Krapp, 1931 135-58; Krapp, G.P., The Junius Manuscript, ASPR 1 (New York).
þæt wearð underne
þæt meotod hæfde
miht and strengðo
ða he gefestnade
foldan sceatas.
Seolfa he gesette
sunnan and monan,
stanas and eorðan,
stream ut on sæ,
wæter and wolcn,
ðurh his wundra miht.
ymblyt[?] clene ymbhaldeð
meotod on mihtum,
and alne middangeard.
He selfa mæg
sæ geondwlitan,
grundas in
godes agen bearn,
and he ariman mæg
rægnas scuran,
dropena gehwelcne.
Daga enderim
seolua he gesette
þurh his soðan miht.
Swa se wyrhta
þurh his wuldres gast
serede and sette
on six dagum
eorðan dæles,
up on heofonum,
and[?] heanne
Hwa is þæt ðe cunne
orðonc clene
nymðe ece god?
Dreamas he gedelde,
duguðe and geþeode,
Adam ærest,
and þæt æðele cyn,
engla ordfruman,
þæt þe eft forwarð.
ðuhte him on mode
þæt hit mihte swa,
þæt hie weron seolfe
swegles brytan,
wuldres waldend.
Him ðær
wirse[?] gelamp,
ða heo in helle
ham staðeledon,
an æfter oðrum,
in þæt atole scref,
þær heo brynewelme
bidan sceolden
saran sorge,
nales swegles leoht
habban in heofnum
ac gedufan sceolun
in ðone deopan wælm
niðær undęr nessas
in ðone neowlan grund,
gredige and gifre.
God ana wat
hu he þæt scyldige werud
forscrifen hęfde!
Cleopað[?] ðonne se alda
ut of helle,
wriceð wordcwedas
weregan reorde,
eisegan stefne:
"Hwær com engla ðrym,
þe[?] we on heofnum
habban sceoldan?
þis is ðeostræ ham,
ðearle gebunden
fæstum fyrclommum;
flor is on welme
attre onæled.
Nis nu ende feor
þæt we sceolun ætsomne
susel þrowian,
wean and
wuldres[?] blæd
habban in heofnum,
hehselda wyn.
Hwæt, we for dryhtene iu
dreamas hefdon,
song on swegle
selrum tidum,
þær nu ymb ðone æcan
æðele stondað,
heleð ymb hehseld,
herigað drihten
wordum[?] and wercum,
and ic in wite sceal
bidan in bendum,
and me bættran ham
for oferhygdum
æfre ne wene."
ða him andsweradan
atole gastas,
swarte and synfulle,
"þu us gelærdæst
ðurh lyge ðinne
þæt we helende
heran ne scealdon.
ðuhte þe anum
þæt ðu ahtest alles gewald,
heofnes and eorþan,
wære halig god,
scypend seolfa.
Nu earttu
sceaðana[?] sum,
in fyrlocan
feste gebunden.
Wendes ðu ðurh wuldor
ðæt þu woruld ahtest,
alra onwald,
and we englas mid ðec.
Atol is þin onseon!
Habbað we alle swa
for ðinum leasungum
lyðre gefered.
Segdest us to soðe
þæt ðin sunu wære
meotod moncynnes;
hafustu nu mare susel!"
Swa firenfulle
facnum wordum
heora aldorðægn
on[?] reordadon,
on cearum cwidum.
Crist heo afirde,
dreamum bedelde.
Hæfdan dryhtnes liht
for oferhygdum
ufan forleton,
hæfdon hym to hyhte
helle floras,
beornende bealo.
Blace hworfon
scinnan forscepene,
earme æglecan,
geond þæt atole scref,
for ðam anmedlan
þe hie ær drugon.
feonda aldor.
Wæs þa
forht[?] agen,
seoððan he ðes wites
worn gefelde.
ðonne he spreocan ongan
fyre and atre;
ne bið swelc fæger dream
ðonne he in witum
wordum[?] indraf:
"Ic wæs iu in heofnum
halig ængel,
dryhtene deore;
hefde me dream mid gode,
micelne for meotode,
and ðeos menego swa some.
þa ic in mode
minum hogade
þæt ic wolde towerpan
wuldres[?] leoman,
bearn helendes,
agan me burga gewald
eall to æhte,
and ðeos earme heap
þe ic hebbe to helle
ham geledde.
