Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 239-40; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
ac ic uplong stod,
þær ic
min[?] broþor;
begen wæron hearde.
Eard wæs þy weorðra
þe wit on stodan,
hyrstum þy hyrra.
Ful oft unc holt wrugon,
wudubeama helm
wonnum nihtum,
scildon wið scurum;
unc gescop meotud.
Nu unc mæran twam
magas uncre
sculon æfter cuman,
eard oðþringan
gingran broþor.
Eom ic gumcynnes
anga ofer eorþan;
is min
agen[?] bæc
wonn ond wundorlic.
Ic on wuda stonde
bordes on ende.
Nis min broþor her,
ac ic sceal broþorleas
bordes on ende
staþol weardian,
stondan[?] fæste;
ne wat hwær min broþor
on wera æhtum
eorþan sceata
eardian sceal,
se me ær be healfe
heah eardade.
Wit wæron gesome
sæcce to fremmanne;
næfre uncer awþer
his ellen cyðde,
swa wit þære beadwe
begen ne onþungan.
Nu[?] mec unsceafta
innan slitað,
wyrdaþ mec be wombe;
ic gewendan ne mæg.
æt þam spore findeð
sped se þe se/