Dobbie, 1942 121-2; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York); Grattan and Singer, 1952 160-62; Grattan, J.H.G. and Singer, C., Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine, Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum n.s. 3 (London).
Wið dweorh man sceal niman [VII] lytle oflætan, swylce
man mid ofrað, and
writan[?] þas naman on ælcre oflætan:
Maximianus, Malchus, Iohannes, Martimianus, Dioni-
sius, Constantinus, Serafion. þænne eft þæt galdor, þæt
her æfter cweð, man sceal singan, ærest on þæt wynstre
eare, þænne on þæt swiðre eare, þænne
bufan[?] þæs mannes
moldan. And ga þænne an mædenman to and ho hit on
his sweoran, and do man swa þry dagas; him bið sona sel.
Her com in gangan,
hæfde him his haman on handa,
cwæð þæt þu his hæncgest wære,
legde[?] þe his teage an sweoran.
Ongunnan him of þæm lande liþan;
sona swa hy of þæm lande coman,
þa ongunnan him ða liþu colian.
þa com in gangan
dweores[?] sweostar;
þa geændade heo
and aðas swor
ðæt næfre þis ðæm adlegan
derian ne moste,
ne þæm þe þis galdor
begytan mihte,
oððe þe þis galdor
ongalan cuþe.