Wene þæt tacen sutol
þa[?] ic aseald wes
on[?] wærgðu,
niðer under nessas
in ðone neowlan grund.
Nu ic eow hebbe to hæftum
alle of earde.
Nis her eadiges tir,
wloncra winsele,
ne worulde dream,
ne ængla ðreat,
ne we upheofon
agan moten.
Is ðes atola ham
fyre onæled.
Ic eom fah wið god.
æce æt helle duru
dracan eardigað,
hate on reðre;
heo us helpan ne magon.
Is ðæs walica ham
wites afylled;
nagan we ðæs heolstres
þæt we us gehydan mægon
in ðissum neowlan genipe.
Hær is nedran swæg,
wyrmas gewunade.
Is ðis wites clom
feste gebunden.
Feond seondon reðe,
dimme and deorce.
Ne her dæg lyhteð
for scedes sciman,
sceppendes leoht.
Iu[?] ahte ic gewald
ealles wuldres,
ær[?] ic moste in ðeossum atolan
æðele gebidan
hwæt me drihten god
deman wille,
fagum on flora.
Nu ic feran com
deofla menego
to ðissum dimman ham.
Ac ic sceal on flyge
and on flyhte ðragum
earda neosan,
and eower ma,
þe ðes oferhydes
ord onstaldon.
Ne ðurfon we ðes wenan,
þæt us wuldorcyning
æfre wille
eard alefan,
æðel to æhte,
swa he ær dyde,
ecne onwald;
ah him alles gewald,
wuldres and wita,
waldendes sunu.
Forðon ic sceal hean and earm
hweorfan ðy widor,
wadan wræclastas,
wuldre benemed,
duguðum bedeled,
nænigne dream agan
uppe mid ænglum,
þes ðe ic ær gecwæð
þæt ic wære seolfa
swægles brytta,
wihta[?] wealdend.
Ac hit
me[?] wyrse gelomp!"
Swa se werega gast
wordum sæde
his earfoðo
ealle ætsomne,
fah in fyrnum,
(fyrleoma stod
geond þæt atole scræf
attre geblonden):
"Ic eom limwæstmum
þæt ic gelutian ne mæg
on þyssum sidan sele,
synnum forwundod.
Hwæt, her hat and ceald
hwilum mencgað;
hwilum ic gehere
gnornende cynn,
grundas mænan,
niðer under næssum;
hwilum nacode men
winnað ymb wyrmas.
Is þes windiga sele
eall inneweard
atole gefylled.
Ne mot ic hihtlicran
hames brucan,
burga ne bolda,
ne on þa beorhtan gescæft
ne mot ic æfre ma
eagum starian.
Is me nu wyrsa
þæt ic wuldres leoht
uppe mid englum
æfre cuðe,
song on swegle,
þær sunu meotodes
eadige[?] bearn
ealle ymbfangen
seolfa mid sange.
Ne ic þam sawlum ne mot
butan þam anum
þe he
agan[?] nyle;
þa ic mot to hæftum
ham geferian,
bringan to bolde
in þone biteran grund.
þonne þe we iu in heofonum
hæfdon ærror
wlite and weorðmynt.
Ful oft wuldres
brohton to bearme
bearn hælendes,
þær we ymb hine utan
ealle hofan,
leomu ymb leofne,
lofsonga word,
drihtne sædon.
Nu ic eom dædum fah,
gewundod mid wommum;
sceal nu þysne wites clom
beoran beornende
in bæce minum,
hat on helle,
hyhtwillan leas."
þa gyt feola cwiðde
atol æglæca,
ut of helle,
witum werig.
Word spearcum fleah
attre gelicost,
þonne he ut þorhdraf:
"Eala drihtenes þrym!
Eala duguða helm!
Eala meotodes miht!
Eala middaneard!
Eala dæg leohta!
Eala dream godes!
Eala engla þreat!
Eala upheofen!
Eala þæt ic eam ealles leas
ecan dreames,
þæt ic mid handum ne mæg
heofon geræcan,
ne mid eagum ne mot
up locian,
ne huru mid earum ne sceal
æfre geheran
þære byrhtestan
beman stefne!
ðæs ic wolde of selde
sunu meotodes,
drihten adrifan,
and agan me þæs dreames gewald,
wuldres and wynne,
me þær wyrse gelamp
þonne ic to hihte
agan moste.
