
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

Alberti, Leon Battista, 42–43

Alciat, André, 14


blending, 64

collated under types of the word, 64

figurative, 60–65

hand as memory support, 56

hieroglyphic model, 63

of human postures, 60

of Publicius, 60

Alsted, Johann-Heindrich, 67

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, x, 1, 39, 89, 96, 103

animal avatars, 63

Aquinas, Thomas, 15, 90–91, 92, 96

Aristotle, 93–94

Ars memorativa, 46, 60, 62, 68

art of memory

classical, 29, 95–96, 99, 100

Dominican conception of, 96

evolution of, 13

Hermetic direction, 14

hieroglyphic reference in, 60

images implied in, 83

imaginary architectural edifice created by, 34–35

imagistic depiction in, 27

integrated into Christian doctrine, 13–14

intellectual and spiritual situation of, 14

intentions in, 18

in Lodge of Kilwinning, 6, 78

in Middle Ages, 84

as mnemonic device, xiii–xiv, 14, 19, 47

as moral edification tool, xiv

mystery and, 49

as origin of Masonic method, xv

partial rebuses in, 28, 66

in Renaissance form, 6

resurgence of, 34

revitalization of, 46

secondary position of uses, 28

secular adaptation of, 14

speculative Freemasonry and, 73

student instruction in, 82

survival of, 32–33

symbolism in, 83

as technique, 81

transformation of itself, 30

as used by orators, 13, 82

use of, 99–100

as vector of hermetic connotation, 80

words in, 18

Art of Memory, The, 73, 80

Austriacus, Johannes, 49–50


animal, 63

parallel, 57

in shift from symbol to word, 29

study of, 27, 51

Balavoine, Claudie, 23–29, 39, 41–69

Bardot, Francis, ix–xii

Bartolomeo da San Concordio, 94–95

Bernheim, Alain, 79, 80–81


becoming a locale, 51

map of, 51–55

Boswell, John, 5

Bruno, Giordano, xv, 14–16, 18, 20, 37, 76–77, 85–86

Bruxius, Adam, 64

Camillo, Giulio, 14, 18, 84–85

Camillo's Theatre, 74, 76

Casaubon, Isaac, 14

Cicero, 45, 46, 63–64, 83, 96

classical art of memory, 29, 95–96, 99, 100. See also art of memory

Colonna, Francesco, 42

conceptual thought, 25, 40

Corbin, Patrice, xiii–xvi

"craft of living," 27

crisis of meaning, 35

d'Alviella, Goblet, 100–101

"dark night," 37

Dee, John, 20–21

degrees, 72, 87, 100, 101–3

della Porta, Giambattista, 58–59, 60, 62, 65, 68

Descartes, René, xv–xvi, 32, 38, 40

Dickson, Alexander, 6, 15, 20

direct inscription, 67–69

Divine Wisdom, 29, 69

Dyer, Colin, 88

Egyptian hieroglyphs, 48

emblemata, 14

engraving, 36

Ficino, Marsilio, 43

figurative alphabets, 60–65

Foucault, Michel, xiii

Fowler, William, 15

Freemasonry. See also speculative Freemasonry

ancient sources of initiatic transmission in, 70–104

as continuator of practice of art of memory, 104

development of new form of, 8

formation of, 2

modern, birth of, 38

as nomadic art, 10–11

non-operative, 7

from operative to speculative, 5–12


approach to tracing board, 102

as churchgoers, 71

first, meetings of, 21

manner of giving the Mason Word, 33

non-operative, 16–17

operative, 16–17

origin as real secret, 3

ritual accessible to, 8

ritual of symbols and, 19

self-doubt, 70–71

Gagne, Claude, 23

"gentlemen masons," 8, 96

Gesualdo, Philippo, 48, 49, 52–53, 54, 66, 67

Giovanni di San Gimignano, 97

"grafting," 17, 19

Grande Loge de France, 89

Great Organizer, 17

Gruson, François, 10

hand, as memory support, 56–57

Hermeticism, xiv, 35, 40

Hermetic secret, 76, 85

hieroglyphic language, 65

hieroglyphic writing, 44–47


beginning reference of, 27

dematerialization of, 59

Egyptian, 48

ideogrammatic, 47

of memory, 41–69

Neoplatonic interpretation of, 25

physiognomic, 58–59

as scriptural sign, 29, 69

Hieroglyphs of Memory: Emergence

and Transformation of a

Hieroglyphic Script in the Arts of

Memory during the Sixteenth and

Seventeenth Centuries, 24–31

historic proofs, 6

iconic sign, 25, 43


emblematic, development of, 29

iconic sign, 25, 43

meaningful, 42

meaningful, decline of, 24–25

memorized, 17

status of, 16

temple, 72


of art of memory, 18

avatars of, 51

evolution of, 30

examples of, 25

figurative alphabets and, 60, 63

importance placed on, 16

Masonic symbols as, 87, 90

in memorizing, 44–45, 67, 82

in monumental loci, 42, 43

parallel avatars of, 57


defined, 71

as going from one room to another, 104

nature of, 72

rituals of, 100

transmission, 91


direct, 67–69

interpretation and reinvention of, 42

mnemonic, 48

tablets of, 67

intentionality, 18

invention, 97

