1. Which protagonist (Natalie, Julia, Shelby, or Reese) did you most relate to and why?

2. After a lack of stability early in life, Natalie craved being in one place. What made Smitten special to her? Have you ever felt like that about a place?

3. Natalie believed her sister’s report about Carson. Have you ever believed gossip and wished you hadn’t?

4. When Julia returns to Smitten, long-lost feelings for her brother’s best friend Zak resurface. Has coming back to a familiar place ever brought back unresolved feelings? Did you have to deal with them the second time? How did you resolve them?

5. Julia loves her friends and her hometown, but going back to New York City feels easier. Have you ever had to make the harder choice to do the right thing? How did you know it was the right decision for you?

6. Julia has a strong independent streak, but ultimately discovers that counting on others can make life easier and more fulfilling. Have you ever tried to do something alone only to discover the lesson was in submitting to others? What was the outcome?

7. When the girls support Reese in her outfitter’s store dreams, they do things they wouldn’t otherwise be interested in—such as roller blading. Do you have friends who expand your world that way? How has it made you a better person?

8. Shelby had some major issues with her dad. Before they could have healing in their relationship, she had to truly forgive him. In fact, he had to forgive himself. Have you ever had a relationship like that? Did you choose to forgive (with God’s help) and receive healing, or are you still holding on to the bitterness? What can you do to let it go?

9. Sometimes life isn’t fair. Circumstances can change in an instant. Nick’s circumstances changed when his ex-wife died and his daughter, Willow, came to live with him. Despite the challenges, they settled into their new life together and shared a relationship they wouldn’t have had otherwise. When life hands you challenges, do you fight them or do you try to learn from them and make your life better?

10. Shelby gained strength and support from her friends. She also offered that same support back to them. Do you have someone like that in your life? Are you that someone to someone else? Reach out today.

11. The more Shelby and Nick got to know each other, the more they had to work through in their relationship, but difficulties can bring growth in a relationship and make it stronger. Think of the relationships in your life. What has truly made them grow?

12. It’s clear from the beginning of “All Along” that Reese Mackenzie is a planner, but it doesn’t take long for her plan to make Griffen love her go awry. Have you ever been so committed to your own plans that God’s will got lost somewhere along the way? How did you come to that realization? What happened as a result?

13. In what ways did Griffen balance Reese? Who provides balance for you, and in what ways?

14. Reese’s faith falters as they approach Sawyer’s wedding and the finalization of their plans for Smitten. Why do you think having faith can be so difficult? When was the last time your faith faltered? What got you through that time?

15. How did the friendship between Natalie, Julia, Shelby, and Reese serve as a support system spiritually, emotionally, and physically? Who is your support system and how do you hold each other up?