Etienne wished the damn rain would stop. Would have been nice to build a fire, get Stephanie warm and dry. But at least they had a bit of shelter for the night. It wasn’t much, but he hadn’t found any creatures hidden in the nooks and crannies, and it was relatively dry.
“I’m glad to get out of the rain.”
“Me, too. Looks like it’s gonna pour most of the night. If we’re lucky, the mercs will turn back, and we can rest and get a fresh start in the morning.”
He almost flinched at the look of hope on her face. “Do you really think so?”
Probably depended on how well-paid they were. If it was him, he’d keep searching until he found his prey. But not everybody worked the way Gator taught him and his brothers. Never give up was the family motto.
“I haven’t heard or seen anything in a while, so maybe they’ve turned back. They might try the roads, thinking we’ll head for civilization on the coast.”
She laughed. “Which is exactly what I’d have done if I’d been alone.”
He closed his eyes, not wanting to think about her racing through the rainforest with armed mercenaries on her tail. Alone. Helpless.
“Sorry the accommodations aren’t better, but we should be okay for the night. Though there won’t be any light, at least the ground is dry.”
Without thinking he stripped off his shirt and laid it to dry over one of the rocks. At her gasp, he whirled around, searching for whatever had startled her.
“Etienne, your back…”
Ah, hell. He forgot about the scars. She wouldn’t have known about them. It had been a long time ago—and he tried not to think about it.
“It’s nothing.”
She stepped closer, shrinking the distance between them. “Don’t minimize it or avoid my question. If you don’t want to tell me, fine. Tell me to mind my own damn business. But I know what burn scars look like, and those are pretty nasty ones. Must have hurt like a bitch.”
He chuckled at her choice of words. Steph rarely cursed, so hearing the expletive coming from her lips made him smile.
“It happened about ten years ago, give or take. Neighbor’s house caught fire. I went in to help evacuate the family and got hit by a falling support beam.” No reason to mention how close he’d come to not making it out at all.
When she walked around to stand behind him, he tried not to flinch. When her fingertips slid softly along the puckered flesh, he wanted to groan. But, when she laid a soft kiss against the ridged flesh, his heart nearly stuttered to a stop.
“I always knew you were brave. Selfless. These scars are a badge of honor. You put the welfare and safety of others before your own. It makes perfect sense that you’d go into the military. You’re a warrior. A protector. It’s why you’re here in Costa Rica—to rescue me.”
He drew in a shuddering breath. That wasn’t the reason he was here. She had no idea how he felt about her. How he’d always felt. They’d never even been on a date, but he knew he belonged to her to the depths of his soul.
Like he knew she liked hot tea with lemon and sugar in the mornings instead of coffee. Knew she kept a secret stash of jellybeans in the bottom drawer of her desk and snuck some when she thought nobody was watching. Knew she had a heart full of love for everyone around her.
And he knew that he loved her.
His words trailed off because what could he say? Profess his undying love in the middle of the jungle, with armed mercenaries hounding their every step? That might work in one of his sister-in-law’s romances, but in real life? The illusion was much cleaner, without the mud, snakes, and guns. In Sarah’s books, the hero and heroine always found their way to a happily-ever-after, conquering all their obstacles. Somehow, he couldn’t picture that happening in this case. The deck was stacked against them, with every card marked in the dealer’s favor.
And wouldn’t Sarah laugh her ass off if she knew I secretly read her books—and like them.
Another soft kiss brushed against his spine, this time on the smooth, unscarred flesh, sending shivers across his back. Then another. His whole body stiffened as he savored the sensation of Stephanie’s lips against his bare skin.
“Stop.” With every beat of his heart, he really meant keep going. “Stephanie, you shouldn’t…”
“Shouldn’t what? Touch you? I’ve wanted to since the day we met. There’s something between us—don’t deny it. I’m tired of staying in the shadows, hiding away from everything. Never living my life on my terms. Never reaching out and taking what I want.” She came around to face him, and paused, staring at him, her gaze intense and hungry. “And I want you.”
His eyes drifted closed at her words. Hell, he knew precisely how she felt, because he went through the same thing every day. Walking into Carpenter Security, seeing her behind her desk every morning, and knowing she was off limits? Out of bounds to him—it was like an open wound in his heart that refused to heal.
“We can’t.” The words were a struggle to get past his suddenly dry lips.
“Etienne, open your eyes and look at me.” When he refused, she said the one word he couldn’t ignore. “Please.”
Ah, hell.
Opening his eyes, a tidal wave a desire coursed through him. When had she taken off her shirt and pants? She stood before him in her bra and panties, ivory-colored lace against her pale skin. It had to be the prettiest sight he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.
