Chapter 26
“But we can gets the gig and Pincher if we goes along wi’ the man. And, don’t forget, he’s a very powerful man. We wants him on our side, we does.”
“No, no!” I was adamant. “We are already committed to the lady. It would be a giant breach of our obligation to her to have anything to do with Sir Robert, and you know it. We’ll have to do without Pincher and the gig.”
“Ah, the devil! He already knows about the necklace, if’n ya was ta ask me.”
“I think he is just bluffing. The only thing he knows is that we frequent the Black Lion, and his wife is close to Clara. He has put two and two together, but he’s not sure about his answer. He’s trying to trick us the same way you trick Jerry Cruncher. I, for one, won’t fall for it.”
“Maybe ya is right. Well, too bad, Pincher. How should we handle the meetin’ tomorrow?”
“I’ll write a note to Sir Robert explaining that, at second thought, we feel it would be a breach of our obligation to our client to work with him at this time.”
Blathers took a big swig from his pint. “Okay, could ya says we would like ta talk ta him about Pincher after this be over?”
“We’ll deal with that later. Right now let’s concentrate on the problem of retrieving the necklace and collaring Joe’s murderer.”
The Black Lion was not busy. Barkis, himself, was at home, so Clara was not holding court in the taproom, as she did when he was “off carting.” Dickens and Forster were attending the performance of their play in Drury Lane.
Blathers and I finished our beverages and, since the usual stimulating conversation was not available, waved good night to Clara and stepped out into the dark and foggy street.
As the tavern door closed behind us, a link-boy, sporting a bright lantern, approached us. “Right dis way, now, gents.”
“Naw, be off wi’ ya. We doesn’t needs no light, now.”
“Ya is detectives, ain’t ya?”
I answered, “That’s right, lad. How did you know?”
“A gent gimme a penny ta fetch ya. If ya come wi’ me, ’e’s gonna gimme ’nother.”
Blathers said, “How does everyone know where we is?”
I shrugged and said, “Who is this gent, then, boy?”
“’E says ta say ’is name be John.”
“Lead on, boy.”