three asterisks


“A hazardous occupation,” I said. “But not without its occasional rewards.”

“Huh? Oh, right. No, what I was thinking about was college. And like after.”


“Like, you know, what do I want to do with my life.”

“Deep thoughts.”

He nodded, made air quotes. “Deep thoughts. And what part of me wants to do is four years in Athens at OU and then come back to Thompson Dawes.”

He’d been helping out after school, working in the stockroom, waiting on customers, making himself generally useful. I’d always had it in mind that he or his sister would most likely take over the business when I was ready to let it go.

I said, “Part of you. And what about the other part?”

“Well, I was thinking.”

This time I was the one who made air quotes.

“Right,” he said. “Deep thoughts. What I was thinking, I was thinking about becoming a vet.”

My first thought was he wanted to enlist in the service, because how else did you become a veteran? Then he said something about how he’d been getting to know Ralph Debenthal, from taking Chester in for booster shots and general maintenance, and—

“Oh, for God’s sake. A veterinarian.”

“You think it’s a bad idea?”

“I think it’s a lot better idea than the infantry. You said ‘vet’ and I figured you were all set to enlist in the army.”


“Well, it wasn’t what I was expecting.”

“God, I hope not. No, I thought it might be good to do what Doctor Ralph does.”

“A vet rather than—”

“A people doctor, but there must be a better word for it. A physician?”

“That’s the word.”

“I thought of that. When Mom was sick.”

Breast cancer, caught in its early stages, well in advance of metastasis. She’d had a lumpectomy and a brief course of radiation, and was now cancer-free. And there was no reason to fear a recurrence.

Except, of course, that there always is. There is, in this swamp of human existence, an unending abundance of crocodiles.

“But med school’s such a slog,” he said. “That’s what everybody says. It’s tough to get in and tough to get through it, and then you’re an intern and they work you like twenty hours a day.”

“It does require a commitment.”

“And that might even be okay, if I had my heart set on it, but it’s easier for me to see myself giving rabies shots than telling people Grandma’s not going to get better so start planning the funeral. I told Sukie I was thinking about vet school, and she said why not med school, and I said I like animals better than people.”

“And well you might.”

“I was just being, you know, I guess the word is glib.”

“But there’s some truth in it.”

“Yeah, there is. They don’t judge you or sue you for malpractice. Although I guess their owners might.”

“Not that often.”

“No. Anyway, it’s nothing I need to decide, but—”

I said, “You might want to think about shadowing Ralph.”

“What, like a detective? Skulking around?”


NOT LIKE A detective, and not furtively. He told Ralph Debenthal of his interest, and they agreed he could come in two days a week after school, running errands and performing menial tasks while seeing what Ralph did and how he did it. The man himself was reserved and laconic, and it was not hard to believe that he felt more comfortable with animals than human beings, but he got used to Alden’s company and increasingly opened up to him.

Then one evening just before dinner, Alden called Chester to his side, ordered him to sit, and placed a hand on top of the dog’s head. “Ah, I’m picking up information,” he announced. “About your ancestry, Chester.” He scanned the room, eyed each of us in turn. “A shepherd mix,” he said. “Isn’t that what we’ve been telling ourselves?”

Kristin asked him what he was talking about.

“I’m talking about Chester,” he said, “who is indeed about a quarter shepherd, but Belgian shepherd, not German. But what old Chester is more than anything else is Rottweiler. He’s fifty percent Rottie, so the odds are pretty good that either his mother or his father was a purebred Rottweiler.”

And how did he know this? “Oh, I have my ways,” he said, and waited to be coaxed into a full explanation—how there was this company in Fort Smith, Arkansas, that offered a full genetic profile of your dog for under a hundred dollars. What you did, you sent them a check—or in his case a money order, purchased with his own funds at the branch post office on Elizabeth Street. They mailed you a kit, and you took each of the two oversized Q-tips and swabbed the inside of your dog’s cheek. You put them in individual plastic tubes, used the company’s pre-addressed mailer, and sent it all back. And then you sat around waiting, and by the time you’d pretty much forgotten the whole thing, they sent you a letter with the results.

