Abermule, Wales, 73
Abramovich (bull), 76
acacia trees, uses of, 22
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, 98
Achaya, K. T., 175
acrylamide, 63
Activa, 86
Adriá, Ferran, 190
Africa, meat consumption in, 169
African hunting dogs, 27
agriculture disparagement laws, 100
ahimsa, 173
air quality, improvement of, 196
Ajinomoto Company, 66
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 130
algae, as oxygen producers, 14
American Dietetic Association
Foundation, 98
American Heart Association, 98
American Meat Institute, 97
American Veal Association, 84
amino acid glutamate, 67
amniotic fluid, food preferences and, 104, 117
Anderson, Pamela, 137
anemones, 11
Angus, black, 77
Animal Liberation (Singer), 193
as both pets and food, 160
comparative intelligence of, 160–161
objectification of, 111
purpose of, 125
symbolism of, 107
welfare of, 4, 84, 120, 125–126, 128, 131, 133, 173
See also inhumane treatment
Anjanappa, Ajath, 170–172, 175
Anomalocaris, 13
anserine, 52
antibiotics, 90, 180, 182, 196
apex predator, 13
archaea, 9
Argentina, soybean exports to China, 181
Armour, Phil, 101
arthropods, 12
Asoka, emperor of India, 121, 133
asparagine, 63
athletes, meat/protein and, 48, 121, 138
Atkins, Robert, 53
Atwood, Margaret, 198
Augustine (Saint), 125
“Avatar meat” scandal in China, 180
avian flu outbreaks, 180
Bains, Sat, 67
Bardot, Brigitte, 158
barley-fed cattle, 78
Bastian, Brock, 144
Battle Creek Sanitarium, 126
Bayle, Grégory, 25
Beard, George Miller, 116
aroma of, 64
barley-fed, 78
Certified Angus, 77
corn-fed, 78
enhancement of, 85
Kobe, 73
national identity and, 116
Beef magazine, on industry promotion of beef-eating, 90
behavioral change, 168, 182, 192, 199–200
Bengaluru, India, 167, 170, 171
Berkshire pigs, 74
beta-adrenergic agonists, 84–85
Beyond Beef (Rifkin), 196
Beyond Meat, 191
Bible, on eating horses, 154
Bible, on food, 122
Bicknell, Algernon Sidney, 156
bioenergy crops, 196
biofilms, 10
bipedalism, importance of, 16
birth defects, 181
Bittman, Mark, 101
blood, symbolism of, 107
BMJ, on studies funded by tobacco industry, 98
Bogomils, 124
bonobos, 14
Boorde, Andrew, 116
Boston Vegetarian Food Festival, 135, 143, 147
Boston Vegetarian Society, 141
Botswana, San hunters of, 27
bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 100
Brahman cattle, 77
fat-sensitive neurons in, 64
social activities and, 32
Brazil, soybean exports to China, 181
breast milk, food preferences and, 104, 117
Brenner, David, 136
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 139
Britain, horsemeat-eating and, 156
Britain, vegetarianism in, 128–129
British Dietetic Association, 53
British Meat Processors Association, 89
British Medical Journal, on eating horsemeat, 156
Brown, A. Whitney, 137
Buckland, Frank, 156
buckwheat, 48
Bunn, Henry T., 28
“Burgers v. Oprah,” 100
bush babies, 22
caecum, 15
calcium lactate, 85
California Beef Council, 98
Cambodia, meat consumption in, 168
Cambrian period, biodiversity in, 13
Campbell, T. Colin, 99
Campylobacter bacteria, 195
Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, 89
Canberra Times, on Paleo diet, 38
cardiovascular disease, 3, 50, 51, 61, 63, 195
carnassial teeth, 21
carnival, meaning of, 106
cognitive dissonance and, 143
definition, 11
jaws, 21
oxygen, need for, 14
Precambrian, 11
taste of, 65
teeth, 21
carnosine, 52
Carter, Howard, 112
Cathars, 124
Center for Responsive Politics, 94
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), 46
Certified Angus Beef, 77
Chatham House, report on global
warming, 184
cheetahs, as lions’ prey, 32
