


WITHIN A FORTNIGHT of General Rothatin’s engagement celebration, the wedding of Queen Desdemona Ravenmoor to Malachi Voran of Mollac took place at Semran Hall. I traveled there, along with my scribes, The Brothers Grimm, Arrian Riverleaf, Princess Phaedra, General Rothatin, and his betrothed, En’im. Despite the loss sustained in the battle for Mollac, we chose to celebrate life that day, as well as the joining of two hearts in love.

Princess Jocylene, physically recovered from her ordeal, was in attendance as well. An air of sadness seems to hang around the poor girl like a cloud, but I have high hopes for our child of the earth. Her happiness can still be secured, and through the Eye of Goldun I have foreseen a joyous end. I can only hope that she will turn away from a path of anger and vengeance, or it could steer her from the path of happiness altogether. As the Fae Queen, I can do no more than attempt to guide her along the path of her destiny and pray to the gods that she will arrive to that happy end.

The journey to Mollac helped heal wounds of the past for me, I must admit. I had not set foot in the realm since Queen Eranna and I had our falling out centuries ago. The soft beauty of the winter wonderland is being restored day by day, as the hard ice begins to melt away, replaced by soft snow, and blossoming winter flowers. As a gesture of goodwill toward the Fae, Queen Desdemona used the heat of her Phoenix fire to melt away the iron encasing the fortress of Semran Hall—ensuring that the Fae can come and go without protective armor, unharmed.

And now, my friend, we look forward to our next mission—the liberation of the realm of Zenun. For too long, Kalodan Longspear has sat upon the throne meant for Princess Phaedra’s brother, Orath—the true king of the underwater kingdom. Queen Xyla remains imprisoned in Eridell Castle, while many of Zenun’s citizens remain under siege—much like the people of Mollac were before Desdemona freed them.

Even now, things are aligning for the fulfillment of Princess Sonia’s destiny. Despite having not yet come into her powers, the younger daughter of Zenun has proven herself to be smart, strong, and intelligent. She alone discovered the way to bring dragons back into the world, coaxing them from eggs that had long lain dormant. I firmly believe that she will more than live up to the example of her sister and the other royal daughters.

I have high expectations for all the wonderful people who fight for Fallada.

I have hope, my friend, even as our High Princess lies in a sleep-like state in Osbel Tower. For what sleeps can always be awakened ... all we must do is determine how it is to be done.

The turning point in our war against evil has been reached, and the rise of the Phoenix has ensured that we have come out the victors. I look forward to overseeing the final battles, and watching our brave princesses fulfil the prophecy. Soon, Fallada will become a land greater than ever before.

I look forward to that day with optimism.

Book 6 of the Lost Kingdom of Fallada Series

Coming 2018!


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