The Paris Psalter: Psalm 148

Heriað ge on heofenum      hælend drihten,
heriað hlude      on heanessum.
Heriað hine ealle      engla ðreatas,
lofige hine swylce      eall his leodmægen.
Herigen hine swylce      sunna and mona,
æghwylc steorra      and þæt æðele leoht.
Heofenas hine heofena      herian georne,
and þa wæter swylce      ðe ofer wolcnum synt
on heofenhame,      herigen drihten.
Forðon he sylfa cwæð,      sona wærun
wræclice[?] geworht      wætera ðryþe,
and gesceapene wærun,      þa he sylfa het.
þa he on ecnesse      eall staðelade
and on worulda woruld      wolde healdan;
he sette bebod,      syþþan heo þæt heoldon.
Herigen dracan swylce      drihten of eorðan,
and ealle neowelnessa      herian naman drihtnes.
Fyr, forst, hægel      and gefeallen snaw,
is and yste,      ealra gastas
þe his word willað      wyrcean georne,
Muntas and geswyru,      micle beamas,
þa þe mæst and wæstm      mannum bringað,
and on eallum cedrum      ciið[?] alæded[?],
Deor and neat,      do þæt sniome;
nifle nædran cynn      be naman ealle,
and fugla cynn      fiðerum gescyrped,
Eorðcyningas eac      ealle swylce
þe folcum her      fore wisien
and ealdormen      ahwær syndan,
and ealle þe þas eorþan      ahwær demeð.
Beon ge, hægestealdas      and glade fæmnan,
ealde and geonge      ealle ætsamne;
herian naman drihtnes      mid neodlofe.
Forþon his anes nama      ofer ealle is
ahafen healice      hæleða ealra;
is upp ahafen      his andetness
heah ofer myclum      heofone and eorðan.
He horn hefeð      holdes folces,
he lofe leohteð      leofe þa halgan;
wese awa frið      on Israhela
fælum folce,      and hi forð heonan
on his neaweste      neode wunian.