A. Preface (1:1–11)
i. Greeting (1:1–2)
ii. Benediction (1:3–11)
B. The body of the response (1:12 – 7:16)
i. Personal defence (1:12–24)
a. General defence of integrity (1:12–14)
b. Defence of changed travel plans (1:15–24)
ii. The ‘severe letter’: its purpose and aftermath (2:1–13)
a. The purpose of the ‘severe letter’ (2:1–4)
b. Forgiveness for the offender (2:5–11)
c. Waiting for Titus (2:12–13)
iii. Competency in ministry (2:14 – 4:6)
a. Led in triumph (2:14–17)
b. Letters of recommendation (3:1–3)
c. Ministers of the new covenant (3:4–6)
d. The greater glory of new covenant ministry (3:7–11)
e. The greater boldness of new covenant ministers (3:12–18)
f. The conduct of Paul’s ministry (4:1–6)
iv. Present suffering and future glory (4:7 – 5:10)
a. Treasure in jars of clay (4:7–15)
b. We do not lose heart (4:16–18)
c. The heavenly dwelling (5:1–10)
v. The ministry of reconciliation (5:11–21)
a. Defence of his ministry (5:11–15)
b. God’s reconciling act in Christ (5:16–21)
vi. Reconciliation practised (6:1 – 7:4)
a. An appeal for reconciliation (6:1–13)
b. A call for holy living (6:14 – 7:1)
c. A further appeal for reconciliation (7:2–4)
vii. Paul’s joy after a crisis resolved (7:5–16)
a. Paul’s relief when Titus arrived (7:5–7)
b. The ‘severe letter’ and its effects (7:8–13a)
c. Titus’ happiness and affection for the Corinthians (7:13b–16)
C. The matter of the collection (8:1 – 9:15)
i. The example of the Macedonians (8:1–6)
ii. Paul exhorts the Corinthians to finish what they began (8:7–15)
iii. Commendation of those who will receive the collection (8:16–24)
iv. Be prepared and avoid humiliation (9:1–5)
v. An exhortation to be generous (9:6–15)
A. Paul’s exercise of apostolic authority (10:1–18)
i. Paul responds to criticisms (10:1–11)
ii. Boasting within proper limits (10:12–18)
B. Paul’s plea for tolerance and condemnation of his opponents (11:1–15)
i. The Corinthians’ gullibility (11:1–6)
ii. The matter of financial remuneration (11:7–15)
C. The ‘fool’s speech’ (11:16 – 12:13)
i. Accept me as a fool (11:16–21a)
ii. Paul’s Jewish ancestry (11:21b–22)
iii. A better servant of Christ (11:23–33)
iv. Visions and revelations (12:1–10)
v. Signs of an apostle (12:11–13)
D. Paul’s planned third visit (12:14 – 13:10)
i. Paul refuses to burden the Corinthians (12:14–18)
ii. The real purpose of Paul’s fool’s speech (12:19–21)
iii. Paul threatens strong action on his third visit (13:1–10)
E. Conclusion (13:11–14)
i. Final exhortations and encouragement (13:11–13)
ii. Benediction (13:14)