Cheez Whiz, 74
chicken producers, use of social media by, 92
aroma of meat, 64
inhumane treatment of, 4, 79, 101
intelligence of, 161
protein in, 43
PSE meat, 81
children, protein requirements for, 46
chimpanzees, 6, 14, 15, 22, 28, 33, 37, 38
Communist Party, view of meat, 182
deteriorating health in, 3
fast food restaurants, 176–177
obesity, 180
pork as economic security, 179
pork consumption, 168
scandals in meat industry, 180
China Project, 99
Christian church
horsemeat-eating ban, 154
pork taboo and, 164
vegetarianism and, 122–124, 133
Chuka tribe, Mount Kenya, meat taboos of, 153
Churchill, Winston, 161
climate change, 16, 39, 184, 196–197, 201
Clinton, Bill, 137
Clinton, Chelsea, 137
cognitive dissonance, 143, 144, 145, 146, 161
cognitive dissonance reducing strategies, 4, 143, 145
cold shortening, 83
colorectal cancer, 3
Conner, Chuck, 94
constipation, 49
conversion experience, 137
corn flakes, development of, 127
corn growers, subsidies for, 7, 94
cosmetics, dog fat in, 158
inhumane treatment of, 101
intelligence of, 161
meat taboos, 162
nonfood uses, 163
underground slaughter industry, 172
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 100
Cromwell, Oliver, army of, 74
culture, role of in meat-eating
food preferences, transmission of, 103–106
meat hunger, 42
meat texture preferences, 75
survival myth, 54
symbolism of meat, 108, 112–115
See also meat taboos
dairy products, 51
Darwin, Charles, 128
Deinotherium, 18
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 151
Den Fujita, 170
Denmark, “fat tax” in, 192
Denmark, result of meat deprivation in, 52–53
dental microwear, 15
developing countries, 46, 50, 52, 168, 183, 196, 200
DFD (dark, firm, dry) meat, 79, 82, 83
Diet for a Small Planet (Lappé), 47
Dietary Guidelines (USDA), 96–97
dissociation, 145
dog meat
coconut-cream marinated, 151
consumption of in Europe, 157
dog fat in cosmetics, 158
as food in South Korea, 153
Domino’s Pizza, ad linking maleness and meat, 108
Dukan, Pierre, 53
durian fruit, 103
Dyetary (Boorde), 116
E. coli bacteria, 196
Earhart, Amelia, 126
Eat to Beat Cancer (Hatherill), 100
Edison, Thomas, 126
Egypt, vegetarianism in, 120
Eight Treasures restaurant, Singapore, 2
Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company, 84
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 127
England, beef as part of national identity in, 116
enzymes, tenderizing, 85
Ernakulam-Kochi, India, 175, 179
ethical vegetarians, 142, 146, 147, 172, 201
Ethiopia, butchering of animals in ancient, 18
eukaryotes, 10
Europe, meat-eating in, 120–121, 125, 157
acceleration of human evolution, 36
oxygen, varying levels of, 13–14
predator and prey, as driving forces of, 13
transitions in, 11
factory farms, animal handling practices, 101, 172, 180
Farm Animal Welfare Coalition, 96
farm animals. See inhumane treatment
of animals
“fat tax,” in Denmark, 192
faux vegetarians, 146
feed, export of from US to China, 181
female circumcision, 129
fire, use of by hominins, 22, 31
Fleischman, Adam, 67
Flex, on protein, 46
flexitarianism, 136, 185, 193, 194
fMRI scans, 138
Bible on, 122
engineered, 74
habits, 147
sharing, 27
texture, 62
See also food preferences
Food and Agriculture Organization,
food disparagement laws, 100, 200
food neophilia, 140
food neophobia, 140
Food Politics (Nestle), 96
food preferences
facial expressions and, 105, 117
heritability, 140
sharing at feasts, 106
Ford, Henry, 126
Forgacs, Andras, 195
Fourth Lateran Council (1215), 124
Fox, Arthur, 60
France, horsemeat-eating in, 155
Francis of Assisi (Saint), 125
