Morning dawned far too early. Stephanie felt warm and protected within Etienne’s arms. They’d made love deep into the night, the only sounds the waterfall, the rest of the jungle sounds muted by the water cascading in sheets in front of their secluded cavern. She almost hated to wake, because waking meant moving, and she wanted to make this moment last. Stretch it out so she’d have a memory to cling to. All too aware that when they got back to the States, everything would change.
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
Looking up, she met his smiling eyes, and the lazy grin on his face. A day’s worth of stubble coated his chin and cheeks, making him look dark and dangerous, and most definitely edible.
“Hi. Sounds like the storm’s passed.”
He sat up, stretching his muscles, and her eyes were instantly drawn to his chest, to the scattering of dark hair that trailed down to even more interesting bits. Felt the heat rising in her cheeks when she noticed him watching her.
“As much as I’d love to continue our rendezvous, we’ve got to get moving. We need to get to Dylan Roberts and Bas. Find out what the situation is back at the villa. See if they’ve captured Prescott.”
“Tabby. I haven’t thought about her in hours. How could I not think about her?” Her head dropped into her hands, and she felt like a monster. She’d spent the night in her lover’s arms, and her friend was in the hands of a monster—one who was after her. And she’d left her behind. Did that make her as much a monster as Gareth?
“Stop it. We’ll make sure she’s safe. Who knows, by the time we get out of this jungle, the whole thing may be over. Think positive.”
“Easy for you to say. Gareth Prescott won’t give up. Maybe I should go, and offer myself in exchange for—”
“Absolutely not!”
Etienne stood and began dressing, his movements jerky. Well, shoot, she’d pissed him off. So much for cuddling a few extra minutes.
“No. He’s never getting his hands on you again.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I got you out. Bas and Dylan Roberts are smart and resourceful, and Roberts is trained for these types of rescues. Maybe they’ve already rescued the other women.”
She started pulling on her clothes, though they were still damp. Running a hand through her hair, it came away covered with the grit and sand from the cave floor. Nice.
Etienne walked over and pulled her into his arms, and she laid her head against his chest. Heard the solid, steady beat of his heart, and forced herself to relax. His hand traced a pattern up and down her spine, the motion soothing, yet with an intimacy of someone who knew her body well. During the night, he’d touched and kissed every inch of her skin, taking her to heights of passion she’d never known before. Now he was asking for her trust—a different kind of trust, but nonetheless asking for her to have faith in him and his band of brothers.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rose on her tiptoes and kissed him, pouring everything she felt into it. His mouth devoured hers, and she moaned, letting him take charge of the kiss. All too soon, she pulled back, and looked into his eyes, their deep brown depths filled with an emotion she was afraid to trust, because it looked like—love.
With a sigh, she said, “Let’s go.”
Cupping her cheeks, he brushed another kiss across her lips. “You are amazing.” Grabbing her hand, he strode to the opening of the cave. The thundering sound of the water rushing past the opening nearly deafened her, yet beyond the shimmery water sunlight showed a near cloudless sky, the blue color more vivid than she’d ever seen.
They made their way across the slippery rocks, her sneakers skittering a couple of times, but she didn’t fall—thankfully. Wouldn’t that be perfect, finally getting mostly dry, and then falling into the lagoon?
Although the crystal blue water did look tempting, and she felt gritty and dirty, and really wanted to dive into the enticing pool.
“Do you think…”
Etienne grinned. “We’ll have to be quick, but yeah, I could use a swim too.”
Stripping off the day-old clothes, she sprinted for the water’s edge, and spun around, looking for Etienne. He was nowhere in sight. Turning at the sound of a splash, and she spotted his dark brown head rising from beneath the surface. His hands slicked his hair back, and water sluiced down his shoulders, and she felt her knees weaken. He was so gorgeous, gloriously naked, and for the moment, all hers.
“Come on in. I’ll warn you, it’s cold at first, but you’ll warm up fast enough.” His grin was most definitely wicked, and she sprinted into the water. Her breath caught in her throat at its icy touch. Diving beneath the surface, she swam to where she’d last seen him, and surfaced a few feet away.
“Liar. It’s freezing.”
“But it got you in fast, didn’t it?” His laugh was infectious. “I bet you’re one of those people who stick their big toe in to see if it’s too cold, and wade out slowly, right?”
“Am not.” She was the liar because she so was one of those toe dippers. Throwing his head back, he laughed again, and she heard the birds’ answering calls.
The jungle was full of sounds this morning. Yesterday, it had held an ominous sense of dread, between running for their lives and the deluge. Today, it was fresh and clean and beautiful. And loud. The sound of birds and insects made a strange symphony as she swam, dipping her head beneath the surface, she scrubbed her hands against her scalp, hoping to get her hair at least partially clean.
Arms wrapped around her middle, and she jumped, before relaxing into Etienne’s arms. He placed a soft kiss against her nape, and she tilted her head, giving him freer access.
“As much as I’d love to stay and spend the morning in our own private Garden of Eden, hon, we’d better get moving.”
Without a word, she swam toward the spot where she’d left her clothes and climbed out, dressing quickly. Without a word, Etienne took her hand and started toward the opposite side from where they’d entered the clearing. She cast one final look at the place where she’d made love with Etienne the night before, knowing that she’d always remember the hours she spent in his arms. Even if everything ended the second they arrived back in New Orleans, she’d always have one special night filled with memories and happiness. And love, because she truly loved Etienne Boudreau.