The Paris Psalter: Psalm 135

Ic andette      ecum drihtne,
forðon he god is,      and ic ful gearwe wat,
þæt he to worulde byð      wis and mildheort.
Eac ic andette      þam þe ece is
ealra godena god,      forðon ic hine godne wat.
Andette ic swylce      þam þe ealra is
drihtna drihten      dædum spedigast,
forðon he god is,      and ic gearwe wat,
þæt his mildheortnes      is mycel to worulde.
He wundur dyde      weorþlic ana.
Se heofon worhte,      hæleða andgit.
He eorðan æfter wæter      ærest sette.
He[?] leohtfatu      leodum ana
micel geworhte      manna bearnum,
Sette on miht dæges      mære sunnan,
On[?] miht[?] nihte[?]      monan and steorran.
He ægyptas sloh      and eall heora frumbearn,
And[?] he Israhelas      ealle oðlædde
of ægyptum      ealle gesunde,
On mihtigre      mære handa
and on eallmihte      earmes swylce.
He readne sæ      recene todælde,
Lædde Israhelas      ealle þurh midne.
þær Pharaon gefeol,      and his fæge werud
on þam readan sæ      recene forwurdan.
He gewealdendlice      þuruh westen eft
his þæt leofe folc      lædde swylce.
He of stanclife      stearce burnan
leodum lædde      on leofne þanc.
Swylce he acwealde      cyningas mycle.
And[?] he eac ofsloh      æðele cyningas,
weras wræclice,      þa þe weoruld heoldan.
þær Seon cyning      swylt dreorig fornam,
þe Amorrea      anweald hæfde,
And Og swylce,      þe æror wæs
swyþe breme cyning      on Basane.
Sealde heora eorþan      on yrfeland,
And[?] þæt yrfe      on Israele,
þe his esnas      agene wæron.
Forþon ure eaðmedu      ece drihten
gemyndgade,      and us mycel sealde.
And he us aferede      feondum of handa,
þa ðe wraðe      wæron ealle.
He eac afedeð      flæscea[?] æghwylc.
Andetað nu ealle      þam ecean gode,
þe on heofonum is      heah eardiende.
And ge ealra godena gode      geara andettað,
forþan his mildheortnes      is mycel to worulde.