Fremont Beef Company, 76
French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research, 25
fruit flies, protein hunger of, 42–43
Fruitlands, 130
Gaye, Morgaine, 194
Germany, lowering meat consumption in, 194
global warming, 3–4, 182, 184, 199
gorillas, teeth of, 20
gouamba, 42
“government speech,” 92
“grain-consuming animal units,” 145
granola, development of, 126
Greece, meat-eating in, 120–121, 157
Green, Che, 136
grilling, symbolism of, 114–115
guanylate (GMP), 67
Hamlet and Omelette (pigs), 161
Harris Interactive Service Bureau, 136
Harrison, Alisa, 97
Harvard, Massachusetts, 130
“harvesting” of animals, 80–81
Hathaway, Anne, 137
Hatherill, Robert, 100
Hadza hunters, Tanzania, 27
health risks, meat-related
cancer, 3, 49, 50, 53, 61, 95, 181, 195
diabetes, 3, 36, 49, 61, 63, 95, 179–180, 195
heart disease, 1, 37, 49, 53, 95, 179, 192, 199
osteoporosis, 49
health vegetarians, 137, 142, 146
Henry IV, king of England, 113
herbivores, as occasional carnivores, 17
herbivorous animals, taste of, 65
heretics, 125
hexametaphosphate, 85
Hindhede, Mikkel, 52
Hindu, meat taboos of, 153, 162,
Hinduism, nonviolence and, 173
Hipparion, 18
hippies, vegetarianism and, 132
Hippopotamus gorgops, 18
Hitler, Adolf, vegetarianism and, 132
Hoffman, Dustin, 137
“hogwash incident” in China, 180
adaptability of, 39
benefits of being carnivores, 6
climate change and, 16, 39, 200
earliest species of, 15
evolution of, 16
intestines, shrinkage of, 30
as omnivores, 17
skin pigmentation, 33
sweating, 33
thinning of body hair, 33
tools for butchering carcasses, 15–16, 20
walking on two legs, 16
See also Homo; hunting
calorie requirements of, 30
diet, 36
as meat eaters, 17
walking on two legs, 16
See also hominins
in British cultural crusade against French, 156
British Medical Journal, on eating horsemeat, 156
Christian church ban on, 154–155, 163
horse-eating cultures, 157
horsemeat-eating movement, 155–156
nonhorse-eating cultures, 154, 155, 156
horses, as heathen sacrifice, 154
Hueston, William, 99
Huis, Arnold van, 188
Humphreys, Ifor, 73, 76, 82, 87
hunter-gatherer diets, modern, 36
Botswana, San hunters in, 27
by chimpanzees, 27
for ivory tusks, 26
New Guinea, hunters in, 27
purposes other than food, 27–28
skills, value of, 28
Tanzania, Hadza hunters in, 27
use of language, 28
Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, 75, 76
hyolithids, 12
hypertension, 95
immune disorders, 61
The In Vitro Meat Cookbook (van
Mensvoort and Grievink), 186
ahimsa, 173
chicken, popularity of, 175
land and water shortage in, 180
meat consumption in, 168
meat-eating as political act, 175, 181
meat-eating seen as modern and worldly, 171, 175, 181–182
meat seen as key to good nutrition, 174
meat taboos, 162
pink revolution, 175
scandals in meat industry, 180
steakhouses, 168
underground cow slaughter industry, 172
water buffaloes, slaughter of, 172
industrial farming, 101, 172, 180
infectious diseases, anemia and, 50
inhumane treatment of animals
beta-adrenergic agonists, use of, 85
slaughterhouse practices, 80–82
veal production, 84
inosinate (IMP), 67
“instant chicken” scandal in China, 180
intestines, shrinkage of, 30
Inuits, use of narwhal tusks by, 26
IQ, vegetarianism and, 141
in horsemeat, 155
in insects, 188
in lab-grown meat, 186
in licorice, 54
in meat, 30, 50–51, 54, 84, 155, 186, 188
in veal production, 84
iron, low reserve of, 51
Italy, horsemeat-eating in, 157
Ituri Forest, 151
Jack in the Box, ad linking maleness
and meat, 109
Japan, meat-eating in, 169–170, 200
javelins, 23
JBS food processing company, 89
