

almonds: almond croissants 35

baked spiced oatmeal 26

brioche ice cream sandwiches 162–3

filled thumbprint biscuits 160

florentines 167

leek and Romesco toast 142

maple and pecan granola 23

Moroccan spiced chicken pie 54–5

Persian stuffed lamb shoulder 81

spiced-coffee meringue 170–1

apples: apple and oat cake 164

duck with prunes, apples and potatoes 88–9

maple and pecan granola 23

artichokes see Jerusalem artichokes

asparagus: revueltos-style spring onion and asparagus omelette 18

slow-baked salmon with spring vegetables 152

avocados: hot-smoked salmon, watercress and mustard butter 44

spiced chicken and avocado sandwich 43

Texan breakfast tacos 20


bacon: bacon and egg bread tartlets 36

baked stuffed mushrooms 39

Cheddar and bacon cornbread muffins 47

revueltos-style spring onion and asparagus omelette 18

sausage rolls 137

Texan breakfast tacos 20

see also pancetta

bananas: banana and walnut porridge 25

frozen breakfast smoothie 24

barley: grain, kale, toasted seed and roasted vegetable salad 135

beans: huevos rancheros 19

roast pork and butter beans 76

white bean dip 133

beef: beef Wellington 84–5

merguez-spiced patties 111

picnic meatloaf 136

pot roast beef 82

steak sandwich 102

beer: stout, oat and chocolate cake 168

beetroot: pickled eggs 121

biscuits: filled thumbprint biscuits 160

florentines 167

black beans: huevos rancheros 19

black pudding Scotch eggs 124

blueberry syrup 12

bread: bacon and egg bread tartlets 36

croque tartiflette 41

French toast 15

ham, cheese and olive loaf 159

hot-smoked salmon, watercress and mustard butter on brown bread 44

quick sesame flatbreads with honey butter 29

savoury bread and butter bake 58

stuffed Portobello mushroom burgers 106

see also sandwiches; toast

breadcrumbs: baked giant meatballs 57

baked stuffed mushrooms 39

black pudding Scotch eggs 124

fried fish tacos 52

mushroom, cheese and whole grain bake 96

mussels on the barbecue with herby breadcrumbs 107

picnic meatloaf 136

sausage rolls 137

brick chicken with garlic 103

brioche ice cream sandwiches 162–3

broad bean, pea and mint toast 143

broccoli: savoury bread and butter bake 58

brown rice bowls 73

brownies, salted caramel 174

burgers: merguez-spiced patties 111

stuffed Portobello mushroom burgers 106

butter: clarified butter 15

hazelnut butter 149

honey butter 29

lemon butter 152

mustard butter 44

parsley butter 128

potted cheese 132

seaweed butter 130

butter beans, roast pork and 76

butterflied lamb leg 100


cabbage: brown rice bowls 73

fried fish tacos 52

cakes: apple and oat cake 164

magic cake 161

salted caramel brownies 174

stout, oat and chocolate cake 168

walnut cake 169

canapés: broad bean, pea and mint toast 143

leek and Romesco toast 142

ricotta, grape and walnut toast 140

candied peel: florentines 167

cannellini beans: white bean dip 133

caramel: caramelised oats 168

salted caramel brownies 174

carrots: boiled ham and parsley sauce 65

roast pork and butter beans 76

Cheddar and bacon cornbread muffins 47

cheese: bacon and egg bread tartlets 36

Cheddar and bacon cornbread muffins 47

croque tartiflette 41

fennel and Taleggio tart 70–1

ham, cheese and olive loaf 159

Mexican-style grilled corn 114

mushroom, cheese and whole grain bake 96

New Orleans muffuletta 127

peach, basil, mozzarella and rocket salad 147

potted cheese 132

ricotta, grape and walnut toast 140

savoury bread and butter bake 58

savoury vegetable fritters 33

steak sandwich 102

stuffed Portobello mushroom burgers 106

stuffed pumpkin 97

cherries (sour): florentines 167

chestnuts: stuffed pumpkin 97

venison with chestnuts, pumpkin and pancetta 94–5

chicken: brick chicken with garlic 103

chicken and leek pie 64

chicken with forty cloves of garlic 83

jambalaya 67

Moroccan spiced chicken pie 54–5

roast chicken: four variations 90–2

spiced chicken and avocado sandwich 43

chicory: lamb, radicchio, fig and hazelnut salad 150

chillies: brown rice bowls 73

jerk skewers 105

