Here are some website addresses and telephone numbers of suppliers and dealers that I have found useful. I hope you do too.
White Ensign Models
The major UK online supplier of ship kits and accessories.
+44 (0)1568 709149 UK
+1 304-872-4212 USA
Dorking Models
A wide range of models, including HP Models.
+44 (0)1306 881747 UK
French resin producer and supplier of kits.
Free Time Hobbies
Major American online hobby store.
+1 706-946-1120 USA
Jamieson’s Models
My favourite local hobby shop
30 Saltmarket
+44 (0)141 552 3956 UK
Battlefleet Models
For all those harbour craft and freighters.
+1 720-369-6508 USA
Hamburger Modellbaubogen Verlag
Excellent German paper model producers.
Acrylic sheet (Perspex) can be got in the UK from
+44 (0)1455 698466 UK
I am always going on about ‘Caenis’ fly-tying thread for rigging. You can get it in the UK from:
Glasgow Angling Centre
+44 (0)871 716 1670 UK
or in the USA from:
J Stockard
+1 860-927-1100 USA