Nu ic eom asceaden
fram þære sciran driht,
alæded fram leohte
in þone laðan ham.
Ne mæg ic þæt gehicgan
hu ic in ðæm becwom,
in þis neowle genip,
niðsynnum[?] fah,
aworpen of worulde.
Wat ic nu þa
þæt bið alles leas
ęcan dreamas
se ðe heofencyninge
heran ne þenceð,
meotode cweman.
Ic þæt
morðer[?] sceal,
wean and witu
and wrace dreogan,
goda bedæled,
iudædum fah,
þæs ðe ic geþohte adrifan
drihten of selde,
weoroda waldend;
sceal nu wreclastas
settan sorhgcearig,
siðas[?] wide."
Hwearf þa to helle
þa he gehened wæs,
godes andsaca;
dydon his gingran swa,
gifre and grædige,
þa hig god bedraf
in þæt hate hof
þam is hel nama.
Forþan sceal gehycgan
hæleða æghwylc
þæt he ne abælige
bearn waldendes.
Læte him to bysne
hu þa blacan feond
for oferhygdum
ealle forwurdon.
Neoman us to wynne
weoroda drihten,
uppe[?] ecne gefean,
engla waldend.
He þæt gecydde
þæt he mægencræft hæfde,
mihta miccle,
þa he þa mænego adraf,
hæftas of ðæm hean selde.
Gemunan we þone halgan drihten,
ecne in wuldre
mid alra gescefta
ceosan us eard in wuldre
mid ealra cyninga cyninge,
beoran on breostum
bliðe geþohtas,
sibbe and snytero;
gemunan soð and riht,
þonne we to hehselde
hnigan þencað,
and þone anwaldan
ara biddan.
þonne behofað
se ðe her wunað
weorulde wynnum
þæt him wlite scine
þonne he oðer lif
eft geseceð,
fægere[?] land
þonne þeos folde seo;
is þær wlitig and wynsum,
wæstmas scinað,
beorhte ofer burgum.
þær is brade lond,
hyhtlicra ham
in heofonrice,
Criste gecwemra.
Uta cerran þider
þær he sylfa sit,
sigora waldend,
drihten hælend,
in ðæm deoran ham,
and ymb þæt hehsetl
hwite standað
engla feðan
halige heofenþreatas
herigað drihten
wordum and weorcum.
Heora wlite scineð
geond ealra worulda woruld
mid wuldorcyninge.
ða get ic furðor gefregen
feond[?] ondetan;
wæs him eall ful strang wom and witu;
hæfdon wuldorcyning
for oferhigdum
cwædon eft hraðe
oðre worde:
"Nu is gesene
þæt we syngodon
uppe on earde.
Sceolon nu æfre þæs
dreogan domlease gewinn
drihtnes mihtum.
Hwæt, we in wuldres wlite
wunian moston
þær we halgan gode
heran woldon,
and him sang ymb seld
secgan sceoldon
þa we þær wæron,
wunodon on wynnum,
geherdon wuldres sweg,
beman stefne.
Byrhtword aras
engla ordfruma,
and to þæm æþelan
hnigan him sanctas;
sigetorht aras
ece drihten,
ofer us gestod
and gebletsode
bilewitne heap
dogra gehwilcne,
and his se deora sunu,
gasta scyppend.
God seolfa wæs
eallum andfeng
þe ðær up becom,
and hine on eorðan
ær gelefde.
þa ðæs ofþuhte
þæt se þeoden wæs
strang and stiðmod.
Ongan ic þa steppan forð
ana wið englum,
and to him eallum spræc:
'Ic can eow læran
langsumne ræd,
gif ge willað minre
mihte gelefan.
Uta oferhycgan
helm þone micclan,
weroda waldend,
agan us þis wuldres leoht,
eall to æhte.
þis is idel gylp
þæt we ær drugon
ealle hwile.'
ða gewearð usic
þæt we woldon swa
drihten adrifan
of þam deoran ham,
cyning of cestre.
Cuð is wide
þæt wreclastas
wunian moton,
grimme grundas.
God seolfa him
rice haldeð.
He is ana cyning,
þe us eorre gewearð,
ece drihten,
meotod mihtum
Sceal nu þeos menego her
licgan on leahtrum,
sume on lyft scacan,
fleogan ofer foldan;
fyr bið ymbutan
on æghwylcum,
þæh he uppe seo.
