It was not just commoners and the ungodly who needed to be given guidelines about propriety. Clearly the clergy had to be kept in line as well.
The Habit of Clerics
We ordain that rectors and vicars of churches and also those in positions of dignity, priests as well as clerics who are below sacred orders, be marked by decency both in mind and outward attire, that they wear not garments of red, green, or striped colours, nor garments (‘panni’) that would attract attention by their excessive shortness; that vicars also and priests wear their gowns (‘Indumenta’) close, and wear a becoming tonsure, and that those who ought to be an example to others offend not the gaze of beholders. But if, warned by their Ordinaries, they should not amend, let them be suspended from office and be subjected to the discipline of the Church.