pickled eggs 121

pork chops with spiced tomato marinade 112

quick harissa 111

chocolate: florentines 167

peanut and chocolate fudge 165

salted caramel brownies 174

spiced-coffee meringue 170–1

stout, oat and chocolate cake 168

chorizo: chorizo hash brown 42

jambalaya 67

New Orleans muffuletta 127

cinnamon syrup 10

clarified butter 15

coconut: florentines 167

coffee: spiced-coffee meringue 170–1

coriander: Mexican-style grilled corn 114

corn cobs, Mexican-style grilled 114

cornbread muffins, Cheddar and bacon 47

courgettes: savoury vegetable fritters 33

cranberries: baked giant meatballs 57

Persian stuffed lamb shoulder 81

croissants, almond 35

croque tartiflette 41

crying leg of lamb boulangère 78

cucumber: rainbow summer noodles 129

curry: kipper kedgeree 48


dates: merguez-spiced patties 111

Moroccan spiced chicken pie 54–5

devilled eggs 123

dip, white bean 133

duck: baked duck legs with spiced plums 155

duck with prunes, apples and potatoes 88–9

dumplings: mushroom pierogi 144


eggs: bacon and egg bread tartlets 36

black pudding Scotch eggs 124

French toast 15

huevos rancheros 19

kipper kedgeree 48

omelette Arnold Bennett 17

pickled eggs 121

revueltos-style spring onion and asparagus omelette 18

Spanish tortilla 122

Texan breakfast tacos 20

twice-devilled eggs 123

elderflower cordial: magic cake 161

empanada, tuna and pepper 63


fennel: fennel and Taleggio tart 70–1

mussels with a fennel and saffron broth 68

figs: lamb, radicchio, fig and hazelnut salad 150

filled thumbprint biscuits 160

filo pastry: Moroccan spiced chicken pie 54–5

fish: baked whole fish with roasted lemon, potato and dill 86

fried fish tacos 52

hot-smoked salmon, watercress and mustard butter 44

omelette Arnold Bennett 17

flamiche (Flemish leek tart) 61

flatbreads, quick sesame 29

florentines 167

French toast 15

fritters, savoury vegetable 33

frozen breakfast smoothie 24

fruit: frozen breakfast smoothie 24

spiced fruit muffins 34

see also apples, pears etc

fudge, peanut and chocolate 165


garlic: brick chicken with garlic 103

chicken with forty cloves of garlic 83

crying leg of lamb boulangère 78

porchetta 79

roast pork and butter beans 76

gherkins: ham baguette with gherkin and shallot butter 128

grains: grain, kale, toasted seed and roasted vegetable salad 135

mushroom, cheese and whole grain bake 96

granola, maple and pecan 23

grapes: ricotta, grape and walnut toast 140

gravy 79

green beans: slow-baked salmon with spring vegetables 152


haddock see smoked haddock

ham: boiled ham and parsley sauce 65

croque tartiflette 41

ham baguette with gherkin and shallot butter 128

ham, cheese and olive loaf 159

ham with plum jam and mustard glaze 93

New Orleans muffuletta 127

see also prosciutto

harissa, quick 111

hash brown, chorizo 42

hazelnuts: lamb, radicchio, fig and hazelnut salad 150

scallops with Jerusalem artichoke and hazelnut butter 149

honey: honey and orange syrup 11

honey butter 29

hotpot, Lancashire 60

huevos rancheros 19


ice cream: brioche ice cream sandwiches 162–3


jam: filled thumbprint biscuits 160

ham with plum jam and mustard glaze 93

jambalaya 67

jerk skewers 105

Jerusalem artichokes, scallops with 149


kale: grain, kale, toasted seed and roasted vegetable salad 135

kebabs: jerk skewers 105

tandoori lamb 109

kedgeree, kipper 48

kipper kedgeree 48


lamb: baked giant meatballs 57

butterflied lamb leg with preserved lemon dressing 100

crying leg of lamb boulangère 78

lamb, radicchio, fig and hazelnut salad 150

Lancashire hotpot 60

merguez-spiced patties 111

Persian stuffed lamb shoulder 81

tandoori lamb with mint raita and mango salsa 109

Lancashire hotpot 60

leeks: baked stuffed mushrooms 39

chicken and leek pie 64

flamiche (Flemish leek tart) 61

leek and Romesco toast 142

mushroom, cheese and whole grain bake 96

roast pork and butter beans 76

savoury bread and butter bake 58

lemon: butterflied lamb leg with preserved lemon dressing 100

lemon butter 152