Her breasts formed perfect mounds, plumped up above the cups of the bra, and his hands curled into fists to keep from reaching out and touching. Feel their softness and weight in his hands. Taste the nipples he could just barely make out beneath the satin and lace.
“You don’t play fair, baby. I’m trying to be a gentleman, and not take advantage of the situation.”
“What if I want you to? I’m a grown woman, Etienne. I know my own mind, and what I want.” Her hand rose to cup his cheek. “I want you.”
Her other hand skimmed across his chest in a lazy swirling pattern, and when her fingertips brushed against his nipples, he knew he fought a losing battle. Knew he’d be damned and probably out of a job when he got home. But it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except the woman standing in front of him, begging him to make love to her. And he wasn’t strong enough to say no.
Reaching out, his hand tilted her face upward, and though the light was nearly gone, still he read the swirl of desire in her blue eyes. Watched her pupils dilate. She licked her lips, and he was a goner.
Leaning toward her, his lips crashed against hers in a mind-numbing kiss. His tongue surged between her open lips, meeting hers in a mating dance as old as time, yet it felt like the first time. Deepening the kiss, he tasted the pure, sweet essence of Stephanie.
Pulling back with reluctance, he drew in a ragged breath. The simple taste of her kiss went to his brain faster than the headiest whiskey, making his senses reel.
“Steph, are you sure? You can always say no, and I’ll stop, but I want you so much.”
Her hands reached up and cupped his cheek, her fingertips cool against his heated skin. “Etienne, I’ve wanted this for so long. Don’t deny what we feel any longer. Make love to me.”
Swinging her up into his arms, he stepped further into the cave, and gently laid her on the damp ground. He wished their first time together was someplace filled with roses and candlelight, romantic and perfect. Not the middle of a Costa Rican rainforest, with armed mercenaries chasing them, their lives in imminent danger.
She was a goddess, wanton and desirable, and yet innocence all wrapped into one beautiful package. In the dim light spilling through the waterfall, her skin shone like it was illuminated from within. The wall of water hid their location from prying eyes yet let in enough of the daylight he could look his fill. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight than her laid out against the bare ground.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are?”
She smiled a mysterious little smile, held her arms out for him, and he was lost. Lost in a whirlwind of emotions and feelings he didn’t recognize but knew were real. Her soft curves were even more pronounced as she lay spread across the ground, and he wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within her. To relieve the aching, gnawing want coiled deep inside.
Kneeling beside her, he reached for the front closure of her bra, and flicked it open, smiling as her breasts spilled out of the cups. Full and round, he couldn’t resist taking one in his hand, rubbing his thumb against the nipple, and watch it pucker and peak to a hardened point. Her indrawn gasp told him all he needed to know—she wanted him.
Cupping both breasts in his hands, the heavy weight overflowed his palms. “You’re even more beautiful than I’d imagined.”
Her laugh was low and husky and drew his eyes to her face. Watched the way her eyes devoured him. Read the hunger in her gaze. He rolled both nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, and she gasped, a tremor rolling through her body. When she started to sit up, he moved a hand in the center of her chest, holding her in place with a gentle touch.
“Etienne,” she whispered. “I want to touch you.”
“And you will, my love, but not yet. Right now, I need to worship my goddess.” He let his hands roam over her shoulders and breasts, felt her shuddered breath. Using his fingertips, he traced along the smattering of freckles he knew spread across her shoulders. Felt the faint heat rising in her skin as he trailed his fingers against the skin of her throat and along her cheek.
“You’re blushing.”
“I can’t help it. You make me feel…wanted.”
“Sweetheart, I have always wanted you. Never doubt that.”
Her lips curved up in a temptress’ grin. “A girl always likes to hear the words.”
Pressing a kiss against her shoulder, he murmured against her skin, “Want you.” He placed another kiss against the line of her neck. “Need you.” He could feel the icy hold he’d kept around his heart crack, warmth seeping in where only loneliness had been before.
Reaching up, she pulled his head down for a kiss, her lips opening beneath his. She moaned his name into his mouth, and he let the sensations wash across him. A driving sense of urgency shot through him, but he squashed it down. He’d be damned if he’d rush this first time with Stephanie. Not after waiting so long to have her in his arms.
They both moaned when he moved back slowly, breaking the kiss. Standing, he toed off his boots, before yanking off his socks and tossing them beside his shirt. His pants quickly followed, and still, he couldn’t take his eyes off Stephanie. She was perfect—and for today, she was his.
