The Paris Psalter: Psalm 112
Herigean nu cnihtas
hælynd drihten,
and naman dryhtnes
neode herigan.
Wese nama dryhtnes
neode gebletsad
of ðyssan forð
awa to worulde.
Fram upgange
æryst sunnan
oðþæt heo wende
on westrodur
ge sculon dryhtnes naman
dædum herigean.
He is ofer ealle
se heahsta
hæleða cynnes,
is ofer heofenas eac
ahafen his wuldur.
Hwylc ys anlic
urum dryhtne,
þam halgan gode,
þe on heofonrice
eadig eardað,
ofer ealle gesyhð,
þa eadmedu
æghwær begangæð
on eorðwege,
up on heofenum?
He of eorðan mæg
þone unagan
weccan to willan,
and of woruftorde
þone þearfendan
þriste areccan,
And hine on ealdordom
upp asettan
his folces fruman
on fæger lif.
Se þe eard seteð
on modor hus
manigra bearna;
hio ofer hire suna
symblað and blissað.