Ne mot he þam sawlum
þe ðær secað up,
eadige of eorþan
æfre gehrinan,
ah ic be hondum mot
gripan to grunde,
godes andsacan.
Sume sceolon hweorfan
geond hæleða land
and unsibbe
oft onstyrian
monna mægðum
geond middaneard.
Ic her geþolian sceal
þinga æghwylces,
niðæs[?] beala gnornian,
sic and sorhful,
þæs ic seolfa weold,
þonne ic on heofonum
ham staðelode,
hwæðer us se eca
æfre wille
on heofona rice
ham alefan,
eðel[?] to æhte,
swa he ær dyde."
Swa gnornedon
godes andsacan,
hate on helle.
Him wæs hælend god
wrað geworden
for womcwidum.
Forþon mæg gehycgan,
se ðe his heorte deah,
þæt he him afirre
frecne geþohtas,
laðe leahtras,
lifigendra gehwylc.
Gemunan symle on mode
meotodes strengðo;
gearwian us togenes
grene stræte
up to englum,
þær is se ælmihtiga god.
And us befæðman wile
freobearn godes,
gif we þæt on eorðan
ær geþencað,
and us to þam halgan
helpe gelefað.
þonne he us no forlæteð,
ah lif syleð
uppe mid englum,
eadigne dream.
Tæceð us se torhta
trumlicne ham,
beorhte burhweallas.
Beorhte scinað
gesælige sawle,
sorgum bedælde,
þær heo æfre forð
wunian moten
cestre and cynestol.
Uton cyþan þæt!
Deman we on eorðan,
ærror lifigend,
onlucan mid listum
locen waldendes,
ongeotan gastlice!
Us ongean cumað
þusend engla,
gif þider moton,
and þæt on eorðan
ær gewyrcað.
Forþon se bið eadig
se ðe æfre wile
man oferhycgen,
meotode cweman,
synne adwæscan.
Swa he sylfa cwæð:
"Soðfæste men,
sunnan gelice,
fægre gefrætewod
in heora fæder rice
scinað in sceldbyrig."
þær heo sceppend seolf
friðe[?] befæðmeð,
fæder mancynnes,
ahefeð holdlice
in heofones leoht,
þær heo mid wuldorcyninge
wunian moton
agan dreama dream
mid drihtne gode,
a to worulde
a buton ende.
Eala hwæt! Se awyrgda
wraðe geþohte
þæt he heofencyninge
heran ne wolde,
fæder frefergendum.
Flor attre weol,
hat under hæftum;
hreopan[?] deofla,
wide geond windsele
wean[?] cwanedon,
man and morður.
seo[?] menego þær
swylce onæled;
wæs þæt eall full strong,
þonne wæs heora aldor,
þe ðær ærest com
forð on feþan,
fæste gebunden
fyre and lige.
þæt wæs fæstlic þreat;
ec sceoldon his þegnas
þær gewunian
atolan eðles,
nalles up þanon
geheran in heofonum
haligne dream,
þær heo oft fægerne
folgað hæfdon
uppe mid englum.
Wæron þa alles þæs
goda lease,
ah nymþe gryndes
ne[?] moten
and þone werigan sele
þær is wom and wop
wide gehered,
gristbitungc[?] and
gnornungc[?] mecga.
he[?] to hyhte
nymþe cyle and fyr,
wean and witu
and wyrma þreat,
dracan and næddran
and þone dimman ham.
Forðon mihte geheran,
se ðe æt hylle wæs
twelf milum neh,
þæt ðær wæs toða geheaw,
hlude and geomre.
Godes andsacan
hweorfan geond helle
hate onæled
ufan and utan
(him wæs æghwær wa),
witum werige,
wuldres bescyrede,
dreamum bedælde.
Heofon deop gehygd,
þa heo on heofonum
ham staðelodon,
þæt hie woldon benæman
nergendne Crist
rodera rices,
ah he on riht geheold
hired heofona
and þæt halige seld.
Nis nænig swa snotor
ne swa cræftig,
ne þæs swa gleaw,
nymþe god seolfa,
þæt asecgan mæge
swegles leoman,
scima[?] þær
scineð ymbutan
meotodes mihte,
geond þæt mære cynn,
þær habbað englas
eadigne dream,
sanctas singað
(þæt is se seolfa) for god.
