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“It’s time to expand your horizons.” Ashleigh typed on the computer. “Among your many wishful suiters has been a man who can’t let go no matter how much you ignore him.”
Gabrielle sipped juice. “Who?”
Ashleigh’s soft, brown eyes danced. “You know who.”
“Are you talking about Hugh Macintosh?” Gabrielle gulped eggs. “You must be drunk or high if that’s who you’re referring to.”
“Why not him?” Ashleigh pouted. “Women would kill to lick the sweat off Hugh Macintosh’s feet, and you won’t even respond to the guy’s emails.”
“Hugh Macintosh is a sadistic, egotistical, womanizing pig who has been stalking me for years.”
“He hasn’t been stalking.” Ashleigh got another caramel. “He sends you gifts and writes you here and there.”
“He bought me a diamond necklace that cost eighty thousand dollars and left the tag on it so I would know. Who does that?”
“A man who’s in love.”
“Uh...” Gabrielle batted her eyes. “How about a man who’s insane and belongs in a mental institution? I hate Hugh Macintosh and everything he stands for.”
“HuMac is rich, sexy, and fine.” Ashleigh wobbled her head, eyes half-closed. “He’s a brilliant director and everything he touches turns into a hit. I’d be on that in a hot second.”
“He’s got a girlfriend,” Gabrielle chomped a mouthful of eggs. “You forget about that?”
“Please. Sierra Delfino? She’s just the flavor of the month. Besides, he’s only with her because he’s directing her daddy’s movie.”
“Hugh has dated every woman in Hollywood, left a trail of broken hearts, and damaged women in his wake. What about Loya Moses?” Gabrielle sat up. “She was the biggest actress in the world when Hugh cast her in his movie. He seduced her, married her and the woman ended up having a breakdown because of his cheating. What woman would want to be with a man like that? Hugh only wants me because I’m the only woman who hasn’t fallen for his bullshit but he can keep it moving.” She wiggled. “He’ll never get his hands on this good chocolate stuff right here.”
“So,” Ashleigh sang the word. “You’re not attracted to him?”
“Hell no,” Gabrielle lied.
“Well, you’d be the first woman who wasn’t.” Ashleigh winked. “If you’re telling the truth.”
Gabrielle shrugged. “Okay, he’s good-looking.”
Ashleigh glared, clearing her throat.
“Okay he’s gorgeous, and he has a great body. But none of that takes away from the fact he must be screwed up to treat women the way he does.”
“You’re judging him on what you’ve seen in the media.”
“I’m judging him based off my instinct. I wouldn’t go near Hugh Macintosh to save my life.”
“Miss Montane?” Mateo, the downstairs doorman, spoke through the intercom mounted beside the door.
“Yes?” She ran to the door and pushed the button. “I’m here, Mateo.”
“Sorry to interrupt you.”
“It’s okay.” Gabrielle combed her fingers through her extensions.
“Warner DiMaggio is here to see you.”
“Ooh,” she shrieked. “Warner?” She jumped. “Oh my god.”
“Shall I send him up or—”
“Yes!” She laughed. “Send him up right away.” She let go of the button. “I can’t believe it.” She danced in place.
Ashleigh stood. “What the hell is up with you?”
“Warner DiMaggio is my oldest friend.” Gabrielle glued her eye to the peephole, dying from anticipation. “I haven’t seen him in about four years.”
“Warner DiMaggio?” Ashleigh tapped her pointy chin. “Haven’t I heard that name before?”
“He’s a photographer.” Gabrielle pressed her hands against the door, sight penetrating the peephole. “We knew each other back in Brooklyn. Warner did my first modeling portfolio.”
“Wow. I guess you two are close, huh?”
“Here he is.” Gabrielle yanked the door open. “Warner!” She jumped into his long arms.
“Gabs!” Despite Gabrielle being five eleven, he swung her around as if she weighed two pounds. “Hey, Beautiful.” He kissed her cheek. “Mm. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
“I’m so happy you’re here.” She covered her mouth, fighting tears.
“Hey, don’t cry.” He chuckled, pinching her cheek. “That’s not the effect I wanted.”
“I’m just so happy. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”
“No way could you miss me as much as I’ve missed you.” His medium-length, summer-blond hair framed his angular face with loose curls.
“I can’t believe it’s been four years.” She tugged on the short sleeve of his button-down, denim shirt. “How did we let time get away like this?”
“Just when I think it isn’t possible for you to get any more beautiful.” He held out her arms. “You’re stunning. Course you know that.” He laughed.
She hugged him again, his cologne smelled similar to tree moss and the ground after rain.
Ashleigh cleared her throat, nudging Gabrielle.
“And who is this vision?” Warner took Ashleigh’s hand. “It should be against the law for so much beauty to be in one room.” He laid his pink lips to her hand. “I’m Warner DiMaggio. You are?”
“Ashleigh Stork.” She pulled her hand back, giggling. “I’m Gabrielle’s social media assistant. I handle all her online promotions, answer emails, anything she needs me to do.”