And those results, which he’d just received that afternoon, were pretty clear-cut. Half Rottweiler, around a quarter Belgian shepherd, and the remainder a little harder to pin down.

He beamed. Chester wagged his tail.


IN NOVEMBER OF 1942, two years and four months before I was born, Winston Churchill delivered a speech at a luncheon at London’s Mansion House. In Egypt, Generals Alexander and Montgomery had routed Rommel’s forces at El Alamein, providing Churchill for the first time with a victory to celebrate.

“Now this is not the end,” he said. “It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

I’d come across this once, years ago, but looked it up now to get it right. I typed “Churchill the end of the beginning” and Google supplied the precise quotation, along with more information on the occasion than I needed to know. I found it interesting enough to read in full, perhaps to keep my mind from going where it would have to go next.

The end of the beginning.


NONE OF THAT occurred to me at the time. I was at least as proud of Alden as he was of himself—that he’d thought of investigating the dog’s ancestry, and that he’d carried it off without dropping a hint until he had the results in hand. I was probably less surprised by his resourcefulness than by Chester’s heritage; the name Rottweiler conjured up images of a heavily-built, powerful beast, its jaws fastened in a death grip on any perceived threat to the family it was there to protect. That seemed a stretch for our Chester, who was more an affable clown, but they do say blood will tell, and I suppose so will DNA.

Ah yes. DNA.


THE MOLECULE NOW known as DNA was first identified in the 1860s by a Swiss chemist called Johann Friedrich Miescher. You probably didn’t know that, and neither did I until I Googled my way to it a few minutes ago.

It was almost a century later, in 1953, when James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA, and in the decades that followed the world has been working out what to make of it—and what to do with it.

It took a mere fifteen years to get to 1968, that pivotal year in which death came to a remarkable roster of people whose names you’ll know. John Steinbeck, Helen Keller, Yuri Gagarin. Tallulah Bankhead, Edna Ferber. Upton Sinclair. Norman Thomas. Martin Luther King.

Let’s not forget Bobby Kennedy. And, linked to him in my mind if in no one else’s, Cindy Raschmann.


IN 1968 A MAN walked into a bar, and while he must have heard the iconic initials of deoxyribonucleic acid they’d made no impression upon him. The man in the Buddy shirt paid little attention to the news in general and less to that of scientific advances and Nobel prizes.

Indeed, I’d have needed to be more than attentive to attach much significance to DNA. Uncommon prescience would have been required for me or anyone else to realize the eventual implications of Watson and Crick’s discovery.

Had I been gifted with that sort of foresight, I might have put on a condom before I took my pleasure with the late Cindy Raschmann.

But why? There were at that time just two reasons to don that sheer armor, and neither led me even to consider so doing. The prevention of conception was one, protection from disease the other.

I hadn’t needed to be concerned about birth control, as no man, however virile, was likely to get a dead girl pregnant. I suppose one might as readily pick up syphilis or gonorrhea from a dead partner as a living one, but I never gave a thought to VD back then. It was reputed to be no worse than a bad cold, and more fun to catch, and one simple shot of penicillin cured it, and you wouldn’t wear a raincoat in the shower, would you? Or wash your feet with your socks on?

Now, of course, nobody says VD. It’s STD now. I’m not sure why Sexually Transmitted Disease should better characterize those complaints we used to categorize as Venereal Disease, but then I’ve never been able to work out why the phrase person of color is preferable to colored person.

For whatever reason, STD is all you hear nowadays. And there seem to be more of them than there used to, and many have become largely resistant to penicillin and its cousins. Some are a good deal worse than a bad cold; for a decade or two, one of them—AIDS—killed everyone who came down with it. It’s still incurable, but its victims are now able to go on living with it, year after year, and perhaps they tell each other it’s no worse than the heartbreak of psoriasis. And, I suppose, more fun to catch.

So easy for me to go on like this. So effortless to let one’s fingers on the keys record the wandering of one’s mind. Such satisfaction in highlighting a word that’s almost right and replacing it with one that’s better.

So much easier than pushing aside the trivial and getting on with it.


The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.


