First of all, thank you to all my readers! I do this for you. I do this because I’m a reader.
There have been so many people who have helped me create the Girls with Guns Series. It is not easy to write a book, let alone find the right people to make it a wonderful, finished product. Somehow I got lucky!
A huge thank you to Lisa Knapp for being willing to read all of these books and edit them! They would not be what they are without you and I appreciate your help so much! I hope you find every book is getting better and better.
Lindsey Cassler, my comma queen! Without you, there would just be a bunch of run-on sentences that would probably make zero sense. Also, you have been one of my biggest supporters and probably one of the few people who actually care about reading and writing as much as me and all of your thoughts and opinions have been so much appreciated! Love you!!
There is also my husband, Mark, whose, and I sort of hate to put this in writing, knowledge of EVERYTHING as well as his fantastic memory about EVERYTHING has been a tremendous help in writing these books. All books and future books. He is the first to read every single book, urging me to do what I have to, in order to make my books into books. He continues to have faith in me day in and day out, even when I cannot find it in myself. You are my number one fan and words can never express how grateful I am to have you in my life. What did I do to deserve you?
Also, to my dad, Jimmy Torrez, I think you have single-handedly bought over twenty-five of my paperback books for you and all of your friends. I never imagined I would become a writer and I bet you and mom never did either! Thank you for sharing my talent with all of your friends. Thank you for being my dad.
Brenda, you are my best friend and sounding board with all of my books as well as everything else and I love you so much! Thank you for being there to listen and to offer your opinion on matters and not being too mad when I send you a partially finished manuscript and leave you hanging for a few months until I can finish the rest!
Rick, Brian H. and Dora – you guys are my biggest fans!! Hugs and Kisses!!
Kim Killion and Jennifer Jakes make awesome book covers and blurbs and THANK GOD they offer the blurb writing service because that is not my forte.
Amanda, whose last name shall remain nameless, because I know how paranoid you are! – Thanks for the butt recommendations, Blaze’s ass in this book would not exist if it weren’t for you! Your critiques are exactly what I want and never stop telling me like it is!! Thank you for putting up with me and not getting too upset when I say let’s get together and never do. Someday!!
To everyone who is important in my life, that couldn’t be named here. Otherwise, this acknowledgement page could be its own book. You know who you are and I love you, always!
Ruby and Bella, everything I do, is for you chicas! Never forget that. No matter what. You girls are the reason I wake up every morning. Literally. Someone has to feed you, right? And on the days that I don’t, thank you for quietly sneaking into my room to get your iPads.