þonne beoð þa eadigan
þe of eorðan cumað,
bringað to bearme
blostman stences,
wyrte wynsume
(þæt synd word godes),
þonne hie befæðmeð
fæder mancynnes,
and hie gesegnað
mid his swiðran hond,
lædeð[?] to lihte,
þær hi lif agon
byrhtne burhstyde.
Blæd bið æghwæm
þæm ðe hælende
heran þenceð,
and wel is þam
ðe þæt
wyrcan[?] mot.
Wæs þæt encgelcyn
ær genemned,
Lucifer haten,
on geardagum
in godes rice.
þa he in wuldre
wrohte onstalde
þæt he oferhyda
agan wolde.
þa[?] Satanus
swearte geþohte
þæt he wolde on heofonum
hehseld wyrcan
uppe mid þam ecan.
þæt wæs ealdor heora,
Him þæt eft gehreaw,
þa he to helle
hnigan sceolde,
and his hired mid hine,
hynðo[?] geglidan,
nergendes nið,
and no seoððan
þæt hi mosten in þone ecan
buton ende.
þa him egsa becom,
dyne for deman,
þa he duru in helle
bræc and begde.
Blis wearð monnum
þa hi hælendes
heafod gesawon.
þonne wæs þam atolan
þe we ær nemdon
þa wæron mid egsan
ealle afyrhte,
wide geond windsele
wordum mændon:
"þis is stronglic,
nu þes storm becom,
þegen mid þreate,
þeoden engla.
Him beforan fereð
fægere leoht
þonne we æfre ær
eagum gesawon,
buton þa we mid englum
uppe wæron.
Wile nu ure witu
þurh his wuldres cræft
eall toweorpan.
Nu ðes egsa com,
dyne for drihtne,
sceal þes dreorga heap
Hit is se seolfa
sunu waldendes,
engla drihten.
Wile uppe heonan
sawla lædan,
and we seoððan a
þæs yrreweorces
henðo geþoliað."
Hwearf þa to helle
hæleða bearnum,
meotod þurh mihte;
wolde manna rim,
fela þusenda,
forð gelædan
up to eðle.
þa com engla sweg,
dyne on dægred;
hæfde drihten seolf
feond oferfohten.
Wæs seo fæhðe þa gyt
open on uhtan,
þa se egsa becom.
Let þa up faran
eadige sawle,
Adames cyn,
ac[?] ne moste Efe þa gyt
wlitan in wuldre
ær heo wordum cwæð:
"Ic þe æne abealh,
ece drihten,
þa wit Adam twa
eaples þigdon
þurh næddran nið,
swa wit na ne sceoldon.
Gelærde unc se atola,
se ðe æfre nu
beorneð on bendum,
þæt wit blæd ahton,
haligne ham,
heofon to gewalde.
þa wit ðæs awærgdan
wordum gelyfdon,
namon mid handum
on þam halgan treo
beorhte blæda;
unc þæs bitere forgeald
þa wit in þis hate scræf
hweorfan sceoldon,
and wintra rim
wunian seoððan,
þusenda feolo,
þearle onæled.
Nu ic þe halsige,
heofenrices weard,
for þan hirede
þe ðu hider læddest,
engla þreatas,
þæt ic up heonon
mæge and mote
mid minre mægðe.
And ymb þreo niht com
þegen hælendes
ham to helle;
is nu hæftum strong,
witum werig,
swylce him wuldorcyning
for onmædlan
eorre geworden.
Segdest us to soðe
þætte seolfa god
wolde helwarum
ham gelihtan.
Aras þa anra gehwylc,
and wið earm gesæt,
hleonade wið handa.
þeah hylle gryre
egeslic þuhte,
wæron ealle þæs
fægen in firnum
wolde him to helpe
helle gesecan."
Ræhte þa mid handum
to heofencyninge,
bæd meotod miltse
þurh Marian had:
"Hwæt, þu fram
minre[?] dohtor,
drihten, onwoce
in middangeard
mannum to helpe.
Nu is gesene
þæt ðu eart sylfa god
and ece ordfruma
ealra gesceafta."
Let þa up faran
ece drihten;
wuldre hæfde
wites clomma
feondum oðfæsted,
and heo furðor sceaf
in þæt neowle genip,
nearwe gebeged,
þær nu Satanus
swearte þingað,
earm aglæca,
and þa atolan mid him,
witum werige.
