To my mum, Anne, who didn’t see my hyperactive personality as a cause for concern but as a sign of my potential as an elite athlete: thank you for always believing in me and for introducing me to the world of sport. You were always there cheering me on at my sporting carnivals, and you are and always will be my number one fan. I love you.
To my coaches, Sharon and Peter Hannan, for your passion and love for the sport; I have never seen anything like it from any other coach in the world. The persistence and patience you have shown throughout my career is second to none and I can’t thank you enough or be any more grateful for what you’ve done. And thank you, Sharon, for sticking by me through all the emotional rollercoasters we’ve had.
To my manager, Robert Joske, who saw a talent in me and took me on at a young age so that I could turn athletics into a living and make life easier for my mum, who worked two jobs to help me realise my Olympic dream.
To my whole support crew, who have stuck by me for the last fourteen years: physiotherapist Britt Caling, massage therapist Thea Dillon, psychologist Andrea Furst, racing agents Maurie Plant and Brian Roe, physiotherapist Bruce Rawson, sports physician Dr Paul Ohmsen, specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist Dr Kerrie Evans and podiatrist Ashley Mahoney. There are many people who are a part of the Pearson camp, and I trust you all to keep me at my best both physically and mentally. You have never failed me and I appreciate everything you have done.
To Scott Gullan: without him, this book would not be possible. Thanks for helping me put everything into perspective and realise that life is about having fun and staying relaxed.
To General Peter Cosgrove: a big thank you for generously providing the foreword and for launching my first book. I have admired you from the day we first met and I have valued your feedback, friendship and mentorship ever since.
I would also like to thank Hardie Grant Books, especially publisher Pam Brewster, editor Allison Hiew and publicist Monica Svarc. You have worked so hard to make this book a reality; thank you simply isn’t enough.
To my sponsors, who have made my athletics career that much easier. I remember when I signed my first Adidas contract; my life changed for the better, forever. Impossible really is nothing! To AMP, who saw an up-and-coming talent in me that they wanted to help and support. I am grateful and appreciate everything that you have done for me. To everyone who has supported me over the years: Athletics Australia, Queensland Academy of Sport, John Brown and everyone at the Sport and Tourism Youth Foundation, Athletics International, Mitsubishi, Acer, Qantas, Coles and Omega. Without your help, my focus and attention to detail would not be the same.
Last but by no means least, to my three favourite boys in the whole world: Kieran, Oscar and Toby. You don’t understand what you do for me just by being there. To my fur babies, Oscar and Toby, I know you won’t be able to read this but I still want to note that you two, no matter how my day has been, are always waiting to greet me as I walk through the door. You make me smile; you make me frustrated; you make me crazy at times, but you will always have a smile on your faces and that’s all I can ever ask for.
Kieran, my husband, you didn’t ask for a life on the road with an elite athlete; you didn’t ask for the rollercoaster life and for sometimes bearing the brunt of bad training sessions or bad races, but you have stayed for some reason. I thank you and I love you for understanding that most of the time I need to be selfish and look after myself before anyone else. Thank you for taking this ride and dropping everything to be by my side. I love you.