WINDALE, Pa.—Early in the afternoon on Friday, a United States Army cargo plane crashed into the side of Dagger Hill. The incident occurred during a heavy thunderstorm that swept through the area only moments before the plane fell out of the sky, which made rescue efforts even more difficult.
The crash caused extensive damage to trees and surrounding forest area along the side of Dagger Hill, about a quarter mile from the hiking trail that winds its way up the west-facing side. Though heavy rains reduced the potential for wildfire, volunteers of the Windale Fire Department were still putting out brushfires late Friday night.
The U.S. Army arrived in Windale less than two hours after the incident. Besides taking over the investigation of the crash from the Windale Police Department, army officials closed all roads leading into and out of Windale and have not given any indication as to when residents can expect them to be reopened.
In a tragic turn of events, four students from Windale High School were having lunch on Dagger Hill when the crash occurred. Gabriel Albright, Sonya Gutierrez, Charlie Bencroft, and Kimberly Dowd are the only individuals involved in the crash that have been identified. Officials declined to comment on their condition. Any crew or passengers aboard the aircraft have yet to be named.
Chief of Police Jack Albright, father of Gabriel Albright, stated that, despite the army presence in town, the Windale PD is still actively investigating the case. He also said that three of the four Windale teenagers have been accounted for. Kimberly Dowd, as of Saturday morning, is still missing …