village in the distance. She slowed to a walk and watched the farmers working in the field. There was a large barn on the outside of the village walls. From Jean’s experienced eye, it looked to be a dairy farm. As she got closer, she saw a small boy running around trying to get the attention of anyone he saw. Curious, Jean walked towards him.

“Lady! Lady! Can you help?” he said breathless.

“What do you need help with?” Jean said looking down at his scruffy hair and mismatched clothes.

“It’s my Pa. He needs help in the barn,” the little boy said pointing to the barn.

“Help with what exactly?” Jean questioned again. She had things to do in town.

“Three cows are having babies and Pa only has one hand!” the frustrated boy said.

Jean didn’t know if he meant his father literally had one hand or if the boy meant he only had one extra hand to help. Either way, Jean sighed and nodded to the little boy.

“OK. Show me.”

Relieved, the little boy ran towards the barn with Jean trailing behind. He led her into the dark building. Jean smiled as she smelled the familiar scent of hay, manure and dust. She stopped smiling when she heard the cussing from the far stall.

“Hurry Lady, Miss Bessy is in a heap of trouble.”

Jean had to agree. The cow was bellowing and moaning like a tired momma in pain. The man cussing sounded just as frazzled.

The boy pushed the stall door open. Jean saw that the boy had been correct. The farmer had one arm, and it was currently inside the cow.

“Simon you little angel. You brought me help. Thank you, son. Excuse my language.” The man looked at Jean with appreciation. “Morning, my name is Antor. Can you tie a slip knot?”

“Yes, of course. Are you hoping to pull the calf?” Jean said as she rolled up her sleeves.

You have received a new quest. Help Miss Bessy. Reward varies depending on results. Do you accept?

Jean accepted the quest. She’d planned on helping anyways, but no way was she turning down rewards from the game.

“She is about ready to give up. I need this one out so I can help Molly next door.”

Jean nodded. “Best let me get in there then,” she said as she grabbed the rope laying on the stall floor.

“Aye? You have some experience with this then. What a blessing,” Antor said sincerely.

“It has been a while,” Jean muttered as she stepped up to the back of the cow. She took a deep breath and slid her hands and arms into the cow. She had the rope in one hand. Jean laid her cheek on Miss Bessy’s warm hide and tried to find the calf’s two legs.

“I got the legs pulled out, but the little thing keeps tucking them back under,” Antor said helpfully.

Jean grunted. “Yes. I have them now. Ok, just going to get the rope on.”

It was hard work. Poor Miss Bessy was laboring hard and with every contraction Jean could feel the squeeze on her arms.

“Got it, let’s hope the rope stays on,” Jean said as she stepped back. Antor grabbed on to the end of the rope. Jean went to the head of the cow to comfort her.

“With the next contraction, I’ll pull.”

Jean nodded and ran her hand along the cow’s neck. Miss Bessy seemed to sense that her time was near and rolled her eyes as she strained with the next contraction. Antor groaned as Miss Bessy bellowed.

“It’s coming Pa! I see the feet!”

Jean smiled. She remembered the excitement around a birth. The cow took a deep breath. Between Antor pulling with his one good strong arm and Jean encouraging, it was only a couple pushes before the nose and body of the calf slid out onto the floor of the stall. Miss Bessy moo’d her relief and turned to look at her efforts.

“Easy now. Simon, pass me that cloth, will you?” Antor requested as he used his one hand to rub the meconium off the calf’s coat. When Simon passed the cloth, Antor used it to wipe the thick coating off the nose, ears, and eyes of the newborn.

“Ok now Miss Bessy let’s get your baby ready to nurse,” Antor murmured as he guided the calf to his mother’s side. Miss Bessy was quick to finish licking the newborn and then nudged it to start suckling.

Antor, Jean and Simon enjoyed the peace of the moment until they were interrupted by the bellow from the next stall.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” Antor exclaimed. “I almost forgot about poor Molly!”

Jean followed Antor into the next stall and together they evaluated that the calf was in a good position. With some encouragement it would make its way out soon.

“Can you stay with Molly? I would like to check on Sasa,” Antor asked kindly.

“Of course. Call if you need a hand,” Jean said as she stroked Molly’s neck.

“Simon? Simon?” Antor called.

“Yes Pa?”