I wouldn’t punctuate it that way, or single out those seven words for capitalization, and indeed I wasted a quarter of an hour nattering on about the subject before I used the Delete key for its intended purpose.

Cut the crap, Buddy. Get on with it.


I DON’T KNOW when some forensic trailblazer thought of using DNA as a forensic tool, nor could I tell you when I first became aware of it. But it became increasingly evident that the substance could snare you if you were guilty or exonerate you if you were innocent. Prison cell doors sprang open, abruptly releasing men who’d long since given up all hope of ever walking free. And then these doors slammed shut again, confining for the rest of their lives men who’d come to take their continuing freedom for granted.

Men whose circumstances were not unlike those of that Ohio shopkeeper known as John James Thompson.

I had gotten away with what I’d done to Cindy Raschmann. By the time I walked into that bar, I’d lived my life without drawing any attention from the police, outside of a couple of traffic stops. I’d never been arrested, never been fingerprinted. I couldn’t see how I might have left fingerprints at the crime scene, but even if I had, and even if some enterprising crime scene investigator succeeded in raising them, they wouldn’t lead anywhere.

But I’d pumped her full of DNA, hadn’t I? I’d left genetic fingerprints, and with the passage of time and the refinement of technology, I began to see what that might mean.

Of course, it might mean nothing at all. Who was to say how extensive Cindy’s post-mortem examination might have been, or what they might have kept of what they’d found? She’d never had a chance to claw at me, so there’d be none of my DNA under her fingernails, but if they’d retained what they found of my semen, and if it hadn’t been lost over the years, or degraded to be rendered forensically useless, then it might be enough to let them catch up with me.

If I somehow became a suspect. If I drew their attention. If they picked me up, and swabbed my cheek, and extracted the telltale DNA from my epithelial cells—if that happened, they’d have hard scientific evidence that would stand up in court, where some acknowledged expert could estimate the odds of another person’s DNA matching mine at one in a billion or a trillion or a quadrillion.

But first they had to arrest me before they could swab my cheek, and before that they’d have to suspect me, and why should they even know of the existence of J. J. Thompson, the mild-mannered proprietor of Thompson Dawes? Why should my new life call me to their attention?

I was still very much in the clear, wasn’t I?


WELL, LESS SO as time passed. The establishment of a DNA data bank came to mean that anyone who’d been arrested and cheek-swabbed was to be found in that system. If I walked into another bar, in Ohio or California or anywhere else in the country, and if I did what I’d once done to Cindy Raschmann, and if I were caught in the act or tracked down after it, some cold case investigator in Bakersfield could find a match for the sample he’d had in storage all these years.

If they’d had it to begin with, and hadn’t lost it, or—

Never mind. Technology marched on, and from a certain distance I found myself keeping up with it. I didn’t watch the original CSI, the one set in Las Vegas, because it aired on my bowling night, but it came up enough in dinner-table conversation for me to be aware of it. And when they put on the spinoff shows, set in Miami and New York, Louella and I would watch, joined as often as not by Alden.

Even before that, if we were home on a Saturday night we were apt to be watching America’s Most Wanted. Early on I’d catch myself on edge at the prospect that Cindy Raschmann’s 1968 death would turn up on the screen. Some passing motorist might come forward years later, recalling a partial license plate. A roadhouse patron might happen to remember a man in work clothes, the embroidery on his shirt identifying him as Buddy.

And then one Saturday her picture flashed on the screen.

I doubt I’d have recognized it if they hadn’t said her name. It must have been her high school yearbook photograph, and she’d lived some years and had some hard mileage on her by the time our paths crossed. I had time to note that she looked oddly familiar, and then I heard her name, and half-expected to hear mine coupled with it. My original name, that is to say. They wouldn’t be likely to know the Thompson name.

If they did, there’d have already been a knock on my door.

But what they had didn’t lead to me, and didn’t really lead to Cindy Raschmann, either. Here’s what they had: A bespectacled middle-aged man who’d sold used cars all over the Pacific seaboard, and who looked for all the world like an accountant, had been in a bar in Eugene, Oregon, when a fight broke out, and the police dragged everybody down to the stationhouse.

