Sitting on the tarmac, Carpenter’s gold and white Gulfstream sat ready to take off, and Etienne climbed aboard, handing his bug-out bag to the attendant. Like everything else in Carpenter’s life, he hired the best, and the woman stowed his bag without a word.
Collapsing onto the leather seat, he buckled the seatbelt, his mind focused on Stephanie. The plane would take off shortly, all they were waiting for was the courier to bring Etienne’s passport and papers to get him into the Costa Rica.
Be safe, baby. I’m coming.
Leaning his head against the seat back, he prayed. It had been a long time, but his faith had carried him through some of the toughest battles, and he hoped it would get him through this too.
Outside, he heard a car door slam. Knew his paperwork was finally here. Good, now they could get in the air and get to Costa Rica. Carlisle was sending along as much intel as he could find on Donnelly’s vacation villa, blueprints, geographic photos and terrain shots. He’d study and familiarize himself with those, be ready the instant the plane touched down. Carpenter was contacting Dylan Roberts, the former Navy SEAL Commander Weeks recommended. Hopefully, together they’d get a handle on the situation.
“Hey, bro. Got your stuff.” His pain in the ass baby brother, Bas, strode down the aisle, and tossed a waterproof packet into his lap. “It’s everything they’ve been able to get thus far.”
“No problem.” With a grin, Bas plopped down onto the seat across from him, and buckled the seatbelt.
“What are you doing?”
“Going with you. Always wanted to see Central America.”
Etienne shook his head. His baby brother didn’t have a clue what kind of mess they were heading into, and he thought to make a vacation out of it? Not this time.
“Bas, get off the plane. You need to stay here. Your girl needs you.”
Bas leaned forward and stared him straight in the eye. “My brother needs me more. Lexie will be fine. She’s got the rest of C.S.S. looking out for her. Besides, she’s working on a story, and when she digs her teeth into one, she’s oblivious to everyone and everything else around her. She won’t even miss me.”
Etienne knew his brother could be stubborn. He might be the youngest Boudreau, and seem easygoing and carefree, but he could make a mule look downright cooperative. There would be no changing his mind. On the plus side, he’d worked several cases with his brother. They knew how each one worked, their strengths and weakness. It would be good to have somebody there, watching his back.
“Thanks, bro.”
“We’re Boudreaus. We stick together, no matter what.”
The trill of his phone pulled his attention away from Bas, and he looked down at the screen.
Holy hell, it’s Stephanie!
“Etienne?” Her voice was soft, barely a whisper of sound. He could hear water in the background. Sounded like a shower running.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, we’re all good. For now, anyway. Listen, I don’t have a lot of time. My battery is about to die. I kept the phone turned on, so Carlisle could ping it, and get the location.”
“Good thinking. What can you tell me?”
He heard her sigh before answering. “There are armed guards all through the house. I counted at least fifteen, inside and out. There could be more, but that’s my best guess. Most are armed with automatic weapons. They seem to be waiting for somebody to show, though they haven’t mentioned who. Supposedly only one guard speaks English. He told me tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”
“Okay.” He didn’t know how to ask the next question, not even sure he wanted to know the answer. “Baby, did they—”
“No!” She interrupted him before he could get the words out. “Nobody’s touched anybody, except for a couple of shoves to get us moving. It’s dark now, so we’ve been locked in our rooms, with armed guards outside the doors. The bedrooms are on the third floor, so I can’t jump out the window. Besides, where would I run? We’re surrounded by jungle.”
“Hang on, Steph. I’m on my way. I’ll be there before you know it.”
“You’re coming?” The relief in her voice eased the wretched tightness in his chest. “I want you here so much, but…”
“Nobody’s gonna keep me from coming for you, baby. Hang tight. I’ll be there soon.”
“Good. Etienne, if anything happens to me—”
“Don’t say it. Don’t even think it. You stay strong. I will come for you—I will always come for you.”
His heart broke at the sound of her sobs. Pictured the tears streaking down her pretty face, and he wanted to throw a punch at somebody. Damn Samuel Carpenter and his hands-off policy. She was his. He’d known it deep in his soul from the first time he’d seen her, and now he was going to find her, bring her home, and never let her out of his sight again.
“Just hurry. I…damn, the phone is beeping. The battery’s almost dead. Etienne, I—”
The call went dead. He looked at his brother and said the only thing he could.
“We’re not waiting any longer. Tell the pilot to get this plane in the air. I’m going to get my girl.”