The Rise and Fall of William Wallace, 1297–1305


Regarded as the father of Scottish nationalism, William Wallace was one of the most inspirational figures in the country’s history. As a young man he made a name resisting the occupying English forces, and by leading the rout of the English at Stirling Bridge in 1297 he not only assured his place in his countrymen’s hearts, but made the English rethink their attitude towards their northern neighbour. More than a century and a half later the epic poet Blind Harry captured the popular imagination with The Wallace, his depiction of the hopeful, but ultimately tragic life of this courageous and far-sighted man. Here he evokes the excitement felt when Wallace was chosen as the country’s leader.

Quhen Scottis hard thir fyne tithingis of new[heard this excellent news]
Out of all part to Wallace fast thai drew,[From all over]
Plenyst the toun quhilk was thar heritage.[Settled]
Thus Wallace straiff agayne that gret barnage.[strove against; barons]
Sa he begane with strength and stalwart hand[So]
To chewys agayne sum rowmys of Scotland.[recover; parts]
The worthi Scottis that semblit till him thair[flocked to]
Chaesit him for cheyff, thar chyftayne and ledar.[Chose]