Once more kneeling beside her, he kissed and stroked his way down her body, trailing kisses along her exposed skin. A reverent kiss was placed between her breasts, directly over her heart. With each brush of his lips, her body moved beneath his hands, as if she couldn’t hold herself still, hands clenched at her sides. A fine sheen of sweat coated her skin, even with the chilly air surrounding them, and his tongue swiped against her skin, tasting the tang of salt.
“Shh, sweetheart. Let me love you.” He tucked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and tugged downward, easing them off and tossing them to the ground. Finally, she lay before him, gloriously nude, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to last long. He wanted her too much.
Gently he eased his body atop hers. Hovering over her, propped on his elbows, his legs bracketed on either side of hers, he smiled down, before dropping a gentle kiss against the tip of her nose. Her hands rose to stroke his shoulders before her fingers threaded in his hair, pulling him down for a gentle kiss, sweet and oddly innocent. One hand smoothed down his back, to grasp his hip, and he shuddered. Stephanie’s back bowed off the damp earth, and her breasts rubbed against his chest, her nipples pebbled into hard points against his skin.
His hands gripped her hips, pulling her closer against his groin. Her smile turned seductive, and he wanted to howl when her hand squeezed his ass. There was something different in the air, untamed and wild, and he intended to go with the flow. Sliding his knee between her thighs, she opened them wider, granting him access to her heated core.
A soft growl escaped his lips, and she laughed, head thrown back. “I love the sounds you make, those noises tell me your iron control is slipping.”
“I don’t seem to have any control around you, sweetheart.”
In answer, she spread her thighs wider, snuggly fitting her body against his warm length. “Good. I want you wild.”
Etienne’s mouth covered hers, and she gave a soft moan. His tongue delved inside, teasing her with light caresses that left him panting and wanting more, until he finally pulled away, staring into her eyes in the fading light.
His body ached for her, and he knew once he was inside her, he wouldn’t last long. Not this first time anyway. Lifting her hand, he pressed a kiss against her palm. His dark gaze locked with hers, while he kept hold of her hand.
“You’re mine, Stephanie.”
He watched her blink back tears. “Yours, Etienne. Only yours.”
She yanked him off balance, pulling on the hand he still clutched tight, and launched her body against his and rolled. Etienne landed flat on his back, with her straddling his lap. Leaning over him, her eyes devoured him. He couldn’t help the bucking of his hips against her. Grinned when her hands grabbed his, pulling them above his head as she wiggled against him, and he felt the evidence of her arousal.
With a deft move, he rolled them until he was once again on top, and grinned as he yanked her arms above her head this time. He moved until his hips were snugly cradled in the vee of her thighs, and one hand stole between them to rub her clit, moving in small circles, and she moaned softly.
She wrapped her legs around his hips, and he eased back, releasing her arms. Her hands flattened on his chest and slid down until her hand was wrapped around him, and she gave a gentle squeeze. Yep, he was a goner. No way he’d last long now.
He kissed her again, his mouth devouring hers, and his hand roamed against her breast. Touching her was like every fantasy come to life, and he couldn’t seem to stop. Just like he couldn’t seem to stop kissing her. Those kisses were intoxicating, drugging his senses, and he was a willing addict, unable to think about anything but kissing her and making love to her.
The hand gripping him guided him to her heated core, and he slid forward, sheathed in her glorious heat. Slowly he moved forward, rocking into her. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as he eased deeper into her, and all thoughts flew away, replaced by pure need. Another kiss and another, before he finally broke free, wanting to watch her lovely features as her need rose, and his body tightened in response.
A passion-filled gasp escaped her when he was fully seated within her body, and he lifted his head to stare at her. Rolling his hips, he heard her cry out, the sound filling him with a primal need to satisfy his woman, and he pulled back only to plunge deep again. He fought back the climax threatening to overwhelm him. He wouldn’t come, couldn’t—not without her. Her pleasure came first.
Her voice pleaded, her tone telling him exactly what she needed. Shifting his body just enough to brace his weight on one arm, he slid his hand between them, and pressed his thumb against her clit. With each rub of that bundle of nerves, her moans grew louder and longer. He plunged deep within her, pulling out nearly all the way, then sliding back home. Heart pounding in his chest, he drove in faster, deeper, feeling her body gripping him tight.
It felt like pure heaven, finally being in her arms, making love to her. He knew he couldn’t hold back much longer. At the next heartbeat, she screamed his name, her body trembling and her muscles squeezing him, as she hit the pinnacle of her orgasm.
Sizzling pleasure roared through him, ecstasy nearly blinding him, and his body shivered and jerked as he joined her in release. Breath soughed in and out of his lungs, and he looked down at her beautiful face, saw the contented smile on her lips, and for the first time since this whole hellish nightmare began, he felt at peace.