magic cake 161

white bean dip 133

whole lemon pie 173

lettuce: rainbow summer noodles 129

limes: pork chops with spiced tomato marinade 112


mackerel see smoked mackerel

Madeira: beef Wellington 84–5

magic cake 161

mango salsa 109

maple and pecan granola 23

Marsala: saltimbocca 153

venison with chestnuts, pumpkin and pancetta 94–5

mayonnaise: twice-devilled eggs 123

meatballs, baked giant 57

meatloaf, picnic 136

merguez-spiced patties 111

meringue, spiced-coffee 170–1

Mexican-style grilled corn 114

milk: frozen breakfast smoothie 24

mint: broad bean, pea and mint toast 143

mint raita 109

miso paste: rainbow summer noodles with tofu and miso 129

Moroccan spiced chicken pie 54–5

mortadella: New Orleans muffuletta 127

muffins: Cheddar and bacon cornbread muffins 47

savoury muffins 34

spiced fruit muffins 34

muffuletta, New Orleans 127

mushrooms: baked stuffed mushrooms 39

beef Wellington 84–5

brown rice bowls 73

chicken and leek pie 64

mushroom, cheese and whole grain bake 96

mushroom pierogi 144

stuffed Portobello mushroom burgers 106

mussels: cleaning 68

mussels on the barbecue with herby breadcrumbs 107

mussels with a fennel and saffron broth 68

mustard: ham with plum jam and mustard glaze 93

mustard butter 44

twice-devilled eggs 123


New Orleans muffuletta 127

noodles, rainbow summer 129


oats: apple and oat cake 164

baked spiced oatmeal 26

banana and walnut porridge 25

caramelised oats 168

maple and pecan granola 23

stout, oat and chocolate cake 168

olives: ham, cheese and olive loaf 159

omelettes: omelette Arnold Bennett 17

revueltos-style spring onion and asparagus omelette 18

onions: boiled ham and parsley sauce 65

crying leg of lamb boulangère 78

Lancashire hotpot 60

mushroom, cheese and wholegrain bake 96

pot roast beef 82

quick pickled onions 53

roast pork and butter beans 76

stuffed pumpkin 97

tuna and pepper empanada 63

oranges: baked duck legs with spiced plums 155

honey and orange syrup 11

pork chops with spiced tomato marinade 112


pancakes: pikelets 14

syrups for 10–12

pancetta: venison with chestnuts, pumpkin and pancetta 94–5

see also bacon

Parma ham: New Orleans muffuletta 127

saltimbocca 153

parsley: boiled ham and parsley sauce 65

parsley butter 128

pastries: almond croissants 35

beef Wellington 84–5

sausage rolls 137

see also pies; tarts

pastry, shortcrust 173

patties, merguez-spiced 111

peach, basil, mozzarella and rocket salad 147

peanut and chocolate fudge 165

pears: baked spiced oatmeal 26

peas: broad bean, pea and mint toast 143

pecans: maple and pecan granola 23

peppers: brown rice bowls 73

huevos rancheros 19

jambalaya 67

leek and Romesco toast 142

New Orleans muffuletta 127

rainbow summer noodles 129

steak sandwich 102

tandoori lamb 109

Texan breakfast tacos 20

tuna and pepper empanada 63

Persian stuffed lamb shoulder 81

pickles: pickled eggs 121

quick pickled onions 53

quick pickled vegetables 130

picnic meatloaf 136

pierogi, mushroom 144

pies: chicken and leek pie 64

Moroccan spiced chicken pie 54–5

tuna and pepper empanada 63

whole lemon pie 173

see also pastries; tarts

pikelets 14

pine nuts: baked giant meatballs 57

plums: baked duck legs with spiced plums 155

ham with plum jam and mustard glaze 93

polenta: Cheddar and bacon cornbread muffins 47

porchetta 79

pork: black pudding Scotch eggs 124

jerk skewers 105

picnic meatloaf 136

porchetta 79

pork chops with spiced tomato marinade 112

quick pork ribs 108

roast pork and butter beans 76

saltimbocca 153

sausage rolls 137

porridge, banana and walnut 25

pot roast beef 82

potatoes: baked whole fish with roasted lemon, potato and dill 86

chorizo hash brown 42

croque tartiflette 41

crying leg of lamb boulangère 78

duck with prunes, apples and potatoes 88–9

Lancashire hotpot 60

pot roast beef 82

Spanish tortilla 122

Texan breakfast tacos 20

potted cheese 132

prawns: jambalaya 67

salt and pepper prawns 146

tamarind and chilli prawns 117