Jachin and Boaz, 7, 8, 11, 33, 36

Langlet, Philippe, 33–34

Le Cuirot, Adrian, 50, 55, 58, 66


advent of, 24–25

disguised, 27–28, 60

Egyptian, 48

increasing benefits of, 34

shift from figures to, 29

symbolic depiction of images and, 26

turn toward play with, 28–29

Llull, Ramon, 14, 18

loci, 16, 27, 42–44, 51, 60, 82

Lodge of Kilwinning, 6, 78

"lodge plan," 11


geographical, established, 10

mixed, 8

most important act in, 102

operative Mason structure based on, xv, 6

private, 10

tracing board as symbol of, 36

Lyon, David Murray, 19

Maffesoli, Michel, 35

Magnus, Albertus, 92–93

Marafioti, Giralamo, 56, 57, 59, 67

Masonic method

art of memory as origin of, xv

Masonic symbolism and, 40

origin of, xiii–xvi, 4

Masonic rite, 1, 87

Masonic symbolism. See also symbols

art of memory and, 30

creation of, 26, 39–40, 96

defined, 2

gestation of, 7, 38

Masonic method and, 40

tools of building, 34

vectors of, 98

Mason Word

circulation and transmission of, 33

defined, 6

existence of, 40

first known circulation of, 33

first mention of existence of, 7

manner of giving, 33

secrets of, 100

"way to give," 9

meaningful images, 24–25, 42

memory. See also art of memory

artificial, 28–29, 42, 93

hand as support, 56–57

hieroglyphs of, 41–69

as part of rhetoric, 96

as part of the soul, 83, 97

Renaissance occult, 77

rules of, 50

"vast cathedrals of," 98, 102

"memory places," 93

"memory theatre," 84

method, the, 38

Mollier, Pierre, 38

Moray, Sir Robert, 8

Murray, David, 19

"Muses Threnodie" (Adamson), 7


art of memory and, 49

of Freemasonry origins, 75

hieroglyphic, 29, 69

loss of, 30

mystical rhetorics, 92

night of origins, 1–4

non-operative members, reception of, 9

oath, 10

Old Charges, 8, 89, 99

operative Masonry, 7, 74, 75, 77

Origins of Freemasonry: Scotland's Century, 1590 to 1710, The (Stevenson), 5–6

Paine, Thomas, 3

Panigarola, Francesco, 53–55

partial rebuses, 28, 66

passwords, 8, 10

Perkins, William, 20

Peter of Ravenna, 26, 46, 51, 52–53, 64, 67

physiognomic hieroglyphs, 58–59

physiognomy, rebirth of, 57, 59

Pike, Albert, 19, 103

printed text, 25

Publicius, Jacobo, 60, 96

Ramus, Petrus, 20

Renaissance, 24, 25, 26, 27, 42

"Renaissance thought," 79

Rhetoric for Herennius, 45, 46


art of memory in development of, 74

Freemason knowledge of, 71

of initiation, 100

operative Mason structure based on, xv, 6

practice of, 72

reception, 10

of symbols, 19

transmission of, 8

Rosicrucians, 75, 100

Rossellius, Cosmas, 48, 51–53, 59, 60, 61, 63

Royal Arch Masonry, 76, 77

Schaw, William, 6, 15, 16, 100

Schaw Statues of 1599, 6

Schenkel, Lambert, 50, 56–57, 59, 66

scientific method, 34

Second William Schaw Statutes, 4, 34, 99

secrecy, 8, 10, 69

Segall, Michaël L., 103

signs, 8, 10, 30, 64, 85, 92

Simonides redivivus, 64

Solomon's House of Wisdom, 85

speculative Freemasonry. See also Freemasonry; Freemasons

art of memory and, 73

defined, 88–89

deriving by analogy, 87

as initiatory by nature, 39

innovative project of, 33

operative Masonry development into, 75

origin of, 9, 72

symbols of, 89–90

temple in, 98–99

spiritual building, 17

Stevenson, David, 4–6, 9–10, 36, 38–39, 73–74, 79–86, 99–100

Storehouse of the Sciences, The, 55, 58, 67, 68

symbolic degrees, 101

symbolic elements, 16


from the Bible, 35

creation of, 17

diagram of creation of, 19

as elements of language and communication, 17

history of, 21

as imagines, 87, 90

pictorial representation, 35

in representing moral values, 98

ritual of, 19

secret of formation, 12

source of, 10, 19, 21

of speculative Freemasonry, 89–90


image of, 72

as imaginary and speculative, 6–7

Masonic, 10, 12

mental, 9

original, 17

in speculative Freemasonry, 98–99

spiritual, xv

three forms, 72

tracing boards and, 11, 12

as unfinished, 11

Temple of Solomon, 17, 26, 72, 99

tool words, 64

"tracing boards," 11, 12, 36, 102

two pillars, 8, 11, 33

Valéry, Paul, 3

Volkmann, Ludwig, 44, 48

Ward, Eric, 88

Yates, Frances

on art of memory, 4, 6, 39, 95–96, 98

link between Bruno and Stevenson and, 74–78

on Masonic symbolism, 87–91

on method of significance of things, 16

on mystical rhetorics, 92–94

on origin of speculative Masonry, 73–74

on reconstruction of "memory theatre," 84–85

on rules put forth before 1323, 94–95

on shift of mnemonic technique, 19

on symbolic use of architectural imagery, xiv

use of loci and imagines, 44–45