The Partridge

Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 174; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
Hyrde ic secgan gen      bi sumum fugle
þæt word þe gecwæð      wuldres ealdor:
"In swa hwylce tiid      swa ge mid treowe to me
on hyge hweorfað,      ond ge hellfirena
sweartra geswicað,      swa ic symle to eow
mid siblufan      sona gecyrre
þurh milde mod.      Ge beoð me siþþan
torhte tireadge      talade ond rimde,
beorhte gebroþor      on bearna stæl."
Uton we þy geornor      gode oliccan,
firene feogan,      friþes earnian,
duguðe to dryhtne,      þenden us dæg scine,
þæt swa æþelne      eardwica cyst
in wuldres wlite      wunian motan.