I forget what the evidentiary link was, even as I forget the fellow’s name, but he broke down under questioning and admitted to the recent rape of a college student, and went on to confess to several more rapes, a couple of which had ended in the victim’s death.

So now police departments throughout the region were looking at him as a suspect in whatever cold cases matched his profile. Cindy Raschmann’s murder was one such case, and her name and picture one that made it to the broadcast. Bakersfield police had been optimistic he’d turn out to be their guy, we were told, but the timeline didn’t work. And, they added, there was physical evidence that excluded him.

I had a moment when my optimism matched that of the Bakersfield cops. They wouldn’t have to build a solid case against the car salesman. All they needed was reason to believe he’d done it. Oregon could prosecute for crimes he’d clearly committed, and Bakersfield, on their own, could decide he was Cindy’s killer and close their very cold case.

But that wasn’t to be. And, sitting in front of the TV, I sorted the good and bad news. The good news, along with the fact that this particular menace would be off the streets for the rest of his life, was that I was no closer to drawing the attention of the authorities.

The bad news? That the case, however cold, was still open. And that they had physical evidence. If it was sufficient to exclude the car salesman, one had to presume it would serve to include the guy in the Buddy shirt. The man who’d actually

∗ ∗ ∗

“done the deed.” That’s how I’d have finished that thought. I had it in mind when I stopped writing yesterday, stopping in the middle of a sentence as I’ve occasionally done so that I’ll know where to pick up the next day. Or a few days down the line, if it takes me that long to get back to this curious task I’ve set myself.

I have to interrupt myself, I have to dart ahead into present time. Because I had a visitor last night. And no, it was not the one I’d been dreading, the faceless fellow in uniform knocking on my front door.

It was Cindy Raschmann.

Know that I was asleep, stretched out on my back on the left-hand side of the marital bed, with Louella sound asleep next to me.

“Oh, the old fool had a dream.”

That’s what you’d have to think, isn’t it? But Cindy Raschmann has invaded my dreams from time to time over the years, insinuating herself into an appropriate or inappropriate portion of a dream’s haphazard narrative. I don’t often remember the specifics of such visits, typically recalling only that she was there. Or some anonymous dream character turns around, and her face is Cindy’s. Or I pick up a newspaper, and the headlines are unreadable, but there’s a picture and I can see that it’s her.

Or—oh, never mind. Those are dreams. I can summon up wispy memories of some of them, consisting perhaps of nothing more than the dim recollection that she was present. And in fact I may have seen that face a thousand more times in dreams of which I never became consciously aware.

Dreams. They are, as best I understand it, how the mind at rest sorts through and processes elements with which it is not entirely at ease. Aren’t there experiments in which subjects prevented from dreaming are rendered mentally and emotionally fragile in their waking hours?

Last night was different.

I was asleep in bed, and I was conscious of a presence, and without knowing who it was I was nevertheless afraid to open my eyes and see for myself. But then I did, and there she was, and I recognized her instantly.

She was wearing the scoop-necked blouse, the skintight jeans, the boots. She was older, but not as old she she’d have been if she lived. Say late forties, early fifties, as if she’d aged a single year for every two in real time.

I’m thinking that now. At the time all I could think was that this was Cindy Raschmann, this was the woman I’d killed. In my house, in my bedroom, standing at the foot of my bed.

Her vivid blue eyes were quickly locked with mine.

Her eyes, her eyes. I half-remembered them as blue, but I couldn’t have sworn to their color, although I never failed to recall watching the light go out of them. In memory they always presented themselves as oddly colorless, virtual blank circles. Little Orphan Annie Eyes, wide with something. Dread or wonder, I suppose.

“Hey, it’s Buddy,” she said.

Her first words to me all those years ago. Then she’d been squinting at my pocket, working to bring the embroidered letters into focus. Now her brow was unlined, her blue eyes aimed not at my breast but at my own blue eyes.

Not so blue as hers, though. The years had washed some of the color out of mine, even as they’d turned my hair gray.

The years do take their toll . . .

Hey, it’s Buddy. The words echoed in the bedroom’s silence. I parted my lips to reply but couldn’t find words of my own.

