Dobbie, 1942 22-4; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
Her geendode
eorðan dreamas
Eadgar, Engla cyning,
ceas him oðer leoht,
wlitig and wynsum,
and þis wace forlet,
lif þis læne.
Nemnað leoda bearn,
men on moldan,
þæne monað gehwær
in ðisse eðeltyrf,
þa þe ær wæran
on rimcræfte
rihte getogene,
Iulius monoð,
þær[?] se geonga gewat
on þone eahteðan dæg
Eadgar of life,
beorna beahgyfa.
Feng his bearn syððan
to cynerice,
cild unweaxen,
eorla ealdor,
þam wæs Eadweard nama.
And him tirfæst hæleð
tyn nihtum ær
of Brytene gewat,
bisceop se goda,
þurh gecyndne cræft,
ðam wæs Cyneweard nama.
ða wæs on Myrceon,
mine gefræge,
wide and welhwær
waldendes lof
afylled on foldan.
Fela wearð todræfed
gleawra godes ðeowa;
þæt wæs gnornung micel
þam þe on breostum wæg
byrnende lufan
metodes on mode.
þa wæs mærða fruma
to swiðe forsewen,
sigora waldend,
rodera rædend,
þa man his riht tobræc.
And þa wearð eac adræfed
deormod hæleð,
Oslac, of earde
ofer yða gewealc,
ofer ganotes bæð,
gamolfeax hæleð,
wis and wordsnotor,
ofer wætera geðring,
ofer hwæles eðel,
hama bereafod.
And þa wearð ætywed
uppe on roderum
steorra on staðole,
þone stiðferhþe,
hæleð higegleawe,
hatað wide
cometa be naman,
cræftgleawe men,
Wæs geond werðeode
waldendes wracu
wide gefrege,
hungor ofer hrusan;
þæt eft heofona weard
gebette, brego engla,
geaf eft blisse gehwæm
þurh eorðan westm.