(All non-English terms in the glossary are in Balinese unless indicated as Ind(onesian), Jav(anese) or Neth(erlands).

Aceh, 58, 227

Aceh war, 220

Adat (Ind: traditional law), see Law

Adi Yasa Hotel, 255

Affandi, 247

Agriculture, see Copra, Cotton, Fruit production, Pigs, Rice

Agung, Anak Agung Gedé, 218, 222-4, 251

Agung, Mount, 24

eruption of, 87, 231-2, 253

see also Besakih

AIDS, 264

Air Force, Indonesian 265, 246

see also Gestapu

Alisjahbana, Sutan Takdir, 247

Alit’s Beach Bungalows (Hotel), 254

Ambon, island of, 34, 37

Amsterdam, City of, 28, 33, 255

Amuk, 17, 33, 35, 38, 51, 53, 57, 59-60, 150, 124

Anak Agung (title of members of a royal family)

Ancestors, 22, 24, 62, 75, 96, 102-3, 106

see also Genealogies

Angkatan Muda Hindu Dharma, see Young Generation of Hindu Duty

Anom Putra, Cokorda, 219, 227

Architecture, Balinese, 161, 193, 202

Chinese, 193

see also Palaces

Archeology, 135

see also Goris, Stutterheim

Arja (dance-drama telling geguritan stories), 97, 107

Arjuna (hero of the Mahabharata and one of the Pandawa brothers), 242

Army, Indonesian, 244, 287

see also Gestapu

Netherlands East Indies, 143

see also Bali Wars, Lombok War

Art, Balinese, 25, 64-9, 136, 144, 154, 160-2, 166, 170-2, 183, 200, 202, 248, 272-3 see also Batuan Deblog, Jatasura, Lempad, Mandera, Pita Maha, Togog, Seken, Ubud

in images of Bali, 16-18, 23, 114, 131, 142-4, 165, 160-1, 171-2, 262-3

Indonesian, 248

see also Affandi

Western, 248, 258

see also Bonnet, Covarrubias, Spies

Artaud, Antonin, 155

Artshops, 255, 274, 277, 280-1, 289

ASTI (Akademi Seni Tari Indonesia—Ind: Indonesian Dance Academy, now ISI, Institute Seni Indonesia), 276, 287

Australia, 136, 165, 263, 300

Australians in Bali, 25, 256, 265, 294

Babad (dynastic genealogies),

see genealogies

Badung, state of, 50, 60, 86-7, 90, 94, 98-9, 101, 110-11, 157, 201, 282, 285

see also Dénpasar, Kuta, Puputan, Sanur

Bali Adnyana (religious reformist organization), 213

Bali Aga (Original Balinese), 74, 129, 165, 209

“Bali as the rich and famous see it” (tourist campaign), 263

Bali Beach Hotel, 20, 252-3, 259, 263, 306

Bali Hotel, 139, 164, 170, 250, 252

Bali Hyatt (Hotel), 254

Bali Museum, 160

Bali on Any Budget (tourist brochure), 263

Bali Wars (1846-49), 51-3, 108, 117

Bali-Hai (song), 18, 19, 179, 253

Balinese language, 57

Bandesa (clan of hereditary village heads), 208

Banditry, 189, 255

Bandung, city of, 243

Bangli, state of, 52, 54, 60, 90, 94, 97, 101, 121, 143, 149, 182, 191, 285

Bañjar (service groups for courts, also known as wards of a village), 74-5, 188, 237

Bañjar, district of, 86, 212

Bañjar revolt, 57

Baris (martial dance), 249

Barong (mythical dragon-like animal), 79, 117, 149-51, 173, 205-6, 247, 264, 271

Baruna (God of the sea), 50

Batavia, see Jakarta

Bataviaasch Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschapen (Neth: Batavian Society for the Arts and Sciences)

Batavian Society for the Arts and Sciences, 115-18

Bateson, Gregory, 138, 167-73, 175-6, 182, 201-5, 223, 256, 260, 272

Batuan, village of, 87-8, 203, 205-6, 223, 248, 250, 273

Batulèpang, Gusti Ngurah, 87

Baturènggong, Dalem, 22, 66-7, 73-6, 78, 97, 300

Baum, Vicki, 156-9, 180

Bedulu, village of, 199

Belo, Jane, 169, 172-3, 180, 182, 184. 200

Bendesa, I Nengah, 261

Beng Pandé revolt, 209-10

Besakih (temple), 132, 196, 253, 263, 299

Bhagavad-Gita (Indian holy text), 157

Bima (also spelt Bhima, hero of the Mahabharata and second of the Pandawa brothers), 206

Blacksmiths, see Pandé

Blahbatuh, village of, 103, 231, 250

Blambangan, East Javanese kingdom of, 66, 88, 301

Bloemen Waanders, P. L. van, 54-6, 120, 124, 128

Blowpipe, 29, 35, 39, 70

Bonnet, Rudolf, 160-2, 183, 201-2, 248, 279

Borneo, see Kalimantan

Brahma (Hindu god), 230

Brahman (member of the highest, priestly, caste), 65, 27, 77-9, 96, 101, 150-6, 117-19, 121, 123, 127, 142, 189, 201-2, 205, 207-13, 223, 228-31, 264-6, 271-3, 286, 188, 290

see also Caste, Nirartha, Priesthood

Brahmana (Brahman)

