Notice: It is always important to consult your physician before starting a daily exercise program.
1. Make a deal with yourself: You’ll exercise for ten minutes and then you can quit. Getting started is the hardest part. Often you’ll find yourself going longer once you get started.
2. Choose an exercise you enjoy. If you deplore jogging, you’ll never do it. If aerobics gives you hives, you’ll find excuses to skip. Dance, join a volleyball league, or go skating. Make it fun!
3. Buy a cute workout outfit that makes you look and feel great.
4. Put exercise on the schedule like all of your important appointments.
5. Exercise early in the day before other things (excuses) crowd it out.
6. Make exercising a multitasking event. Walk and socialize with your friends, jog and listen to your favorite tunes, hit the treadmill with a novel, go hiking and dream up ideas for your next project (bring a voice recorder!).
7. Partner with someone for built-in accountability.
8. Award yourself for meeting your goals—not with junk food!
9. Start small. Maybe ten minutes, three times a week. Build slowly to longer and more frequent activity until it becomes routine.
10. Change it up! Any activity done repetitively can get boring. Alternating activities will challenge the mind and body.