Faith Mortimer

Faith Mortimer was born in Manchester and educated in Singapore, Malaya and Hampshire, England. She qualified as a Registered nurse and after some years changed careers to oversee a number of travel and sport related companies. It wasn’t until after Faith completed a Science degree that she considered she had the confidence, stamina and dedication to complete her first novel. She has since published numerous titles.

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Sarah Woodbury

To My Daughter On Her Wedding Day


A new baby girl sleeps

Eyes closed

Exhausted from the day

All her mother can do

Is watch her as she breathes

And lie awake all night

Unable to sleep as her baby does

Knowing only

That life has changed irrevocably

Who could have imagined

That such a creation was possible?

Or imagine

What she would become

A heartbeat later

She smiles shyly

And says

“I think I love him, Mum.”

She is a creature beyond imagining


Fiercely powerful

Jumping with both feet

Into a future only she can see

She is only a step or two ahead

And then she’s running

Not away, but towards another

And wearing white

What advice could I possibly give her?

But here it is:

To love completely

To never hold a grudge

Or give with the expectation of getting

To strive for honesty

The foundation of all virtues

In all your doings

Blessings on you,

And on this special day,

Baby girl.