The Paris Psalter: Psalm 106

Ic andette      ecne drihten,
þæne goodan god,      forðan ic hine gleawne wat;
is his mildheortnes      mycel[?] to worulde.
Secge þæt nu ða,      þæt hi sylfa god
alysde, lifes weard,      laðum of handa,
and hi of sidfolcum      gesamnade.
Fram uppgange      æryst sunnan
oþþæt heo gewiteð      on westrodur[?]
and fram sæ norðan      swycedan geond westen;
ne meahton ceastre weg      cuðne mittan,
þe hi eardunge      on genaman.
Hæfde hi hungor and þurst      heard gewyrded,
þæt him frecne on      feorh aðolude.
And hi þa on þære costunge      cleopedan to dryhtne[?],
and he hi of þam earfeðum      eallum alysde.
Hi þa gelædde      lifes ealdor,
þær hi on rihtne weg      ricene eodan,
oðþæt hi cuðlice      on becwoman
to hiora cestre      eardungstowe.
Forðon hi[?] mildheortnesse      mihtigan drihtnes
ealle andettað,      and eac sæcgeað
mycel wundur hys      manna bearnum.
Forðon he gesedeð      sawle idle,
and þa hungrian      her mid godum
fæste gefylleð      to feore syþþan,
þa þe her on ðystrum      þrage sæton
and on deaðes scuan      deorcum lifdan,
gebundene[?]      bealuwe feterum
on wædle wrace      and on iserne.
Forðon hi dydan      drihtnes spræce
æghwæs ægype,      and his geðeaht swylce
þæs heahstan him      hæfdan on bysmer.
Hiora heorte wæs      hean on gewinnum
and untrume      ealle wæran,
næfdan þa on foldan      fultum ænne.
Hi on costunge      cleopedan to drihtne,
and he hi of þam earfoðum      eallum alysde.
And he hi of þam þystrum      þanon alædde
and of deaðes scuan      deorcum generede
and heora bendas towearp      bitre sneome.
Forðan hi mildheort mod      mihtigan drihtnes
ealle andettan[?],      and eac cweþan
mycel wundur his[?]      ofer manna bearn.
Forðon he æren dor      eaðe gescæneð
and iserne steng      ana gebigeð.
He hi of unrihtum      ealle swylce
þam wraðan wege      wis alædeð,
þær hi wæron on woo      ær wraðe besmitene.
Hi onhysctan      æghwylcne mete,
mode mægen heora,      oð unmihte,
þæt hy wið deaða duru      drencyde wæran.
þa hi on costunge      cleopedan to drihtne,
and he hi of þam earfoþum      eallum alysde.
He him wisfæstlic      word onsende,
þurh þæt hi hrædlice      hælde wæron
and of heora forwyrde      wurdan generede.
Forðon hi nu andettan      ecum drihtne,
þæt he milde wearð      manna cynne;
mycel ys his wundur      ofer manna bearn.
Hi him sculon laces lof      lustum bringan,
and his weorc wynsum      wide sæcgean.
þa þe sæ seceað,      mid scipe liðað,
wyrceað weorc mænig      on wæterðryþum.
Hi drihtnes weorc      digul gesawon
and his wundra wearn      on wætergrundum.
Gif he sylfa cwyð,      sona ætstandað[?]
ystige gastas      ofer egewylmum,
beoð heora yþa      up astigene.
þa to heofenum up      heah astigað,
nyþer gefeallað      under neowulne grund;
oft þa on yfele      eft aþindað.
Gedrefede þa      deope syndan,
hearde onhrerede      her anlicast,
hu druncen hwylc      gedwæs spyrige;
ealle heora snytru beoð      yfele forglendred[?].
Hi on costunge      cleopedan to drihtne,
and he hi of earfeðum      eallum alysde.
He yste mæg      eaðe oncyrran,
þæt him[?] windes hweoðu      weorðeð smylte,
and þa yðe      eft swygiað,
bliþe weorðað,      þa þe brimu weþað.
And he hi on hælo      hyþe gelædde,
swa he hira willan      wyste fyrmest,
and he hig of earfoðum      eallum alysde.
Hi andettan      ealle drihtne,
hu he milde wearð      manna cynne;
mære synd his wundur      ofer manna bearn.
Forðon hine on cyrcean      cristenes folces
hean ahebbað,      and him hælu and lof
on sotelum soðfæstra      secgean to worulde.
He on westenne      wynne streamas
soðfæst sette,      þær he sarig folc
geðewde þurste      þa blissade.
He ða weaxendan      wende eorðan
on sealtne mersc      for synndædum
þara eardendra,      þe hire on lifdan.
Westen he geworhte      on widne mere,
and swylce eorðan      eac butan wætre
on utgange      æþelast burnan.
þær he hungrium      ham staðelude,
and þær gesetton      swylce ceastre,
þær hi eard namon      awa syþþan.
Hi wingeardas      wyrcean ongunnon,
sæde seowan,      syþþan growan
lungre land heora      aloden wæstmum.
þa he bletsade,      and hi brade þa
weoxan weorðlice,      wide greowan;
næs heora neata      nan geyfelad.
Oft hi fea wurdan      feondum geswencte
fram þære costunge      þe him becwom æfter,
sares and yfeles,      þe hi syþþan begeat.
Syððan hi forhogedan      halige lare;
hiora ealdormen      ealle wæron
sare beswicene,      swicedan oftust
and on wegas werige      wendan hwilum of.
þær he þearfendra      þa miltsude,
and hi of wædle      wean alysde,
sette heora staðol      sceapum anlice.
Syþþan þæt soðfæste geseoð,      sniome æfter
bliðe weorðað,      beot geþenceað,
þæt unrihta gehwylc      eft oncyrreð[?]
and his sylfes muð      symble hemneð[?].
Hwylc is wisra nu      wel snotera,
þe þas mid gehygde      healdan cunne,
and milde mod      mihtigan drihtnes
full gleawlice      ongite syþþan?