We wish to gratefully acknowledge Zondervan for taking on our project so personal to us but hopefully meaningful to others.

The wonderful support and encouragement we have received from all to whom we have made requests—for permissions, clearances, approvals, and help—has been extraordinary. The Department of Defense, the Smithsonian, the United States Air Force, and the many dear friends who happily gave consent to use their precious work means more to us than we could ever express. GBU!

Most importantly, we wish to thank our wonderful children—Robin, Carolyn, and Lyle—and their dear, dear children for their enduring love and all the joy they bring us each and every day. A special thanks to Robin for finding Sara W. Berry for us. Without her, this book would not have happened.

We are grateful to our nation for the opportunity of the wonderful life we have been privileged to lead. God Bless America!


I am profoundly grateful to Smitty and Louise Harris for trusting me to help them share their story. This opportunity has been one of the greatest privileges of my life.

With great gratitude I wish to thank Andy Rogers and the wonderful team at Zondervan, who not only believed in this story but also led us through the publishing process with enthusiasm and kindness.

I would also like to acknowledge my many faithful friends who have prayed for this project and given incredible support along the way. In particular, I want to thank my parents, Kenneth and Nancy Ann Williams; my friend and editor extraordinaire, Mary Jo Tate; and especially my dear friend Robin Waldrip, who extended the invitation to be a part of this worthy endeavor.

Most importantly, I would like to acknowledge my family for their unconditional love and support. To my wonderful husband, Mont—you are my steady support, the one who makes me believe I can. And to my amazing children, Katie, Owen, Ellie, Drew, Joseph, Troy, Rorie, Joshua, Sally, and Charlie—you are my great joy. I pray you will lead others in your generation in an attitude of gratitude for our great nation.

Finally, to Jesus: “Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1).