Chapter 24
“I have another note from that fellow John. He wasn’t able to meet you because, as he says, some dangerous people were following him. He’s not sure who they are or what they plan to do. He still has the necklace and suspects they want it, but he doesn’t know why. He also thinks they are the gang that killed poor Joe.”
I began to pay attention to what was happening for the first time since the discovery of Joe’s body. “I’ll get them if I die trying.” That was all I said.
Blathers said, “Clara dear, I knows it’s our job ta gets the jewels back, but now we also needs ta get the rats what done in poor Joe. I thinks Duff agrees that they is both the same job. If we catches the killer, we’ll get the jewels.”
Clara said, “I agree, and I’m sure my lady will also agree. Seeing as how young Joe died trying to help find her necklace, she’ll be happy to support both efforts.”
We rejoined the men of literature in the taproom. “Gentlemen, thank you for your patience and understanding. I know that, as a writer, Mr. Dickens, you have a natural curiosity about things, but this, as you also know, is a very delicate affair.”
Dickens responded, “My dear Mrs. Barkis, my good friend Forster and I have already pledged our silence regarding this matter. We now reaffirm that pledge, don’t we, John?”
“Indeed we do, Charles. It is never our intent to prosper based on the misfortunes of others.”
Blathers put his index finger to the side of his face and said, “Indeed, me and Duff makes our livin’ ’cause o’ the misfortune o’ others.”
At that point another customer entered the taproom. He sat at a small table at the opposite end of the room from us. Clara rose to attend to his needs. After providing him with a pint of bitter, she returned to the table. “Mr. Blathers and Mr. Duff, I’m going to start charging you rent. Folks are thinking this is your office. The gentleman asked me to tell you that Sir Robert Peel is waiting in a carriage outside, and he wants to talk with you.”
I came to life for a second time. Blathers put his index finger along the side of his face for a second time. “Indeed.”