prosciutto: peach, basil, mozzarella and rocket salad 147

saltimbocca 153

see also ham

prunes: duck with prunes, apples and potatoes 88–9

pumpkin: stuffed pumpkin 97

venison with chestnuts, pumpkin and pancetta 94–5


radicchio: lamb, radicchio, fig and hazelnut salad 150

radishes: pork chops with spiced tomato marinade 112

rainbow summer noodles with tofu and miso 129

raisins: baked spiced oatmeal 26

raita, mint 109

raspberries: brioche ice cream sandwiches 162–3

revueltos-style spring onion and asparagus omelette 18

rice: brown rice bowls 73

jambalaya 67

kipper kedgeree 48

Persian stuffed lamb shoulder 81

stuffed pumpkin 97

ricotta: broad bean, pea and mint toast 143

ricotta, grape and walnut toast 140

rocket: lamb, radicchio, fig and hazelnut salad 150

peach, basil, mozzarella and rocket salad 147

Romesco sauce: leek and Romesco toast 142

root vegetables: grain, kale, toasted seed and roasted vegetable salad 135


sage: saltimbocca 153

salads: grain, kale, toasted seed and roasted vegetable salad 135

lamb, radicchio, fig and hazelnut salad 150

peach, basil, mozzarella and rocket salad 147

salmon: slow-baked salmon with spring vegetables 152

salsa, mango 109

salt and pepper prawns 146

salted caramel brownies 174

saltimbocca 153

sandwiches: brioche ice cream sandwiches 162–3

ham baguette with gherkin and shallot butter 128

New Orleans muffuletta 127

smoked mackerel roll 130

spiced chicken and avocado sandwich 43

steak sandwich 102

sausage rolls 137

sausages: porchetta 79

see also chorizo

scallops with Jerusalem artichoke and hazelnut butter 149

Scotch eggs, black pudding 124

sea bream: baked whole fish with roasted lemon, potato and dill 86

seaweed butter 130

seeds: grain, kale, toasted seed and roasted vegetable salad 135

sesame seeds: quick sesame flatbreads with honey butter 29

rainbow summer noodles with tofu 129

shortcrust pastry 173

skewers, jerk 105

smoked haddock: omelette Arnold Bennett 17

smoked mackerel roll 130

smoked salmon: hot-smoked salmon, watercress and mustard butter 44

smoothie, frozen breakfast 24

sour cream: stout, oat and chocolate cake 168

walnut cake 169

soy sauce: pickled eggs 121

Spanish tortilla 122

spinach: kipper kedgeree 48

spring onions: rainbow summer noodles 129

revueltos-style spring onion and asparagus omelette 18

squash: stuffed pumpkin 97

steak sandwich 102

stout, oat and chocolate cake 168

sugar snap peas: slow-baked salmon with spring vegetables 152

syrups, pancake 10–12

blueberry syrup 12

cinnamon syrup 10

honey and orange syrup 11


tacos: fried fish tacos 52

Texan breakfast 20

tamarind and chilli prawns 117

tandoori lamb with mint raita and mango salsa 109

tapenade: New Orleans muffuletta 127

tartiflette, croque 41

tarts: bacon and egg bread tartlets 36

fennel and Taleggio tart 70–1

flamiche (Flemish leek tart) 61

tea: pickled eggs 121

Texan breakfast tacos 20

toast: broad bean, pea and mint toast 143

leek and Romesco toast 142

ricotta, grape and walnut toast 140

tofu: rainbow summer noodles with tofu and miso 129

tomatoes: baked giant meatballs 57

huevos rancheros 19

jambalaya 67

mussels with a fennel and saffron broth 68

pork chops with spiced tomato marinade 112

roast pork and butter beans 76

tuna and pepper empanada 63

tortilla, Spanish 122

tortillas: fried fish tacos 52

Texan breakfast tacos 20

tuna and pepper empanada 63

twice-devilled eggs 123


veal: saltimbocca 153

vegetables: grain, kale, toasted seed and roasted vegetable salad 135

quick pickled vegetables 130

savoury muffins 34

see also peppers, tomatoes etc

venison with chestnuts, pumpkin and pancetta 94–5


walnuts: banana and walnut porridge 25

ricotta, grape and walnut toast 140

walnut cake 169

watercress: hot-smoked salmon, watercress and mustard butter 44

white bean dip 133

whole lemon pie 173

wine: beef Wellington 84–5

roast pork and butter beans 76

saltimbocca 153

venison with chestnuts, pumpkin and pancetta 94–5


yogurt: merguez-spiced patties 111

mint raita 109