A heartfelt thanks to Random House Struik for its faith in my ideas that lead to For the Love of Baking being published. What a wonderful team of experts: Linda de Villiers the publisher, Beverley Dodd the art director and my friend; Anja Grobler – English editor, and Marelize Ferreira – Afrikaans editor.
Two people I couldn’t thank enough for all their support – my wonderful fiancé Gary and photographer-extraordinaire Christoph Heierli (‘action man’). From this book’s inception as a crazy dream, and then from conceptualisation right up until it’s launch, both Gary and Christoph have been honest voices of reason that I could always depend on.
A big thank you to my fantastic assistants and friends, Claire and Jules. I really couldn’t have done it without all your hard work and dedication.
Most of all, for a lifetime of support, my Mum, Dad and my family – thank you always.