Form inputs

With the dashboard layout complete, it is time to make it dynamic and interactive. Before jumping into the exercises, however, we'll review the key concepts related to form inputs first.

Just as in any web page, a form input is an element that allows you to select or type in information that will be submitted to the application for processing. There are different form inputs available for Splunk dashboards:

In this list is also the Submit option. This is an action button. If you decide not to autorun the dashboard on change of input selection, the Submit button will execute the dashboard with updated selections when clicked.

It's important the inputs you build are relevant and clear to the user, and selections may be description fields found in Lookup tables as opposed to the event itself.

Tip from the Fez: Don't forget about performance. Rerunning the dashboard needs to be quick, otherwise the flexibility of changing inputs on the fly is marginalized. Target under 10 seconds at initial benchmark, but consider under 5 seconds for critical users and insights.

Going back into Edit mode for your dashboard, you will see this list of options by clicking on the Add Input drop-down menu:

  1. Select Text in the Add Input drop-down. A new editable input field panel will be added at the very top of the dashboard. You can either edit the properties of the field using the pencil icon or delete the field entirely using the X icon:
  1. Click on the pencil icon to edit the properties. You can change the type of input by clicking on the selections on the left of the pop up window:

Although the options are generally different for every type of input, there are common concepts that you need to fully comprehend. So, it is worth looking at this list carefully before we take you through some examples.

In the General section, you'll see the following options:

In the Token Options section, you'll see the following option:

If you're still in the options for the Text input, change it to Radio. This will expose two more sections: Static Options and Dynamic Options. In Static Options, you will see the following:

In the Dynamic Options section, you'll see the following options: