The Gloria I

Dobbie, 1942 74-7; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
Sy þe wuldor and lof      wide geopenod
geond ealle þeoda,      þanc and wylla,
mægen and mildse      and ealles modes lufu,
soðfæstra sib,      and ðines sylfes dom
worulde gewlitegod,      swa ðu wealdan miht
eall eorðan mægen      and uplyfte,
wind and wolcna.      Wealdest eall on riht.
[Patri et filio et spiritui sancto.]
þu eart frofra fæder      and feorhhyrde,
lifes latteow,      leohtes wealdend,
asyndrod fram synnum,      swa ðin sunu mære
þurh clæne gecynd,      cyning ofer ealle,
beald gebletsod,      boca lareow,
heah higefrofer[?]      and halig gast.
[Sicut erat in principio.]
Swa wæs on fruman      frea mancynnes
ealre worulde      wlite and frofer[?],
clæne and cræftig.      þu gecyddest þæt
þa ðu, ece god,      ana gewrohtest
þurh halige miht      heofonas and eorðan,
eardas and uplyft      and ealle þing.
þu settest on foldan      swyðe feala cynna
and tosyndrodost hig      syððon on mænego;
þu gewrohtest, ece god,      ealle gesceafta
on syx dagum,      and on þone seofoðan þu gerestest.
þa wæs geforðad      þin fægere weorc,
and ðu sunnandæg      sylf halgodest
and gemærsodest hine      manegum to helpe.
þone heahan dæg      healdað and freoðiaþ
ealle þa ðe cunnon      cristene þeawas,
halige[?] heortlufan      and ðæs hehstan gebod;
on drihtnes namon      se dæg is gewurðod.
[Et nunc et semper.]
And nu and symble      þine soðan weorc
and ðin mycele miht      manegum swytelað,
swa þine cræftas heo      cyðaþ wide
ofer ealle woruld;      ece standeþ
godes handgeweorc,      groweð swa ðu hete.
Ealle þe heriað      halige dreamas
clænre stefne      and cristene bec,
eall middaneard,      and we men cweþað
on grunde her:      "Gode lof and ðanc,
ece willa,      and ðin agen dom!"
[Et in secula seculorum.]
And on worulda woruld      wunað and rixað
cyning innan wuldre      and his þa gecorenan,
heahþrymnesse      haliges gastes,
wlitige englas      and wuldorgyfe,
soðe sibbe,      sawla þancung,
modes miltse.      þær is seo mæste lufu;
haligdomes      heofonas syndon
þurh þine ecan word[?]      æghwær fulle,
swa syndon þine mihta      ofer middangeard
swutele and gesyne,      þæt ðu hy sylf worhtest.
We þæt soðlice      secgað ealle:
þurh clæne gecynd      þu eart cyning on riht,
clæne and cræftig.      þu gecyddest þæt
þa ðu, mihtig god,      man geworhtest
and him on dydest      oruð and sawul,
sealdest word and gewitt      and wæstma gecynd,
cyddest þine cræftas.      Swylc is Cristes miht!