Bibliography, Further Reading and Suggested Sources

All the books are published in London unless stated otherwise.

Banton, M. P., The Coloured Quarter (1953)

Barnardo, Thomas, Three Tracts (1888)

Barnett, H. O., Canon Barnett: His Life, Works and Friends (2 vols., 1918)

Beer, Reg, ‘Matchgirls’ Strike, 1888: The Struggle against Sweated Labour in London’s East End’ (National Museum of Labour History pamphlet, 1971)

Beer, R., and Pickard, C. A., ‘Eighty Years on Bow Common’ (pamphlet, no date)

Bermant, Chaim, Point of Arrival (1975)

Besant, A., Annie Besant: An Autobiography (1893)

Binder, Pearl, The Pearlies (1975)

Bishop, E., Blood and Fire (1964)

Black, Graham, ‘The Archaeology of Tower Hamlets’ (Inner London Archaeological Unit, no date)

Booth, Charles, Life and Labour of the London Poor (1892–7)

Booth, William, In Darkest England (1890)

Branson, Noreen, Poplarism, 1919–1925 (1979)

Briggs, Asa, and Macartney, Anne, Toynbee Hall: The First Hundred Years (1984)

Brooks, Peter F., Pearly Kings and Queens (1974)

The Campaign to Restore Democracy in Docklands, ‘Heseltine’s Docklands: The First 6 Months (Joint Docklands Action Group, May 1982)

Chadwick, Edwin, Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population (1842)

Choo, Ng Kwee, The Chinese in London (1968)

Clayton, P. B., and Leftwich, B. R., The Pageant of Tower Hill (1933)

Clout, Hugh, ed., The Times London History Atlas (1994)

Coates, T. F. G., The Prophet of the Poor (1905)

Cunningham, Hugh, ‘The Metropolitan Fairs’, in A. P. Donajgrodzki (ed.), Social Control in Nineteenth-century Britain (1977)

Department of the Environment, ‘The Proposed London Docklands Development Corporation’ (memorandum, 1980)

East London Employment Study Group, ‘The East London File’ (GLC pamphlet, 1982)

Eddy, J. P., The Mystery of Peter the Painter (1946)

Farrell, Jerome, ‘The German Community in Nineteenth-century East London’ (Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archive, May 1990)

Fishman, W. J., East End Jewish Radicals (1975)

Fishman, William J., with Nicholas Breach, The Streets of East London (1987)

Gartner, L. P., The Jewish Immigrant in England, 1870–1914 (1960)

Gilbey, Alun, Up the Docks (1974)

Goodman, Jonathan, The Christmas Murders (1985)

Historians’ Group of the Communist Party, The Poplar Story, 1921 (1953)

Hitchman, Janet, They Carried the Sword (1966)

Hobsbawm, Eric, The Age of Revolution (1996)

Holme, Anthea, Housing and Young Families in East London: Report of the Institute of Community Studies (1985)

Holmes, Colin, ed., Immigrants and Minorities in British Society (1978)

Holroyd, J. E., The Gaslight Murders (1960)

House of Commons Expenditure Committee, Environment Subcommittee, Minutes of Evidence, session 1977–8, ‘Redevelopment of Docklands’. Huddleston, Trevor, Naught for Your Comfort (1956)

Jackson, John A., ‘The Irish in East London’, East London Papers, vol. 6, no. 2, December 1963

Keating, P. J., Working-class Stories of the 1890s (1971)

Kray, Charles, Me and My Brothers (1976)

Latham, Robert, ed., The Shorter Pepys (1993)

Law, John, (pseudonym of Margaret Harkness), In Darkest London (1889)

Out of Work (1888)

Lawton, John, 1963. Five Hundred Days: History as Melodrama (1992)

Lees, Lynn Hollen, Exiles of Erin: Irish Migrants in Victorian London (1979)

Leff, Vera, and Blunden, G. H., The Story of Tower Hamlets (1967)

