The Meters of Boethius: Meter 27
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 27
Hwy ge æfre scylen
eower mod drefan,
swa swa mereflodes
wecggað for winde?
Hwy oðwite ge
wyrde eowre
þæt hio geweald nafað?
Hwy ge þæs deaðes
þe eow drihten gesceop
gebidan ne magon
bitres gecyndes,
nu he eow ælce dæg
onet toweard?
Ne magon ge gesion
þæt he symle spyreð
æfter æghwelcum
eorðan tudre,
diorum and fuglum?
Deað eac swa same
æfter moncynne
geond ðisne middangeard,
egeslic hunta,
a bið on waðe;
nyle he ænig swæð
æfre forlætan
ær he gehede
þæt he hwile ær
æfter spyrede.
Is þæt earmlic þing
þæt his gebidan ne magon
ungesælige men;
hine ær willað
foran to sciotan,
swa swa fugla cyn
oððe wildu dior;
þa winnað betwuh,
æghwylc wolde
oðer acwellan.
Ac þæt is unriht
æghwelcum men
þæt he oðerne
fioge on færðe,
swa swa fugl oððe dior,
ac þæt wære rihtost,
þætte rinca gehwylc
oðrum gulde
edlean on riht,
weorc be geweorhtum
þinga gehwilces,
þæt is, þæt he lufige
godra gehwilcne
swa he geornost mæge,
mildsige yflum,
swa we
ær[?] spræcon.
He sceal þone monnan
mode lufian,
and his unþeawas
ealle hatian
and ofsniðan,
swa he swiðost mæge.