Sofia Martinez is published by Picture Window Books,
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Copyright © 2016 by Picture Window Books
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in Publication Data
Jules, Jacqueline, 1956- author.
My vida loca / by Jacqueline Jules;
illustrated by Kim Smith.
pages cm. -- (Sofia Martinez)
Summary: Sofia’s adventures and disasters continue in this compilation of three previously published books.
ISBN 978-1-4795-8720-9 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-1-4795-8721-6 (ebook pdf)
ISBN 978-1-5158-0213-6 (ebook)
1. Hispanic American children--Juvenile fiction. 2. Hispanic American families--Juvenile fiction. 3. Humorous stories. [1. Hispanic Americans--Fiction. 2. Family life--Fiction. 3. Humorous stories.] I. Smith, Kim, 1986- illustrator. II. Title. III. Series: Jules, Jacqueline, 1956- Sofia Martinez.
PZ7.J92947Myk 2016
[E]--dc 232015025503
Designer: Kay Fraser