Nalles wuldres leoht
habban moton,
ah in helle grund,
ne hi edcerres
æfre moton
wenan seoððan.
Him wæs drihten god
wrað geworden,
sealde him wites clom,
atole to æhte,
and egsan gryre,
dimne[?] and deorcne
deaðes scuwan,
hatne helle grund,
þæt, la, wæs fæger,
þæt se feða com
up to earde,
and se eca mid him,
meotod mancynnes
in þa mæran burh!
Hofon hine mid him
handum halige
witigan up to eðle,
Abrahames cynn.
Hæfde þa drihten seolf
deað oferwunnen,
feond geflemed;
þæt in fyrndagum
witegan sædon
þæt he
swa[?] wolde.
þis wæs on uhtan
eall geworden,
ær dægrede,
þæt se dyne becom,
hlud of heofonum,
þa he helle duru
forbræc and forbegde;
ban weornodon
þa hie swa leohtne
leoman gesawon.
Gesæt þa mid þære fyrde
frumbearn godes,
sæde soðcwidum:
"Snotre gastas,
ic eow þurh mine
mihte geworhte,
Adam ærest
and þæt æðele wif.
þa hie begeton
on godes willan
feowertig bearna,
þæt forð þonon
on[?] middangeard
menio onwocon,
and wintra feola
wunian moston,
eorlas on eðle,
oððæt eft gelamp
hie[?] afyrde[?] eft
feond in firenum;
Ic on neorxnawonge
niwe asette
treow mid telgum,
þæt ða tanas up
æpla bæron,
and git æton þa
beorhtan blæda,
swa inc se balewa het,
handþegen helle.
Hæfdon forþon hatne grund,
þæs git ofergymdon
hælendes word,
æten þa egsan.
Wæs se atola beforan,
se inc bam forgeaf
balewe geþohtas.
þa me gereaw
þæt min handgeweorc
þæs[?] carcernes
clom ðrowade.
Næs ða monna gemet,
ne mægen engla,
ne witegena weorc,
ne wera snytero,
þæt eow mihte helpan,
nimðe hælend god,
se þæt wite ær
to wrece gesette.
Ferde to foldan
þurh fæmnan had
ufan from eðle,
and on eorþan gebad
fela[?] and[?] teonan micelne.
Me seredon ymb
secgas monige
dæges and nihtes,
hu heo me deaðes cwealm,
hrefnan mihten.
þa wæs þæs mæles
mearc agangen
þæt on worulde wæs
wintra gerimes
þreo and þritig geara
ær ic þrowode.
Gemunde ic ðæs mænego
on[?] þam[?] minnan ham
lange þæs ðe ic of hæftum
ham gelædde
up to earde,
þæt heo agan
drihtnes domas
and duguðe þrym;
wuniað in wynnum,
habbað wuldres blæd
Ic eow þingade
þa me on beame
beornas sticedon,
garum on galgum.
Heow se giunga þær,
and ic eft up becom
ece dreamas
Swa wuldres weard
wordum sæde,
meotod moncynnes
ær on morgen
þæs þe drihten god
of deaðe aras.
Næs nan þæs stronglic
stan[?] gefæstnod,
þeah he wære mid irne
eall ymbfangen,
þæt mihte þam miclan
mægne wiðhabban,
ah he ut eode,
engla drihten,
on þæm fæstenne,
and gefatian het
englas eallbeorhte
andleofan gingran,
and[?] huru secgan het
Simon Petre
þæt he moste in Galileam
god sceawian,
ecne and trumne,
swa he ær dyde.
þa ic gongan gefregn
gingran ætsomne
ealle to Galileam;
hæfdon gastes bled,
ongeton[?] haligne
godes sunu
swa heo gesegon
hwær sunu meotodes
þa[?] on upp
ece drihten,
god in Galileam.
To ðæs gingran þider
ealle urnon,
þær se eca wæs.
Feollon on foldan,
and to fotum hnigon;
þanceden þeodne
þæt hit þus gelomp
þæt hi sceawodon
scyppend engla.
þa sona spræc
Simon Petrus:
"Eart þu þis, drihten,
dome gewurðad?