Jews, meat taboos of, 153, 162
Jimini’s, Paris, France, 187
Joan of Navarre, 113
journalists, factory farm exposés and,
Jurek, Scott, 48
Juruá River, Brazil, 28
Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, 74
Kashmir, 173
Kazakhs, horsemeat-eating by, 157
Kellogg, Ella, 126
Kellogg, John Harvey, 126–127, 129
Kerry, John F., 57
kidney problems, 63
Kikunae Ikeda, 66
Kingsford, Anna, 130
Kobe Beef Marketing & Distribution Promotion Association, 76, 78
kombu, 66
Kulina tribe, Brazil, 28
!Kung bushmen, Botswana, 159
kwashiorkor, 45
Kyrgyz, horsemeat-eating by, 157
lactic acid, 81
lactose tolerance/intolerance, 36–37
Lajeunesse, Kristin, 143
land, needed to grow livestock feed, 183
Langham Hotel, London, 155
Laos, meat consumption of, 168
Latin America, export of feed to China, 181
Leakey, Louis, 22
legislation, protection of meat industry by, 100–101
licorice allsorts, 51
Liebig, Justus von, 44
Liebig’s Extract of Meat, 44
Limbe, Cameroon, 152
Lion Red beer, ad linking maleness and meat, 109
Listeria bacteria, 195
antibiotics used for, 196
arable land needed to grow feed for, 183
feed requirements of, 184
greenhouse gases emitted by, 184
related employment, 196
lobster, 198
Los Angeles Times, on censorship of authors, 100
lupin, in fake meats, 190
Maastricht University, the Netherlands, 185–186
Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis, 32
Mad Cowboy (Lyman), 99
Mahavira, 120
Maillard, Louis-Camille, 62–63
Maillard reaction, 55, 59, 62–63, 70
Malaysia, meat consumption of, 168
male identity, meat and, 108–109, 117
Mammoth Helmut, 25
Mandarin language, meat-eating and, 178–179
Manicheans, 124
marbling, 75
Marie Antoinette (queen of France), 198
masculinity, perceived threats to, 111–112
materialism, vegetarianism and, 132
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, 9
Mbuti pygmies, 151
McDonald’s, 93, 98, 109, 170, 176–177
annual consumption of in US, 3, 184
annual sales of, 90
attraction of, 59
chemical solutions in, 85
“cultured” concept, 195
dependence on, 35
DFD (dark, firm, dry) meat, 79, 82
entry of into human diet, 18
fertility and, 54
meat paradox, 4
modern vs. Paleolithic, 35
mummified, 112
non-nutritional aspects of, 38–39
nutrients in, 30
prehistoric butchering, 18
PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat,
re-formed, 86
as source of protein, 47
subsidies and consumption, 95–96
vitamin B12 in, 51
See also livestock; specific meats
Meat: A Natural Symbol (Fiddes), 116
meat, reducing consumption of
giving up meat, 137, 140–141, 148–149
meat snacks, 195
reducetarianism, 185, 193, 194
rewarding flexitarianism, 192–194, 201
suggestions for, 70
waste, reducing, 192
conflict with vegetarians, 142–143, 145–146
in Asia, 168, 169–170, 177–179
athletes and, 121
Christian religion and, 123–124
climate change and, 184
environmental costs of, 95
health care costs attributable to, 95
Mahatma Gandhi, view of, 173–174
masculine identity, tie to, 108–112
meat-adaptive gene mutations, 37–38
in Middle East, 169
modernity and worldliness, 170, 171, 173
as necessary for strength, 110, 174
perceived health benefits, 170, 174
physiological changes associated with, 33
population movement, role of in, 33–34
predictions for future, 183–185, 194–195
premodern diet, need for meat in, 54
in United States, 3
world wars, influence of, 131
See also culture; food preferences; health risks; India; meat, reducing consumption of; meat-eating; meat industry; meat replacements; meat taboos; symbolism; taste; umami
meat industry
associated businesses, 90
cold shortening, 83