“Except mind her own business,” Gabrielle said.
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Ashleigh.” Warner dipped his head to her.
She gushed. “Likewise.”
“You look great, Warner.” Gabrielle circled his tall, slender frame, checking out his tight butt through the rifle-green Dockers. “I see you’re still working out, huh?”
He turned to the side, eyebrow raised. “You like what you see?”
She laughed, tapping his chest. “Boy, I’ve missed you.”
His glowing expression disappeared. “It’s been too long.”
“When did you get into town?”
“Last night. I’m here for a photo shoot then I’ll be in Paris for a few weeks working with Ayana Dason.”
“Wow.” Ashleigh gaped. “Ayana Dason? I love her. She’s one of my favorite singers.”
“She’s shooting her next video in Paris,” Warner said. “I’ll be doing some promotional shots for her upcoming tour.”
Ashleigh’s mouth dropped. “You must be big time, huh?”
Gabrielle slipped her arm in Warner’s arm. “He’s worked with the biggest names.”
Warner brushed against Ashleigh. “Did you see the early March issue of Shake Up magazine?”
“I love Shake Up magazine!” Ashleigh raised her hooked hands. “Dash Phillips was on the March cover.”
“I did that cover.”
“My god.” Ashleigh’s eyes popped. “For real?”
“Oh, jeez.” Gabrielle moaned. “Why did you have to bring up the magazine, Warner?”
“Ashleigh is Dash Phillips crazy.”
“He’s my favorite actor.” She wiggled from side-to-side. “He’s so hot. I can’t believe you did that cover. It was amazing.”
Warner nodded. “Thanks.”
“What’s Dash like?” Ashleigh snatched his arm. “How does he smell? How does he act? Is he as gorgeous in person as in his movies? Did they have to do a lot of touch ups for the cover?”
Warner chuckled under his breath. “Um—”
“Ash.” Gabrielle pulled Ashleigh’s claws from Warner’s flesh. “Warner came with his arm so I’m sure he’d like to leave with it.”
“Sorry.” She touched her cheeks. “I can’t believe I’m standing in the same room with someone who knows Dash Phillips.”
“Ash, how about you get Warner something to eat or drink?”
Her face dropped. “Since when did being the maid go into my job description?”
“I’m fine, Gabs.” Warner laughed. “How did we go four years without seeing each other?”
“It’s your fault.” She took his giant hand, led him to the two-seater, and sat beside him. “It’s the last time you were in L.A.”
Warner crossed his legs. “And Brooklyn is on another planet?”
Gabrielle snickered as Ashleigh sat on the couch, gawking at the two. “Touché,” she said. “But, I guess I’ve been busy.”
“Me too.” He laid his hand over hers. “We should never be too busy to see each other. Did you get my last email?”
She flinched then avoided eye contact.
He let her hand go, holding a tight smile. “You didn’t answer me back.”
She pushed her hair behind her ear. “There’s no excuse for—”
“It’s okay.” He smiled again, but his twisted lips suggested he’d taken offense. “You’re a world famous model. I can’t expect you to drop everything for me.”
“You’re not just anyone and you know it.” She touched his shoulder. “You’ll always be my best friend no matter what happens.”
His shamrock-green eyes locked on her face. “That means everything.”
“I owe you my life, Warner.” She kissed his cheek. “If it weren’t for you doing my first portfolio, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” She sighed. “Where I was anyway.”
“I’m so sorry, Gabs.” He rubbed her hair. “I can’t believe Futero let you go. They must be insane.”
“Yeah.” She held in tears, refusing to damper the happy occasion with more depression. “It’s over now.”
“It’s not over. You’ll have opportunities.”
“That’s what I told her.” Ashleigh chewed yet another caramel. “To hell with Futero. Gabby brought them millions, and I doubt whoever they replace her with will do half as much as she did.”
“I shouldn’t have based my life on a company.” Gabrielle swept her hand across her forehead. “I thought Futero and I would be together forever.”
“Good news is that the public seems to be on your side,” Warner said. “I’ve read your Twitter and saw the comments on the TMZ article. Many people are upset with Futero about this.” He winked. “I just got off the phone with one of your biggest fans.”
“Guess.” He raised his head, eyebrows wiggling.
“Who?” She poked his chest.
“Ow.” He rubbed the spot. “Watch those nails, will you?”
She flexed her fingers as if she had claws. “They’ll be scratching your eyes out if you don’t stop playing with me.”
“Your longtime admirer.”
“HuMac?” Ashleigh asked and then laughed.
“The one and only.” Warner laid his arms across the back of the two-seater. “He was livid as if he were the one Futero dumped.”
“Livid?” Gabrielle twisted her lips. “What business does he have to be livid? He doesn’t know me.”
“But, he’s been trying for years to get to know you,” Warner said. “He even wanted to go to Futero on your behalf but I told him you don’t like people getting into your business.”
“The man is sick. The only reason he’s your friend is to get me.”
“Hold on.” Ashleigh waved her hand. “How do you and Hugh know each other, Warner?”
