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In a lavender, off the shoulder, crepe chiffon dress, Gabrielle entered Hugh’s office the next morning.
“Whoa,” the bulky, dark-skinned black man with the cottony afro stood from the chair beside Hugh’s desk. “As I live and breathe. It’s Gabrielle Montane.” He swaggered over to her in baggy jeans and a black and red Tommy Hilfiger hoodie. “It’s a pleasure.” He secured her hand in his ashy palm and kissed it. “I’m a huge fan.”
“That’s kind of you, thanks.” Gabrielle glanced at Hugh as she flicked a short strand of side hair that had fallen out of her French-roll, which she’d kept messy for the “whimsical and effortless” look.
“Gabrielle, this is Jamal Brown,” Hugh said. “My right-hand man.”
“I’m his assistant director. I keep Hugh in check.”
Gabrielle chuckled. “I bet that’s a difficult job.”
“You are so fine, Miss Montane.” Jamal rubbed his chin, moaning. “Do you realize how fine you are? Ain’t she fine, Hugh? She knows she’s fine too.”
Gabrielle giggled.
“All in her lavender looking like she’s coming from a magazine shoot,” Jamal said. “Do you wake up looking that good?”
“Course she does.” Hugh smirked. “As do I.”
“Well, a brother gotta work on it.” Jamal patted his fro. “But I got a little something-something too.”
Gabrielle smiled, turning toward Hugh’s desk. “May I speak to you for a moment?”
“I live to speak to you.”
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Jamal gazed at Gabrielle as he left, bumping into the bookshelf on his way out.
“See?” Hugh reclined in the chair, pressing the sole of his shoe against the edge of the desk. “That’s that effect on men I was talking about last night. Speaking of last night...” He raised an eyebrow. “I see you got home safe. You look...wow.”
“Thanks.” She took her purse from her shoulder. “Warner told me you guys made up. I hate coming between you.”
“You didn’t come between us. Anyway, it’s hard to stay mad at old Warner.”
“It sure is. He mentioned going to Ian’s party.”
“I hope you’re coming.”
“Ian didn’t invite me.”
“You’re starring in Ian’s movie.” He tapped his pencil on the desk. “Of course you’re welcomed to come.”
“We’ll see.”
“I wanted to call you but felt you needed your space to reflect on what happened last night.”
She held her purse low in front of her. “Staying after the game was a mistake.”
“The only mistake was that we didn’t make love like we should’ve.”
“You were right about one thing last night.” She batted her eyes, slow. “I was flirtatious. Wine does that.”
“In that case let’s get a bottle of wine up here right now.” He laughed. “Gabby, don’t blame the wine. You enjoyed my company. Why deny it?”
“I’m not denying it.” She set her purse on the desk. “I’m trying to forget it. I’m determined to fight against letting you in.”
“How’s that working for you? Because the more we’re together, the weaker you become. All I ask is you get to know me.”
She walked to the window, feeling his gaze on her legs. “You were honest with me last night.” She looked at the bare parking lot. “I owe you the same.”
Hugh swiveled his chair in her direction.
“I wanted you last night.”
He rolled his pencil between his fingers.
“The basketball game nearly killed me.” She swallowed, heart knocking. “You kept bumping against me and sweating.” Her temperature rose. “It was hard to ignore. I wanted you so much at that moment and it scared me.”
“You don’t have to be scared, Gabrielle.” He leaned forward. “My feelings for you are real. Obsession, love, whatever you wanna call it. They’re not going away.”
“It’s hard.” She made a fist. “My mind is saying run as fast as I can but my body is telling me to give in.”
“What about your heart?”
She touched the curtain. “I’m not sure about that one yet.”
“What you’re saying is you have a physical attraction for me?”
“Yes.” She let go of the curtain.
He exhaled with his mouth wide open.
“You look as shocked as I am.”
“When did this happen? You hated me a few days ago.”
“I’m not blind, Hugh.” She glanced at him, flooding with humiliation but glad to be honest. “You’re fine as hell.”
He blushed as if he were embarrassed.
“You’re just not the man for me so I don’t want to encourage anything.”
“Yet, you come here in that dress knowing how much I want you?”
“There’s something else I want to be honest about.” She sashayed to the file cabinet. “When you said you had plans, the other night and couldn’t do the game, I wondered if you had plans with Sierra.”
“No, they had nothing to do with her. I was doing film stuff.” He stood. “If you were jealous, that means you feel more than sexual attraction.”
“What’s wrong with me? How can I feel like this? I’m too smart to fall for you.”
“You’ve seen as time goes on that you can’t control how you feel.” He brought her close, putting his arms around her waist. “You want me so let’s try it.”
“What about Sierra?”
“I got with her because I was lonely.”
“Lonely?” She pulled the button on his shirt. “How could you ever be lonely with all the women waiting in line for your attention?”