euphemism for cows and pigs, 145
“harvesting” of animals, 80–81
influence of, 7, 70–71, 79, 89–90
legislative protection of, 100–101
lobbying by, 94
pollution, meat production and, 95
pressure on plant-based eating advocates, 99
quantity vs. quality, 82–83, 85
scandals in, 180
scientific research, conflicts of interest in, 98–99
working with, 201
See also trade associations
meat replacements
enhancing appeal of, 197–198, 200
meat taboos
of Chuka tribe, Mount Kenya, 153
of !Kung bushmen, Botswana, 159
as markers of identity and cultural distinction, 158, 164
snails, 159
of Somali tribes, 153
of WaLese tribe, Democratic Republic of Congo, 152
See also horsemeat
meat tax, 192
Meiji, emperor of Japan, 169–170
Melanesia, pigs in, 160
Men’s Health magazine, on manliness and meat, 111
Merck pharmaceutical company, 84
Mesozoic era, 65
metempsychosis, 120
Middle East, meat consumption in, 169
Milo of Croton, 121
mitochondria, 10
Moby, 137
modern humans, diverse diet of, 35
Modern Meadow, 195
Modi, Narenda, 175
Monell Chemical Senses Center, 42, 58
Mongols, horsemeat-eating by, 157
monosodium glutamate (MSG), 59, 66
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, 36
Moore, Dale, 97
Morissette, Alanis, 137
Moseley, James, 97
Moses, 122
mosquitoes, protein hunger of, 43
Mount Nebo, Jordan, 121–122, 123
mouth smelling, 62
mummified meat, 112
Muscle & Fitness magazine, on protein, 46
Muslims, meat taboos of, 153, 162
myoglobin, 82
National Cancer Institute, 91
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, 89, 97, 98
National Chicken Council, 89
National Dairy Council, 97
National Live Stock and Meat Board, 97
National Pork Board, 89
Neolithic period, 162
New Guinea, hunters in, 27
New York Times, on China Project, 99
Newkirk, Ingrid, 191, 193, 194
nitrogen emissions, 196
Noller, C. R., 60
nonviolence, vegetarianism and, 173
Northwood Villa, Ramsgate, UK, 128
nutrition transition, 168, 179, 199–200
Obama, Barack, 57
obesity, in China, 180
Octagon City, Kansas, 130
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), 3
Oglala Sioux, South Dakota, uses of dogs by, 160
Olduvai Gorge, 22
Olivieri, Pat, 57
omega-3 fatty acids, 77
omnivore’s dilemma, 107
Only Place restaurant, Bengaluru, India, 167, 170
Oreo cookies, 74
organelles, 10
ornithomimids, 65
Oryx and Crake (Atwood), 198
osteoporosis, 49
Ouidah, Benin, voodoo in, 106
out-of-choice vegetarians, 173
Ovid, 121
oxygen, varying levels of, 13–14
Paleolithic period, 26, 27–28, 35–36, 51
Pat’s King of Steaks restaurant, Philadelphia, 57
Paul the Apostle, 123, 124, 133
peanut butter, development of, 126
peas, in fake meats, 190
Penn State University Meats Lab, 79–84
Penney, J. C., 126
persistent carnivory, 18
pescaterians, 136
pesco pollo vegetarians, 136
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), 172, 191
phagocytosis, 10
phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), 60
phytochemicals, 61
breeds of, 74
colonial-era compared to modern, 77
inhumane treatment of, 78–81, 101
See also pork
pink revolution, 175
plant-based nutrition. See vegetarian diet
Pleistocene period, 26
Podberscek, Anthony, 158
Poland, meat shortage in, 41
Poland, snail taboo in, 159
pollution, meat production and, 95, 181, 199
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1
androstenone in, 79
from Berkshire pigs, 74
colonial-era compared to modern, 77
consumption of in China, 168
cooked, 64
DFD meat, 79
export of from US, 181
as poor people’s meat, 115
PSE meat, 81
Post, C. W., 92
Precambrian period, 11
predation, consequences of, 10–11
predators, apex, 13