Nor did she seem to be waiting for me to say anything. She just went on gazing into my eyes, and I into hers.

Then she said, “You’ve been waiting such a long time, haven’t you? Except there is no time, you know. Time was created to keep everything from happening at once. But it doesn’t really work, because everything really does happen all at once.”

I was conscious of two things at once—that her words didn’t make any sense, and that I somehow understood them and found them brilliant.

She fell silent, and I remained unable to speak, and our blue eyes, hers and mine, maintained their unbreakable connection. Something passed between us, almost electrical in nature, but whatever it was seemed to be beyond words, beyond thought.

No idea how long this took. But if there was no time, who can put a number to it?

“I forgive you.”

Three words, spoken with—as best I recall—no inflection whatsoever. A rush of indefinable feeling overwhelmed me. There was something I needed to say and I had no idea what it was. I opened my mouth to let the words out, but there were no words there, nothing for me to say, and as I came to grips with that realization, she began to evanesce.

I think that’s the word I want. I first typed “disappear,” but it doesn’t seem to me to convey what I observed. Her image somehow lost substance, or lost the appearance of substance, growing pale and, well, immaterial. I can’t seem to render this accurately, perhaps because I don’t really know what I saw, or didn’t see.

I don’t know how long the process took. In her timeless universe, I suppose it took no time at all. In mine, it took somewhere between no time at all and all the time in the world.

Oh, never mind. She was there, vividly, and then she was less and less present, and then she was gone.

Where she’d been I now saw not the normal view from where I lay, not my chest of drawers and Louella’s dressing table and the entrance to the en suite bathroom, but an open vista. Western, from the looks of it, with mountains rising far in the distance.

How could that be? How could I be lying in bed with my eyes open and gazing at a setting that, if it existed at all, was at least a thousand miles from where I lay?

I blinked, and what I saw was unchanged. I willed my eyes shut, and kept them shut, and my vision remained unaltered—that vast expanse of open land, then foothills, then faraway mountain peaks.

Eyes open, eyes shut. No change.

How could that be?

My mind struggled to come to grips with what it knew, or seemed to know. Here I was, with my eyes wide open, and how could that be?

“With my eyes wide open I’m dreaming . . .” A line from a song, although it came to me then with no melody to carry it.

But were they open?

I managed to figure out, or was somehow given to know, that they were not. I was in fact not sitting up but lying on my back as I always did when I slept, and my eyes were closed.

It was not without effort that I willed them open, not the eyes that had opened to engage Cindy’s blue eyes but my own physical eyes. I’m struggling to explain this, but it’s a fool’s errand, for how can I explain what I don’t myself understand?

Here’s what I do understand, or at least what I recall. I was in fact lying in my bed, conscious of the presence beside me of my sleeping wife. There was no great vista, no distant mountains, just the usual quotidian backdrop of a maple chest of drawers and a dressing table.

My heart, while not exactly racing, was beating a little more rapidly than usual.

I closed my eyes—actually closed their lids—and settled my head on my pillow. You’ll never get back to sleep, I told myself, and the next thing I knew it was morning.


I’ve thought about this. Oh, it was a dream . . . except I don’t think that’s the word for it. It was all still vividly there in memory when I finally opened my eyes to a bright morning. Indeed, it’s here now. Dreams, when I’m conscious of having had them, are quickly dispersed by the light of dawn. But this experience of mine is no less real now than it was a few hours ago.

Google proved helpful, as it so often does, leading me to discover that there was a distinction to be drawn between the dream state and the experience I’d undergone, for which the term seemed to be visitation. I followed the word down the internet rabbit hole and saw it all become at once clearer and more confusing.

Apparently the woman I saw was real, and not a figment of my imagination. She had no conventional corporeal reality, she’d proved that by dispersing like fog in morning sunlight; she’d left no footprints on the bedroom carpet, and had there been a tape recorder running, it would not have picked up the words she said.

