Chapter 12

Drew ended his call with Lucia and headed back to the table with a few of his fellow riders. She had congratulated him on his second-place finish earlier that day and went on to share with him how happy she was with her new boyfriend. Drew had wished her the best, grateful that he didn’t have to be the one to cut that string.

Their group captured the attention of every guest in Maderos, a popular Argentinian restaurant, with loud cheers, beer-bottle clinking and infectious laughter. Meagerly dressed groupies trailed them most of the day and sat on the laps of willing riders, joining in the lively festivities. One of those smiling women would have been sitting on Drew’s lap if Alana hadn’t hijacked his focus. When one voluptuous brunette offered, he politely declined, despite the fact that Alana was more than five thousand miles away.

Drew felt pretty good. Coming in second place in spite of the bit of soreness that lingered in his shoulder was an accomplishment. He had continued to work on strengthening his upper body over the past few weeks and felt better every day. As he looked toward his third race of the season, he was confident that he could secure a first-place win in the near future.

“We’re going to do it again in seven days!” Sean held his wineglass in the air. Cheers rang out again.

“And on my turf,” Drew added since the next race, the third of eighteen in the season, was going to be in the United States. “I’m taking home first prize this time, Sean,” Drew teased. Sean had come in first today.

“Yeah. We’ll see about that,” Sean objected.

“Both of you will have to move over,” Antonio said in his heavy accent. “I let you both win today, but in America, Antonio takes the trophy!” he said, referring to himself in third person and rolling his rs harder than usual because the wine made his tongue lazy.

“Yeah, right!” Drew jutted his chin in Antonio’s direction.

“Hey, you come to my country and take the win. I come to your country and take the win. It only seems fair.” Antonio’s laugh reached the rafters, forcing the others to join in. The atmosphere was too jovial to be in the midst of without being affected.

The blonde sitting on Sean’s lap whispered in his ear and he raised his brow at Drew.

“Hey, Sean, make sure you’re at the airport on time.” Drew knew Sean would be missing for a while if he walked out of the restaurant with that woman.

Sean looked confused. “We leave tomorrow?” His brows knitted.

Antonio laughed. “We’ve been there before with you and Don’t get left behind again. We have to be in America by Tuesday.”

Recognition flashed across his face. Those who were snickering now laughed heartily, remembering when Sean had taken up with a local woman after one of their races and couldn’t be found for two days. His friends always enjoyed reminding him about that.

“Well—” Sean shrugged his shoulders “—she was a great cook.”

“I’m pretty sure it wasn’t her cooking that you couldn’t tear yourself away from.” Drew raised his glass and sipped his wine. Mid-laugh, he heard his cell phone ring. Drew excused himself and took the call outside.

“Big brother, what’s happening?”

“It’s Dad.” From the tone of Blake’s voice, Drew knew something was gravely wrong.

His back became rigid. “What happened?” Desperation seeped into his voice.

“We’re not totally sure yet, but it looks like a stroke. Ma just called and they are rushing him to the hospital. How soon can you get home?”

Drew hastened back inside the restaurant with the phone still pressed against his ear. “I’ll call you back when I get to my hotel. I’ll be on the first bird out of here.” Drew had ended the call by the time he returned to the table.

His change in demeanor must have been obvious. The expression on his friends’ faces turned serious.

Sean stood, almost knocking over his lady friend. “What’s wrong, man?” Antonio stood, as well.

“My dad is being rushed to the hospital. They think he had a stroke. I’ve got to go.”

“I’ll come with you,” Sean offered.

“Thanks, but I’ve got this. I’m going to catch the first flight that’s available. See you fellows next week in Texas.”

Sean, Antonio and the two other riders hugged Drew and he left. On the taxi ride to the hotel, Drew was lucky enough to book a seat on a flight that was leaving that night. To get to New York, it would take over twenty hours and two layovers, one in Buenos Aires and one in Bogota, but none of that mattered. He needed to be with his family.

Being far away with his dad in crisis scared Drew. He spent the majority of the year at a considerable distance from his family. He prayed that his father would hang on until he arrived the next day and he wished that somehow the time and miles between them could be condensed.

At the hotel, he snatched up his belongings and stuffed them into his suitcase. He’d paid the taxi driver a healthy sum to wait for him. Ten minutes later, he was on his way to the airport. Drew spoke to Hunter, Blake and his mother several times. Since he’d first received the news, nothing had changed. All he knew was that his dad was lethargic and now under the care of the emergency-room doctor at one of New Hope’s best hospitals.

Drew got through security with ease but couldn’t keep still once he arrived at his gate. He sat for a few moments, stood and then paced. Grabbing his bag again, he strolled through the airport until he found a bar where he stayed drinking native rum. When the rum was unable to quell the angst, he headed back to the gate. Despite all of the people hurrying through the airport, Drew felt as if he were there alone.

Drew’s phone rang again. Relieved, he answered right away. He’d become accustomed to feeling a certain level of delight when he heard Alana’s voice. It soothed him. That’s one reason why he was sure to speak with her several times a week. That and the fact that she’d finally opened up to communicating with him. His plan was to tread carefully until she realized that the two of them together made perfect sense. As hard as it was to be around her and keep his desires at bay, he wanted to make his move at precisely the right time.

“Hey,” he said.

“Are you alright? No. Sorry. That was a stupid question. Cadence called and told me what happened. She’s at the hospital with Blake.”

“I’m fine right now.”

“You don’t sound fine, but I understand.” They listened to each other breathe for a few moments.

“Where are you?”

“At the airport.”

“Want me to pick you up tomorrow?”


“Text me the details.” The attendant’s voice blared through the speakers, announcing that it was time for first-class customers to board. “You’ve got to go.” Alana had apparently heard the woman clearly. “Don’t forget to text me. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a safe flight.”

Drew ended the call without a salutation. He didn’t want to say the word goodbye.