“Bring fresh towels for Molly and Sasa, will you?”

Jean smiled as the little boy brought a towel in. She had her hand in Molly, helping to guide the long skinny legs and nose out. The brown and white nose was followed by the patchwork hide of the body. Molly sighed as her baby dropped to the straw. Jean was impressed with the new mom. She turned and started licking the calf right away. Jean crouched down to make sure the airways had cleared and then watched with delight as the little guy made his first attempts to stand on his own. After a few wobbly tries, he was up and nursing.

Jean peered over the wall to witness Sasa’s baby arriving safely.

A notification popped up on Jean’s display.

You have completed the quest Help Miss Bessy. You receive 100 exp.

Congratulations you have earned the skill of Animal Husbandry.

You have reached Level 4. Keep learning new skills and killing everything in sight to continue leveling up.

Frowning at the snarky but true comments, Jean quickly added two points to agility and three to constitution.

Done with her stats, Jean shared a smile with Simon and Antor. All three babies were healthy and feeding. The cows looked tired but pleased.

“I didn’t catch your name,” Antor said as he wiped his hands.


“Well Jean. I don’t know how to repay your kindness, but I imagine my wife will. Can you spare a few moments at the house?”

“Thank you. That is kind but I have things to do in town. I think I will carry on,” Jean said with a genuine smile.

“Are you an adventurer then?” Simon asked from beside his father.

“Yes, I am. I have rabbit pelts to turn in,” Jean said to the two farmers.

“If you are an adventurer then you best come up to the house. You won’t regret it,” Antor said as he held the stall door open for Jean.

“Well, as long as it is quick,” Jean answered.

“Adventurers are always in a hurry. Hey Pa?” Simon said with a shake of his head.

“I’m trying to get to my granddaughter. She is in trouble,” Jean said as a way of explaining.

“Oh? What kind of trouble?” Antor asked as they left the dark barn.

“She is a slave for the Black Wolf Guild,” Jean said. “Have you heard of them?”

“Noo,” Antor said thoughtfully. “But I stay on the farm and keep my worries focused on the animals. My wife, on the other hand, might know a bit more.”

Jean saw the small farmhouse and appreciated its neat appearance. It had a wrap around porch and bright white storm shutters that highlighted the grey planks of the home. Antor led the way up the stairs and into the mudroom. Jean joined Antor and Simon in washing hands and brushing off boots. Jean could smell a variety of herbal smells wafting from the kitchen.

“Nora, we have a guest,” Antor said as he entered the bright kitchen.

“Oh? Hello there,” the plump red-faced woman said as she wrung her hands on a cloth.

“This is Jean. She is an adventurer who was kind enough to help me with the cows.”

“Help with the cows? Why didn’t you come get me?” the woman asked exasperated.

“Ma! You told us you were working and to leave you alone,” Simon said defensively.

“Hrmmpf. That may be true, but you know I would stop to help with my girls. Do we have a new calf then?”

“Three!” Simon said excitedly.

Nora looked shocked. “Three! My, isn’t that a blessing. Thank you for the help Jean.”

“I grew up on a farm. It was nice to be a part of the experience,” Jean said as she took the seat Nora was pulling out for her.

“Coffee? Pie?” Nora asked.

“Yes, please. Thank you.”

Simon sat beside Jean and leaned over to whisper, “My Ma makes the best apple pie. You are lucky. I usually have to wait until all my chores are done.”

Jean smiled down at the boy.

Nora bustled around the kitchen as she spoke.

“If you’re an adventurer you will be needing my services then. I will be happy to teach you a new skill. Are you willing to accept it as payment for your help?” Nora asked Jean with her eyebrows raised.

Remembering the valuable skill of leather making Ester had taught her, Jean was curious what Nora would offer her.

“Yes, of course. Thank you.” Jean said. She was hoping it wasn’t going to be a baking skill.

Jean sat with the family and enjoyed the conversation and coffee. Simon had been right; the pie was delicious. It was better than anything she had experienced in the real world and Jean almost asked for the recipe.

When Nora had cleared the table, she sent Antor and Simon back out to the barn.

“Grab your boots, we will go out back,” Nora said as she pulled on her boots by the door at the back of the kitchen.