“I’m tired of going from woman to woman. Gabby, I’m thirty-eight now. If I don’t settle things down then when? I want my soulmate.” He touched a loose strand of her hair. “I want someone I can spend the rest of my life with.”
“Why are you with Sierra? I don’t get it.”
“If she’s alone, she won’t be able to make it. She’s very fragile and going through a lot. I’m all she has right now.”
“You’re afraid she’s gonna drink again?”
“Nothing’s going right for her.” He let her go, and then pressed his butt to the desk. “She’s fighting for jobs and they’re not coming in. Her agent’s ignoring her. People won’t touch her for nothing in the world. Imagine a man as powerful in Hollywood as Ian Delfino who can’t even get his daughter parts.” He sighed. “She’s been so depressed and anxious that she can’t even sleep without taking pills, and I’m worried that will turn into another addiction. Imagine having the whole world love you then turn around and act like you don’t exist. She’s been through so much, Gabby. People see her as the spoiled princess, but she’s had a harder emotional life than most people.”
“I understand Sierra’s having a hard time, but this relationship isn’t fair to either of you. You can’t string her along. I’ve been down this road. Nothing hurts worse than a woman realizing she’s being jerked around.”
“Sierra is on the edge.” He winced. “Just one more thing to go wrong and she’s going to jump over it. If she drinks again, I’ll never forgive myself. Gabby, I want you so bad.” He rose, taking her hands. “I’ll clean this up because my end goal is to be with you.”
She closed her eyes as he caressed her cheek.
“If we have more nights like last night, I bet you’ll feel the same.”
“I’d better go.” She moved his hand from her face. “I have an appointment with my representative at Iris International. He wants to go over some things for the commercial shoot.”
“It’s so hard for me to let you go.”
She smirked.
“Can we see each other tonight?” He touched her hair. “Say, my place?”
“Come on. I won’t pressure you. We can just talk.”
“Okay. I guess I can do that. What time?”
“Okay. I’ll be there.”
Jamal walked in the office. “Hugh, the damn animal lady is on the phone again about the tiger.”
“What?” Gabrielle chuckled.
“There’s two scenes in Fatal Honor that involves a tiger.” Hugh rolled his eyes. “Damn Animal Control and Pita are up my ass, and we haven’t even filmed yet.”
“A tiger?” Gabrielle gripped the front of her dress. “I hope it won’t be in a scene with me.”
“The lady wants to see the notes and plans for the scene to make sure the tiger isn’t harmed.” Hugh went behind his desk and got a cigarette from the pack. “See, this is the crap you deal with during movies that no one knows about.”
“What do I tell her?” Jamal asked. “She’s asking all these stupid questions. Where the tiger is from, how long he was trained, has he ever been in a movie before. Don’t nobody know that shit.”
Gabrielle grinned.
“I’ll handle it,” Hugh said.
“Let me get out your way,” Gabrielle said. “See you tonight, Hugh.”
He picked up the receiver from the desk phone, winking. “Can’t wait.”
Gabrielle breezed through the hall anticipating another enlightening night with Hugh while questioning how far she’d let him go this time if he seduced her.
It wasn’t until she got to the elevator she remembered she’d forgotten her purse. She flew back to Hugh’s office but hesitated to go in when she heard Jamal speak.
“Man, you’re slipping,” he teased Hugh. “Gabrielle was at your place last night, liquored up, and you still got none?”
Gabrielle moved further behind the door to listen.
“It’ll be a different story tonight.” Hugh chuckled. “Mark my words. Those panties will hit the floor before dinner. Guarantee it.”
She shut her eyes, covering her mouth.
“Not sure about that, man,” Jamal said. “Gabrielle’s a hard nut to crack. Many men have tried and failed.”
“Those men weren’t HuMac either. I’ll get it tonight. How much you wanna bet?”
Gabrielle exhaled, bursting with disgust.
“I got her playing right in my hand.” Hugh snickered. “I’ve been waiting for years for that pussy.”
Jamal cackled. “Maybe if you give her something harder than wine tonight, you’ll get it.”
“I’m getting it, regardless.”
Gabrielle composed herself and strutted into the office. “Excuse me.”
“Holy shit,” Jamal whispered.
Gabrielle got her purse.
“Gabby.” Hugh jumped up, color rushing from his cheeks. “Did you—?”
“Yes, you bastard. I heard every single word you said, and you must be crazy if you thought you were getting in this tonight. Honey, you weren’t getting shit and now your ass will never have the chance. Lose my number. Unless it has something to do with the film, I don’t wanna see you.”
“Gabby, wait.” Hugh scampered to her, grabbing her. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“You’re every bit of the dog I thought you were.” She yanked free of him. “All you care about is getting between my legs. I’ll be in your damn movie, but I will never be in your bed. Now go to hell.”
“Gabby, please.” He reached for her as she flew out the door. “I’m sorry!”