Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 235; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
Ic eom byledbreost,
heafod hæbbe
ond heane steort,
eagan ond earan
ond ænne foot,
hrycg ond heardnebb,
hneccan steapne
ond sidan twa,
sag on middum,
eard ofer ældum.
Aglac dreoge,
þær mec wegeð
se þe wudu hrereð,
ond mec stondende
streamas beatað,
hægl se hearda,
ond hrim þeceð,
/orst /eoseð,
ond fealleð snaw
on[?] þyrelwombne,
ond ic þæt /ol/