premodern diet, 54
Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 14–16, 21
See also hominins; Homo
Produce for Better Health Foundation, 91
athletes, requirements for, 48, 121, 138
in balanced diet, 45
bodybuilding, 46
children, requirements for, 46
complete, 47
excessive, 49
high quality sources of, 48
in human milk, 46
recommended dietary allowance, 46
Protestant religion, animal rights and, 128
PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat, 81, 82
purge, in meat packages, 82
Pythagoreans, 120
quinoa, 48
Quiznos, ad linking maleness and meat, 109
Qumran (in present-day Israel), 122–123, 125, 133
Rabastens, Bastien, 187
ractopamine, 180
Rags magazine, on vegetarianism, 132
rain forests, 14
rats, as food in Cameroon, 153
“reducetarianism,” 185, 193, 194
Reilly, Alan, 154
Rifkin, Jeremy, 196
Riverside Studios, London, 185
Roman army, destruction of Qumran by, 123, 133
root vegetables, avoidance of by Jains, 2
Ross, Elizabeth, 151
Rützler, Hanni, 185
Saburosuke Suzuki, 66
Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 14–16, 21
Salmonella bacteria, 195
saturated fat, 35
saturated fatty acids, 36
scarcity principle, 131
Scellier, Clément, 187
Schatzker, Mark, 75
seeds and nuts, digestion of, 15
Seneca, 121
Serengeti, mortality of cheetah cubs in, 32
serotonin receptor genes 5-HT, 7, 140
Seventh Day Adventists, study of, 3, 53
sex, vegetarianism and, 125, 129, 139
Sexual Politics of Meat (Adams), 110
The Shameless Carnivore: A Manifesto for Meat Lovers (Gold), 138
sharing food, 27
Shaw, George Bernard, 145
Shintoism, 169
Shuanghui International, 181
Simon, David Robinson, 92
Simpson, James, 130
Simpson, Stephen, 43
Singapore, 2
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 142
of pigs, 80
slaughterhouse practices, 80–82
underground cow slaughter industry, 172
of water buffaloes, 172
Smith, JoAnn, 97
Smithfield Foods, 181
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 17
snails, taboo against, 159
social activities, influence of on brain, 32
social media, use of by meat industry, 92, 93
sodium alginate, 86
sodium chloride, 59
sodium lactate, 85
sodium tripolyphosphate, 85
Somali tribes, meat taboos of, 153, 164
South Korea, dogs in, 158, 160
as livestock feed, 181
as meat extension, 191
milk, development of, 126
protein in, 48
subsidies for, 94
use of chemicals on, 181
“steak chips,” 195
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 49
Stern, Lord, 194
stress, effect of on animals, 78–79
subsidies, agricultural, 94–96, 192, 200
Suguna Daily Fressh, Ernakulam-Kochi, India, 176
Sulawesi, Indonesia, 157
Sunday Telegraph, on Sexual Politics of Meat, 110
Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health, 97
Suzuki Pharmaceutical Company, 66
Swedish Nutrition Foundation, 98
symbolism of meat
cattle, 114
modernity, 170, 171, 173, 176, 200
power, 106–111, 116–117, 170, 176, 197
sex, 110
wealth, 112–115, 131, 169, 176, 197, 200
Taco Bell, ad linking maleness and meat, 108–109
Tanzania, anemia in, 50
breed of animal and, 74
diet of animal and, 65
five basic tastes, 59
price and, 86
of stressed animals, 78–79, 81
tetrasodium pyrophosphate, 85
Texas Beef Council, 98
TGI Fridays, ad linking maleness and meat, 109
Thiel, Peter, 195
Thomas Aquinas (Saint), 125
3-Octen-2-one, 63
Time magazine, on Temple Grandin, 84
Times of India, on vegetarianism, 174
Timothy of Alexandria, 124
tomatoes, 198
tools, prehistoric, 15–16, 20, 22
trade associations
American Meat Institute, 97
British Meat Processors Association, 89
California Beef Council, 98
Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, 89
Farm Animal Welfare Coalition, 96
Kobe Beef Marketing & Distribution Promotion Association, 76, 78
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, 89, 97, 98
National Chicken Council, 89
National Dairy Council, 97
National Live Stock and Meat Board, 97
National Pork Board, 89
Texas Beef Council, 98
trans-2-trans-4-decadienal, 64
transglutaminase, 86
transmigration of souls, 120
trichinosis, 162
trilobites, 12
trimethyl-pyrazine, 63
Tutankhamun, Pharaoh, 112
12-methyltridecanal, 64
2-methyl-3-furanthiol, 6
Two One Two (212) Steakhouse, New York City, 76
Tyler, Liv, 137
components of, 67
discovery of, 66
fat and, 59
as fifth basic taste, 59, 65, 67
heritability of, 68
in human milk, 67
sources of, 6
taste experiment, 68
taste receptors for, 67
“u-bombs,” 67
Umami Burger restaurant, Los Angeles, 67
United States
beef as part of national identity, 116
lowering meat consumption, 194
meat consumption in, 3
University of Pennsylvania, pig training at, 161
US Department of Health and Human Services, on dietary guidelines, 96
USDA (US Department of Agriculture)
checkoff programs, involvement in, 92
conflicts of interest in, 97
VB6 adherents, 136
veal, pale, production of, 84
Vedge restaurant, Philadelphia, 129, 137–138, 146
Veganz supermarket, 137
vegetable and fruit industry, 90–91
vegetables, promotion of, 91
Vegetarian Butcher, The Hague, the Netherlands, 190, 201
vegetarian diet
anemia and, 51
in Greece, 121
meat industry pressure on advocates of, 99
in nineteenth century, 129
vitamins and minerals in, 50–53
See also vegetarianism; vegetarians
ahimsa, 173
availability of meat, impact of, 128
Buddhism and, 178
Chinese Communist Party’s view of, 182
cholera epidemic, impact of, 128
conflict between James the Just and Paul the Apostle, 123
failure to convert meat-eaters, 132–133
Graham as “father of American vegetarianism,” 127–128
as heresy, 124
hippies and, 132
IQ and, 141
meat replacements, 121, 128, 133, 200
openness to experience and, 141
powerful supporters, lack of, 121, 132
purity and, 125
temporary, 125
vegetarian movement, peacefulness of, 141–142
See also Christian religion; vegetarian diet; vegetarians
Adam and Eve, 122
brain scans of, 140
Buddha, 120
characterization of, 136
communities of, 130
conflict with meat-eaters, 142–143, 145–146
description of, 135
Egyptian priests, 120
ethical, 142, 146, 147, 172, 201
faux, 146
fMRI scans of, 138
hair, chemical composition of, 139–140
Mahavira, 120
mortality and disease rates, 53
out-of-choice, 173
return to eating meat, 148
Seventh Day Adventists, study of, 3, 53
social disapproval of, 106, 130, 138–139, 148, 171, 182
types of, 136
See also vegetarian diet; vegetarianism
Veneman, Ann, 97
Victor Churchill meat “boutique,”
Sydney, Australia, 194
vitamin B12, sources of, 51–52
Wagyu cattle, 76
WaLese pygmies, meat taboo of, 151–152
Wansink, Brian, 105
Washington Post, on slaughterhouse practices, 81
water buffaloes, slaughter of, 172
water deer, teeth of, 20
weapons, for hunting, 23
weapons, tooth development and, 20–21
Weber, Gary, 99
weep, in meat packages, 82
Western Health Reform Institute, 126
WHC (water-holding capacity), 82
whole grain breads and flours, promotion of, 127
wildlife, return of, 196
women, objectification of, 111
women, symbolism of meat and, 112
world wars, influence of on meat-eating, 131
Wrangham, Richard, 31, 151–152, 164
Wynn resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, 76
γ-heptalactone, 63
Yan, Yunxiang 176
Yana River, Siberia, mammoth graveyard on, 26
Zilmax, 84
zinc, 51