“About ten years ago I did a photo shoot for Loya Moses right after she scored the main role on Sudden Glory.”
“That’s my favorite HuMac film,” Ashleigh said.
Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “Everything is your favorite something.”
“I did the promotional shoots for the movie.” Warner cut his gaze to Gabrielle. “Hugh and I hit it off, and we’ve been buddies ever since. He’s had the hots for Gabby since she started with Futero.”
“That long?” Ashleigh whistled. “Maybe she’s on to something about the stalking thing.”
“Hugh’s not a stalker.” Warner rubbed his hair. “He’s just very determined with women. He’s never met a woman he couldn’t have.”
“See, Gabby?” Ashleigh raised an eyebrow. “You keep saying he can’t have you, but you might fall for his charms if you had the chance.”
“Never happening.”
“Gabs is right,” Warner said. “Hugh’s my buddy and all but she doesn’t need to get mixed up with him and his baggage.”
Ashleigh ducked her head in her computer. “She needs to do something other than staying in the house and pondering.”
“I agree with that.” Warner hit Gabrielle’s leg. “I’ll make sure she has fun. We’re going out.”
“No, Warner.” Gabrielle got her cup of orange juice. “I don’t wanna go out into that jungle and have to deal with the press or anyone else asking a bunch of questions.”
“Gabs.” He pinched her nose. “You can’t stay in the house forever.”
“Why not?” She gestured to her Kindle on the glass coffee table. “I can catch up on my reading. You realize how far behind I am? Haven’t even finished Fifty Shades of Gray yet and the second movie’s out.”
Warner wagged his finger. “You’re going to have fun tonight if it kills you.”
She sipped from her cup. “Tonight?”
“Yep.” Warner cracked his knuckles. “What’s the hottest spot in Hollywood and the place I have to go when I’m in town?”
She groaned. “The Bridge.”
“Right. And you’re going with me.”
“No.” She turned toward him, folding her leg underneath her. “I’m not in the mood. I’d be horrible company.”
“Not with me you won’t.” Warner straightened his collar. “If anyone can bring you out this funk it’s your bestie, Warner DiMaggio.”
A silly smile covered Ashleigh’s face.
“Anyway it’ll be great PR for me,” Warner said. “There’s nothing like partying with the most famous model on your arms.”
“Girl, you better go,” Ashleigh demanded. “Sitting around here isn’t doing anything for you. You can’t hide from people forever.”
“It’s a date.” Warner jumped up, checking his Omega watch. “I gotta be someplace in a few minutes.” He pulled Gabrielle from the couch and kissed her cheek. “You’ll have fun. Trust me.”
She sighed. “If I don’t it’ll be your ass.”
He did a rhythmic sway to the door. “Oh, I forgot. Someone will be joining us.” He avoided eye contact as he always did when he was up to something.
“Wait, a minute.” Gabrielle grabbed her hips. “You’re not talking about Hugh are you? Warner.”
He shrugged.
“Warner.” She grabbed him by his shirt. “I don’t wanna be anywhere near that man. I’ve spent my career trying to avoid him.”
“Sierra will be there.” He tried to pull her fingers from his shirt. “It’s a double-date. Hugh’s not gonna bother you.”
“What planet are you living on?” She paced, grabbing at her hair. “The man’s been after me for years. What makes you think he isn’t just salivating at the chance to seduce me tonight?”
“He can’t seduce you unless you let him.” Warner put his hands in his pockets. “Right?”
“I’m not going anywhere near Hugh Macintosh. Forget it.”
“You can’t avoid him forever,” Ashleigh said. “You live in the same city.”
“I refuse to become another notch on Hugh Macintosh’s bed post.” Gabrielle shook her head. “It’s never happening.”
“He’ll behave as long as Sierra’s there,” Warner said.
“Yeah, right.” Gabrielle closed her eyes, wiggling her neck. “That relationship is about as real as my hair.”
Warner and Ashleigh grinned.
“The man’s a walking hard-on,” Gabrielle said. “I’ll have to wear my gym shoes because I’ll be running from him all night.”
“You gotta come,” Warner said.
“Do you want me to spend my first night in town without you? Didn’t you say if it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be the force you are today?”
She raised her head, exhaling. “Yeah.”
“You owe me.” He pinched her chin. “I want you to come with us tonight. I’ll make sure Hugh is on his best behavior.”
She frowned.
“Look at this as a gift,” Ashleigh said. “HuMac could open a lot of doors for you, girl.”
Gabrielle crossed her arms. “The only thing Hugh wants to open is my legs.”
“I’m staying at the Pacific Palace Hotel.” Warner kissed her cheek. “Have your driver drop you off there at eight. We’ll be meeting Hugh there and riding with him.”
“I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”
“What are you so afraid of?” Ashleigh stretched out on the couch, flexing her toes. “Keep an open mind.” She chuckled. “Hugh might be the man of your dreams after all.”
Gabrielle gulped. “I vomited in my mouth.”