So was I then visited by her disembodied spirit? Were people survived by such spirits, and could they turn up in one’s bedchamber after such a span of time? Yes, it was true that she’d said (or I’d sensed her to be saying) that there was no time, that in the sphere in which she existed everything essentially happened at once. But in my universe, in the sphere in which I exist, there is indeed such a thing as time, and a considerable amount of it had unspooled between our two meetings.

Why had I received this visitation now?

And whose idea had it been? Even if it were not a dream but a visitation, even if an existing spirit had come from its own reality into mine, was this in part my doing? Had something in my own mind made this happen, not by spinning it into a dream but by summoning that surviving unmurdered part of her to stand at the foot of my bed?

I couldn’t answer these questions. I could barely wrap my mind around them sufficiently to ask them. I might as well have tried to call back the spirit who’d come to me, or to slip back into the unreal reality of a dream.

Two questions lingered: Why now? Followed in due course by Now what?

∗ ∗ ∗


I was at Thompson Dawes, in the little office in back, seated at my desk. The oak desk and the matching swivel chair had been there when Porter Dawes owned the place; they’d outlasted him and would likely outlast me as well. Some years back I’d replaced one of the chair’s casters, and one of the desk drawers could be difficult to open on humid days, but age had been kinder to them than it is to most of us.

“Dad, I figured out what I want to get you for Christmas, and it can only partly be a surprise.”

I don’t know that the discovery of his genetic makeup meant a great deal to Chester. He was the same creature, whether or not we knew he was half-Rottweiler, and I don’t think any of us related to him any differently for the knowledge.

But it changed Alden’s life. He was now spending not two but four afternoons a week at the Debenthal Small Animal Clinic, and Ralph was paying him for his time.

He still ran errands, and observed procedures. But he also swabbed cheeks, because the good Doctor Debenthal had been interested to learn about Chester’s DNA results—he’d never have guessed Rottweiler, he said, not in a million dog years. He might have taken it the next step and thought of offering DNA testing to his patients, but it was Alden who suggested it, and Ralph to his credit who saw at once the merits of the suggestion.

There was, one or the other of them would tell a customer, this online service that could tell you all about Towser’s ancestry. They send you a kit and all you had to do was reach into his mouth and swab his cheeks and mail in the specimens, and they get back to you with the results. Or we can take care of all of that for you, and I’ll do it right now, if you’d like.

“Almost everybody goes for it,” Alden told me.

It was a good profit center for Ralph, and he responded by finding more things for Alden to do—and putting him on the payroll.

“It’ll only take a minute,” he told me now, “and it’s totally pain-free.”

He brandished a pair of oversized cotton swabs. I think I must have been half-waiting for this, albeit unconsciously, but still it took me by surprise, and not in a good way. And I guess this showed in my face.

“No pain,” he assured me. “All you have to do is open your mouth. Or take the swabs and do it yourself.”

I said, “I don’t think so, Alden.”

“Seriously? Because I thought, you know, here’s a perfect present for you. You said you don’t know anything about where your grandparents came from—“

“They were all born in America,” I said.

“As far as you know.”


“But what about your great-grandparents, or even going back generations? They’d have to be from someplace else. Unless some of them were Indians, and wouldn’t that be cool? I mean maybe you’d turn out to be part Choctaw or Apache or Pawnee, whatever, and you could, I don’t know, open a casino or something?”

How to say this? How to explain without explaining?

“If I’m part Rottweiler,” I said, “I’d be just as happy not knowing it.”

“But why, Dad? Aren’t you even a little bit curious?”

“My childhood,” I said, “was not a happy time.”

“You said you had foster parents.”

“That’s right.”

“And growing up in foster care wasn’t so great.”

“It wasn’t.”

“And you barely remember your real parents.”

Was that how I’d put it? “I remember a little,” I said. “I remember more than I want to.”


“I’ve worked hard to keep those memories from surfacing. In fact I’ve done what I can to avoid remembering those early years, and the last thing I want is to know more about the people I’ve been trying to forget. I don’t care what parts of Europe their forebears came from, or how they got here, or what high crimes and misdemeanors they may have committed along the way.”

His shoulders slumped. “Rats,” he said. “Here I thought I had this brilliant idea for a present, and it turns out to be the last thing in the world that you’d want.”