London, Jack, The People of the Abyss (1903)

Lovell, John, ‘The Irish and the London Docker’, Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History (1977)

McDonnell, Kevin, Medieval London Suburbs (1978)

Mackay, J. H., The Anarchists (Boston, 1891)

Massey, Doreen, ‘Docklands: A Microcosm of Broader Social Economic Trends’ (The Docklands Forum, April 1991)

Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor (1851–62)

Merrifield, Ralph, ‘Roman’, in The Archaeology of the London Area: Current Knowledge and Problems (Special Paper No. 1, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, 1976)

Morrison, A., Tales of Mean Streets (1894)

Museum of London, ‘Summaries of Excavations Carried out in Tower Hamlets since 1985’ (no date)

Nott-Bower, Sir William, Fifty-two Years a Policeman (1926)

O’Neill, Gilda, Pull No More Bines: An Oral History of East London Hoppickers (1990)

Palmer, Alan, The East End (1989)

Pankhurst, Sylvia, The Suffragette Movement (1912)

Pimlott, J. A. R., Toynbee Hall: Fifty Years of Social Progress (1935)

Preston, William, The Bitter Cry of Outcast London (1883)

Reaney, G. S., article in Arnold White, The Destitute Alien in Great Britain (1892)

Rose, Millicent, The East End of London (1951)

Rumbelow, D., The Houndsditch Murders and the Siege of Sidney Street (1973)

Samuel, Raphael, East End Underworld, 1887–1947 (1981)

Schama, Simon, Landscape and Memory (1996)

Shadwell, Arthur, ‘The German Colony in London’, National Review (26 February 1896)

Sheldon, Harvey, ‘Excavations at Parnell Road and Appian Road, Old Ford, E3’, reprinted from Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, vol. 23, part 2 (1972)

Sheridan, Michael, ‘Rowton Houses, 1892–1954’ (Rowton Houses Ltd, 1956)

Stedman-Jones, Gareth, Outcast London: A Study in the Relationship between Classes in Victorian Society (1992)

Stow, John, A Survey of London, reprinted from the text of 1603, with introduction and notes by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford (1908, reprinted by Oxford University Press, 1971)

Taylor, Rosemary, Blackwall, The Brunswick and Whitebait Dinners (1991)

Thompson, E. P., The Making of the English Working Class (1979)

Thorne, G., The Great Acceptance: The Life Story of F. N. Charrington (1912)

Thorne, W., My Life’s Battles (1926)

Tillett, B., A Brief History of the Dockers’ Union (1910)

Memoirs and Reflections (1931)

Wensley, F. B., Detective Days (1931)

Williams, A. E., Barnardo of Stepney (1945)

Zangwill, Israel, Children of the Ghetto (1892)

The following newspapers and journals were of particular interest: Bethnal Green News, City of London Post, Co-partnership Herald of the Commercial Gas Company, Daily Graphic, Daily News, Daily Telegraph, East End Life, East End News, East London Advertiser, East London Observer, Evening News, Evening Standard, Financial Times, Gentleman’s Magazine, Guardian, Illustrated Police News, Independent on Sunday, Jewish Chronicle, The Link, Local Municipal Review, London Argus, Morning Star, Municipal Journal, New Statesman, Observer, Pall Mall Gazette, Punch, Reynolds News, The Sphere, The Star (London evening paper, now defunct), Tailor and Cutter, The Times, Women’s Dreadnought.

As to archives, exhibitions, public records, other printed materials, general information, suggestions and referrals to further resources and agencies, the following are useful, though some records can initially be difficult to locate as the notion of what constitutes the East End is constantly changing: Bishopsgate Library, British Library, Commission for Racial Equality, Corporation of London Records Office, Guildhall Library, London Metropolitan Archives, London Museum of Jewish Life, London Research Centre, Museum of London, Newham Local Studies Library, Newspaper Library, Public Record Office, Ragged School Museum, Tower Hamlets Local History Library.