Jean, curious as to the skill she would learn, hurried to put her boots on and joined Nora outside. She had to jog to catch up to the woman who was moving towards the garden behind the house.

“I’m an alchemist. I’m going to teach you a simple but powerful healing potion. It is good for just about anything and the ingredients are easy to find,” Nora said to Jean as she stopped at the edge of the garden.

“Now I grow these plants in my garden so I don’t have to go far to get them, but if you pay attention you will see them growing everywhere.”

Jean nodded.

“First off is the Dandy root. You will see its pretty yellow flower and prickly leaves first but it’s the root that confirms you got the right one. Pull this up,” Jean said as she pointed to the plant.

Jean did as she was asked and was surprised to pull up a four-inch-long root that was blue in color.

“Smell it,” Nora insisted.

Jean smelled the root and raised her eyebrows at Nora. “It smells like licorice!”

“Yes, it does. Tastes like it too. Now you are going to need about five of those, so go ahead and pick them.”

Jean picked the plants and followed Nora further into the garden. She stopped by a small bush that was covered in one-inch thorns.

“This stuff is everywhere. It is invasive, of which I am grateful. Break off three or four medium length branches. Mind your fingers, you don’t want to get scratched.”

When Jean had picked the branches, she followed Jean again to another flowering plant.

“Now this is the toughest part. Inside this flower is a small amount of pollen. You can’t pick the flower. You need to get the pollen out without losing it or damaging the plant. The easiest way to do this is to use a piece of fur or a tuft of hair,” Nora said as she pulled a sharp knife out of her apron and cut off a two-inch chunk of her hair. “Dip the hair into the flower and swirl it around gently until the hair is coated in the purple pollen.”

Jean did as she was instructed.

“Be careful it doesn’t get blown off. Cup it in your hand. It is precious,” Jean said as if scolding a child. “Now back to the kitchen.”

Jean followed Nora back to the kitchen, cupping her pollen.

“This is my gift for you. It is a magical cup that you can use to make the potion. First add the pollen, shake it gently until it has fallen into the cup. Good.” Nora took the cup and set it aside. “Are you good with a knife?”

“I am pretty good at throwing them,” Jean said confused.

“Well, that will come in handy for other things, but I meant in the kitchen.”

Jean shrugged. She tended to eat out most nights. She didn’t spend time in the kitchen.

“You are going to have to learn. Here, use my knife,” Nora said as she handed it over to Jean. “You want to cut the Dandy flower and the branches into the smallest pieces you can. The smaller the more potent. Here use this board.”

Jean took the board and began slicing and chopping the plants. It took her a long time but when she was satisfied, she got Nora's attention.

“Is this good?”

“Aye, scoop it up and place it in the cup with the pollen.”

Jean looked at Nora, anticipating the next step.

“The next step is magic. You will have to accept my request,” Nora explained.

Jean saw a notification pop up.

Would you like to accept the alchemy skill?

Jean clicked ‘Yes’ and felt the rush of new information flood her mind.

“Now, repeat the words as you pour water into the cup. Any water will do,” Nora said as she handed Jean a pitcher of water.

Jean read the strange words on her screen and marveled at the pretty smoke that rose out of the magic cup.

Congratulations! You have learned to make a healing potion!

“Here is the lid for the cup. If you, or someone you want to help, is sick or injured, drink the potion. In cases of serious injury, you can increase the effects by pouring it directly onto the wound.”

“This is incredible. Thank you so much!” Jean said with enthusiasm.

“Ack, it is nothing,” Nora dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

“I’m on my way to help my granddaughter. She is a slave of the Black Wolf Guild. Do you know anything about them?”

“I’ve heard a few things, not very nice. You best be careful; they have infiltrated into many villages. I heard they are up in Sweet Water, but not sure what they are doing there,” Nora finished with a shake of her head.

“Sweet Water, thanks. I will look into that. I’m sorry to leave but I have some business in town to attend to,” Jean remarked kindly.

“Yes. Of course. Off you go, and good luck!” Nora said as she walked Jean to the front door.

Jean slipped the potion into her bag of holding and waved as she turned back to the main road. Stopping at the farm was an unexpected diversion from her original plan, but it was a beneficial one, two new skills to help her get closer to Sarah.

Jean joined the traffic on the main road. Now, to find Jorgen Munch.