Praise for the Restless Spirits Series
Restless Spirits
I just want to say that this book combines so many things--ghosts, romance, suspense and mystery--something for just about everyone. The writing was great, and I found myself right there with the characters. I could hardly put the book down to go do mundane things like cook supper for my husband! I would be thinking about the story the whole time I was away from it and could not wait to get back to it.—Sheila, Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer
The writer is an amazing storyteller, and I felt like I was reading a story normally told around a campfire to scare everyone before they go to sleep. I am eternally grateful that I read this while the sun was still out.—Meghan,
Kindred Spirits
This was a totally delightful tale, replete with some returning characters as well as a slew of new ones, both living and dead...—Jen,
Love Letter—a Restless Spirits novella
…a touching story of a man who left this life without letting his wife know that he really did love her. — Sheila, Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer