The Paris Psalter: Psalm 104

Andetað drihtne      and his ecne naman
cegað cymlice,      and cwyce secgeað
his wundorweorc      ofer ealle werðeode.
Singað him swylce      and salletað,
secgað his wundor eall      wide mæru.
Hergeað his naman      niode swylce;
heorte hygeclæne      hlutre blissað[?]
þam þe soðlice      secað dryhten.
Secað ge drihten,      and ge syððan beoð
teonan gehwylce      ful trume æghwær;
secað his ansyne      symble georne.
Gemunað ge on mode,      hu he mænig wundor
worhte wræclice,      wundur unlytel,
and his muþes eac      mære domas.
Hwæt, he Abrahames cynn,      þe his esne wæs,
geweorðude      ofer werþeoda,
and Iacobes bearn,      þone he geara geceas.
He is ure drihten      dædum spedig;
earun his domas      deore and mære
geond þisse eorðan      æghwylcne dæl.
He þæs on worulde      wearð gemyndig,
þæt he worde gecwæð      on gewitnesse,
þæt heo on þusende      þæt sceoldan healdan,
þære cneorisse      cwyc se þe lifde.
þæt he mid aðsware      to Abrahame
and to Isaace      eac gesohte,
and gleawlice      Iacobe bead,
þæt awa to feore      Israheles cyn
his gewitnesse      wel geheolde.
And him þa mid soðe      sægde cweðende:
"Ic eowrum cynne      Khananea land
on agene æht      yrfe gesylle."
Næs[?] þæt mære cynn      mycel on rime,
ac on þam folce      feawe wæran ænige,
oððæt bigengum      beornas onwocan;
cynn æfter cynne      cende wæran,
oðþæt hio oðer folc      egsan geðiwdan.
Ne let he him manna      mihte sceððan
and he þearle for him      þrea geaf kyningum.
Ne sceolon ge mine þa halgan      hrinan ne gretan
ne on mine witigan      wergðe settan.
Cwom þa ofer eorðan      ermðu and hungor,
wurdon wide menn      wædlan hlafes.
He him snoterne beforan      sende æryst
ful wisne      wer to scealce,
and þa bebohtan      bearn Iacobes
Ioseph on geoguðe;      þær hine grame æryst
hæfdon to hæfte,      oþþæt hine halig god
þurh his worda      wisdom ahof.
Sende him soð cyning      sweotule are,
alysde hine lungre      and hine þam leodum þa
to ealdormen      eallum sette.
He sette hine on his huse      to hlafwearde,
ealra him his æhta      anweald betæhte,
þæt he his ealdormen      ealle lærde,
swa he his sylfes mod      geseted hæfde,
and þa yldestan      ealle lærde,
þæt heo wisdomes      word oncneowan.
þær Israhel becwom      on Egypta,
and se goda      Iacob syþþan
eft eardude      eorðan Khanaan.
He þæt eadige folc      ehte swyðe,
and hio ofer heora feond      fæste getrymede.
Hiora heortan he ongan      hwyrfan æryst,
þæt heo his folc      feodan swyðe
and his esnum eac      inwit fremedan.
þa he him þone mæran      Moyses sende,
his sylfes scealc,      samod ætgædere
and Aaron eac,      þone he ær geceas.
He sette on hi sylfe      soðne wisdom
worda and weorca      wundortacna
and forebeacna,      þæt hio fromlice
cyðdan cneomagum      cystum godum,
oðþæt heo geforan      folc Khananea.
He hi mid þystrum ongan      þrean æt frymþe,
forðon hio word heora      wel ne oncneowan.
And heora wæter swylce      wende to blode,
on ðam heora fisceas      frecne forwurdan.
Sende on heora eorþan      ealle swylce
toscean teonlice,      þa teolum husum
on cyninga cofum      cwyce eardedan.
He sylfa cwæð;      sona cwoman
mysci manige,      mid wæran gnættas,
fleohcynnes feala      flugan on gemæru.
Sette him regnas      reþe swylce,
hate of heofenum      hagol byrnende,
se lige forgeaf      land Egypta.
Syððan forwurdan      heora wingeardas
and ficbeamas;      furþor ne mihton
blæda bringan      ne bearwa treow.
He þa syþþan cwæð;      sona cwoman
gangan gærshoppan      and grame ceaferas;
ne mihte þa on moldan      man geriman,
þe þær on foldan      fræton wæstmas.
Syþþan he æfter sloh      æghwylc[?] frumbearn
þe on Egyptum wæs      ahwær acenned,
and frumcynnes      heora frean swylce.
And his þæt gode folc      golde and seolfre
geweorþade      and hi wislice
leofe lædde;      næs þæra leoda ða
ænig untrum      yldra ne gingra.
Wurdon him[?] Egyptas      æfter bliðe,
syððan hi on fore      folc sceawedan,
forðon him þær egesa      angryslic stod.
He hi wolcne bewreah,      wraðum ahredde,
het him neode      nihta gehwylce
fyrenne beam      beforan wisian.
Flæsces hi bædon,      fuglas coman,
of garsecge      ganetas fleogan,
and hi heofonhlafe      halige gefylde.
Het him of stane      streamas flowan,
wæter on willan;      na him gewættan fot,
þa hi on Iordane      gengdan æfter.
Ac he wæs þæra worda      wel gemyndig,
halig heofenes weard,      þe he hleoðrade
to Abrahame,      his agenum hysse.
And his folc lædde      fægere on blisse
and his þone gecorenan      heap clæne on wynne.
Sealde þam leodum      landes anweald
on agene æht      oðre þeode
and hi folca gewinn      fremdra gesæton.
þær hi heoldan[?]      halige domas
and his soðfæst word      swylce georne,
and his æbebod      awa to feore.