We ðe gesawon
æt sumum cyrre,
þec gelegdon
on laðne bend
hæþene[?] mid hondum;
him þæt gehreowan mæg
þonne heo endestæf
eft gesceawiað."
Sume hie ne mihton
mode[?] oncnawan
þæt wæs se deora
(Didimus wæs haten)
ær he mid hondum
hælend genom
sylfne be sidan
þær he his swat forlet;
feollon to foldan
fulwihtes bæðe.
Fæger wæs þæt ongin
þæt freodrihten
He on beame astah
and his blod ageat,
god on galgan,
þurh his gastes mægen.
Forþon men sceolon
mæla gehwylce
secgan drihtne þanc
dædum and weorcum,
þæs ðe he us of hæftum
ham gelædde
up to eðle,
þær we agan
and we in wynnum
wunian moton.
torht ontyned,
þam ðe teala þenceð.
þa wæs on eorðan
ece drihten
feowertig daga
folgad folcum,
ær he in þa mæran gesceaft,
burhleoda fruma,
bringan wolde
haligne gast
to heofonrice.
Astah up on heofonum
engla scyppend,
weoroda waldend.
þa com wolcna sweg,
halig of heofonum.
Mid wæs hond godes,
onfeng freodrihten,
and hine forð lædde
to þam halgan ham
heofna ealdor.
Him ymbflugon
engla þreatas
þa hit þus gelomp,
þa gyt nergende Crist
gecwæð[?] þæt he þæs
tene[?] niht
twelf apostolas
mid his gastes gife,
gingran geswiðde.
Hæfde þa gesette
sawla unrim
god lifigende.
þa wæs Iudas of,
se ðe ær on tifre
torhtne gesalde,
drihten hælend;
him seo dæd ne geþeah,
þæs he bebohte
bearn wealdendes
on seolfres sinc;
him þæt swearte forgeald
Siteð nu on þa swiðran hond
sunu his fæderes;
dæleð dogra gehwæm
drihten weoroda
help and hælo
hæleþa bearnum
geond middangeard.
þæt is monegum cuð
þæt he ana is
ealra gescefta
wyrhta and waldend
þurh his wuldres cræft.
Siteð him on heofnum
halig encgel,
waldend mid witegum.
Hafað wuldres bearn
his seolfes seld
Leaðað us þider to leohte
þurh his læcedom,
þær we moton seolfe
sittan mid drihtne,
uppe mid englum,
habban þæt ilce leoht,
þær his hired nu
halig eardað,
wunað in wynnum,
þær is wuldres bled
torht ontyned.
teala[?] hycgan
þæt we hælende
heran georne,
Criste cweman.
þær is cuðre lif
þonne we on eorðan mægen
æfre gestreonan.
Hafað nu geþingod to us
þeoden mæra,
on domdæge
drihten seolfa.
Hateð hehenglas
hluddre stefne
beman blawan
ofer burga geseotu
þonne of þisse moldan
men onwecnað;
deade of duste arisað
þurh drihtnes miht.
þæt bið daga lengust,
dinna[?] mæst
hlud gehered,
þonne hælend cymeð,
waldend mid wolcnum
in þas woruld færeð.
Wile þonne
gesceadan[?] wlitige and unclæne
on twa healfe,
tile and yfle.
Him þa soðfæstan
on þa swiðran hond
mid rodera weard
reste gestigað.
þonne beoð bliðe
þa in burh moton
and heo gesenað
mid his swiðran hond
cynincg alwihta,
cleopað ofer ealle:
"Ge sind wilcuman!
Gað in wuldres leoht
to heofona rice,
þær ge habbað
þonne stondað þa forworhtan,
þa ðe firnedon;
beoð beofigende
hwonne him bearn godes
deman wille
þurh his dæda sped.
Wenað þæt heo moten
to þære mæran byrig
up to englum
swa oðre dydon,
ece drihten,
ofer ealle gecwæð:
"Astigað nu, awyrgde,
in þæt witehus
ofostum miclum.
Nu ic eow ne con."
Sona æfter þæm wordum
werige gastas,
helle hæftas,
hwyrftum scriþað
and þider
in þæt sceaðena scræf,
scufað to grunde
in þæt nearwe nið,
and no seoððan
þæt hie up þonan
æfre moton,
ah þær geþolian sceolon
earmlic wite,
clom and carcern,
and þone caldan grund
deopne adreogan
and deofles spellunge,
hu hie him on edwit
oft asettað
swarte suslbonan,
fæhðe and
þær ðe hie
ecne anwaldan,
oft forgeaton,
þone þe hie him to hihte
habban sceoldon.
