Creating panels by cloning

There will be times when you will need the same visualization for a different set of data. A very quick way of doing this is by cloning previously created panels. We will create another color-coded single value panel by cloning the one we just created:

  1. In your Real Time dashboard, go to edit mode by clicking on the Edit button.
  2. Click on Add Panel. The Add Panel slide-through will appear.
  3. Expand Clone from Dashboard.
  4. Expand Real Time Dashboard.
  5. Click on Bookings. Use the following screenshot as a guide:
  1. In the Preview pane, click on Add to Dashboard.
  2. Click on the label of the second Bookings panel and rename it Reservations.
  3. Then click on the Edit Search icon.
  4. Change the Search String to the following command:
SPL> index=main http_uri=/booking/reservation http_status_code=200 | stats count
  1. Click on Apply.
  2. Drag the second panel to the right of the first panel so they are in the same row.
  3. Click on Save to save your settings.

You have successfully cloned a panel and shortened its creation by a number of steps.