The mass emigration that the Highlands and Islands witnessed as the clearances gathered pace was made even more painful because of the way some were treated. Here the official charged with organizing the emigration of the people of Rum shows how little concern was given to their conditions.
If government think seriously of being at any expense in sending out emigrants, I think it can be done a great deal cheaper than it has hitherto been done. … According to the present rate of freight to Cape Breton, or any of these places, New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, a ship could be freighted for 25s. per ton; at present two tons are allowed for every adult passenger, and the crew are included; but if government, for so short a voyage, would allow the crew not to be included, but let them go extra, it would be a very considerable saving of expense; and for so short a voyage, the captains of ships in that trade, who have gone with emigrants, and with whom I have conversed, say it would not be the least inconvenience. There is also the additional expense of a surgeon for so short a voyage, which is a very great additional expense. Then there are the provisions according to the Act of the Parliament, a certain quantity of beef; now by substituting what the Rum people were allowed by government, oatmeal instead of beef, the expense would be greatly reduced, and they are not accustomed to beef, they live altogether on oatmeal; in fact, on potatoes principally. In this way I make the expenses per adult 4l. 14s. 6d. I am allowing the twelve weeks provision in this calculation, because when they land they must have some provisions to maintain them until they raise a crop.