Uton, la, geþencan
geond þas worulde,
þæt we hælende
heran onginnen!
Georne þurh godes gife
gemunan gastes bled,
hu eadige þær
uppe sittað
selfe mid swegle,
sunu[?] hælendes!
þær is geat gylden
gimmum gefrætewod,
wynnum bewunden,
þæm þe in wuldres leoht
gongan moten
to godes rice,
and ymb þa weallas
wlitige scinað
engla gastas
and eadige sawla,
þær martiras
meotode cwemað,
and herigað hehfæder
halgum stefnum,
cyning in cestre.
Cweþað ealle þus:
"þu eart hæleða helm
engla ordfruma,
and eorðan tudor
up[?] gelæddest[?] to þissum eadigan ham."
Swa wuldres weard
wordum herigað
þegnas ymb þeoden,
þær is þrym micel,
sang æt selde,
is sylf cyning,
ealra aldor,
in ðære ecan gesceft.
þæt is se drihten,
seðe deað for us
Swylce he fæste
feowertig daga,
metod mancynnes,
þurh his mildsa sped.
þa gewearð þone weregan,
þe ær aworpen wæs
of heofonum
þæt he in helle gedeaf,
þa costode
cyning alwihta.
Brohte him to bearme
brade stanas,
bæd him for hungre
hlafas wyrcan–
"gif þu swa micle
mihte hæbbe."
þa him andswarode
ece drihten:
"Wendest þu, awyrgda,
þæt awriten nære,
ac geseted hafast,
sigores agend,
lifigendum liht,
lean butan ende,
on heofenrice,
halige dreamas."
atol þurh edwit,
and on esle ahof,
herm bealowes gast,
and on beorh astah,
asette on dune
drihten hælend:
"Loca nu ful wide
ofer londbuende.
Ic þe geselle
on[?] þines
seolfes[?] dom[?]685
folc and foldan.
Foh hider to me
burh and breotone
bold to gewealde,
rodora rices,
gif þu seo riht cyning
engla and monna,
swa ðu ær myntest."
þa him andswarode
ece drihten:
"Gewit þu, awyrgda,
in þæt witescræf,
Satanus seolf;
þe is susl weotod
gearo togegnes,
nalles godes rice.
Ah ic þe hate
þurh þa hehstan miht
þæt ðu hellwarum
hyht ne abeode,
ah þu him secgan miht
sorga mæste,
þæt ðu gemettes
meotod alwihta,
cyning moncynnes.
Cer ðe on bæcling!
Wite þu eac, awyrgda,
hu wid and sid
helheoðo dreorig,
and mid hondum amet.
Grip wið þæs grundes;
gang þonne swa
oððæt þu þone ymbhwyrft
alne cunne,
and ærest amet
ufan to grunde,
and hu sid
seo[?] se swarta eðm.
Wast þu þonne þe geornor
þæt þu wið god wunne,
seoððan þu þonne hafast
handum ametene
hu heh and deop
hell inneweard seo,
grim græfhus.
Gong ricene to,
ær twa seondon
tida agongene,
þæt ðu merced hus
ameten hæbbe."
þa þam werigan wearð
wracu getenge.
Satan seolua ran
and on susle gefeol,
earm æglęce.
Hwilum mid folmum mæt
wean and witu.
Hwilum se wonna læg
læhte wið þes laþan.
Hwilum he licgan geseah
hæftas in hylle.
Hwilum hream astag,
ðonne he on þone atolan
eagum gesawun.
Hæfdon gewunnon
godes andsacan
blac bealowes gast,
þæt he on botme stod.
þa him þuhte
þæt þanon wære
to helleduru
hund þusenda
mila gemearcodes,
swa hine se mihtiga het
þæt þurh
sinne[?] cræft
susle amæte.
ða[?] he gemunde
þæt he on grunde stod.
Locade leas wiht
geond þæt laðe scræf,
atol mid egum,
oððæt egsan gryre
deofla mænego
þonne up astag.
Wordum in witum
þa[?] werigan gastas
"La, þus beo nu on yfele!
Noldæs ær teala!"
[Finit Liber II. Amen].