Breasts, bare in the image of Bali,17-18, 125, 140-1, 184, 226, 269, 264, 298

British, 21, 22, 40-2, 47, 50, 120

see also Raffles

British East India Company, 41

Broek, H. A. van den, 44, 99

Buddhism, 24, 64, 72, 77, 30

Budi (Ind: knowledge and insight as a philosophical virtue), 212

Bulèlèng, state of, 46, 51-4, 56-7, 86-8, 94-5, 99, 106, 108-9, 111, 117-18, 122, 138-9, 211-13, 234, 258, 277, 302

see also Bali Wars, Pañji Sakti, Singaraja

Burger (Neth: free citizen of Indies), 34

Burma, 82, 176

Cakrawatin (World Ruling king), see Kingship

Calcutta, city of, 40-2

Calon Arang (legendary tale), 149-51, 159, 502

see also Barong, Rangda

Campuan, see Ubud

Candi Dasa, resort village of, 258-9

Cannibalism, 94-5, 119, 165

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 250

Caste, 22, 24, 66-7, 73, 76-9, 104-5, 119, 121, 134, 144, 156, 166, 186-7, 191, 196, 206-19, 221, 225, 228, 234-5, 239, 271-3, 302

see also Brahman, Satria, Sudra, Triwangsa, Wésia

Chaplin, Charlie, 139, 149, 155, 168-71

China, 80, 138, 156, 238, 250, 295

trade with, 34, 50


coins, 50, 189

in Bali, 50, 59, 146, 158

in Java, 34, 39

Christianity, 21, 27, 31, 300

Cili (rice goddess figure), 143, 165

Clan organizations, 228-9

Coast, John, 176-77, 179-82, 250

Cockfighting, 75, 83, 92, 99, 132, 158, 247, 260, 265, 298

Cokorda (title of rulers)

Cokroaminoto, 243

Coffee, 24, 100, 130

Cokot, 201, 205

Colonial Exhibition in Paris, 154-5, 164

Colonial rule, colonialism, 18, 23, 25, 54, 57, 61, 163 159, 196, 205, 233, 245

see also Netherlands East Indies Government

Commercialization, 15, 161, 169-70

Commoners, 64, 66, 75, 77-8, 82-3, 93, 96-7, 104-8, 111, 161, 189, 194, 198, 205, 207-8, 212, 215, 221, 228, 230-1, 234-5, 273

see also Caste

Communist Party of Indonesia (Ind: Partai Kommunis Indonesia - PKI), 19, 25, 182, 213, 225, 232-9, 244

Company, see Dutch East India Company

Consecration of kings, 196

Constitutional Democracy period in Indonesia (1950-58), 233, 244

Controleur (Neth: district officer)

Copra, 130, 189

Cornell University, 135

Corvée, 74, 188-9, 208-9

Cotton, 24, 80

Council of Kings (Ind: Déwan Raja-Raja), 193, 198, 227

Coup, see Gestapu

Court society, see Pañji, Social organization

Covarrubias, Miguel, 138, 162-6, 169, 261, 268

Covarrubias, Rose, 138, 163-4

Coward, Noel, 155, 171

Cremation, 29, 31, 117, 144, 148-9, 166, 190, 192, 203-5, 209, 221, 235, 262, 267, 270, 276

Crosby, Bing, see Road to Bali

Cultural tourism, 12, 131, 241, 252, 257, 266, 268, 271, 275, 289-90, 293, 299, 303, 308

Czechoslovakia, 250

Daendels, Marshal Willem Herman, 40-41

Dahlseim, 153

Dalang (shadow play puppeteer)

Dance, see Arja, Baris, Barong, Gambuh, Kecak, Kris dance, Lègong, Rangda, Sanghyang, Theater, Topèng, Trance

Dancing girls in the image of Bali, 113, 148, 172, 181, 184, 248, 273

Deblog, Gusti Madé, 186, 206, 218, 248

De Houtman, see Houtman

Dénbañcingah, Déwa Ayu, 94

Dénpasar (capital of Badung kingdom, 1949—capital of Bali), 13, 59, 136, 139-40, 146, 149, 155, 164, 180, 206, 227-8, 230, 234, 236, 248, 250, 252, 255-6, 274, 277, 279-80, 282, 300-1

Depression, The, 142, 189, 196-7

Despotism, see Feudalism

Déwa (title used by members of the satria caste—for individuals see under other parts of name)

Déwa Agung (title of kings of Klungkung)

De Zoete, see Zoete

Dhenia, Anak Agung Nyoman, 233

Disease, 79, 99-100, 178, 264, 284

District heads, see Punggawa

Drake, Sir Francis, 27

Dubois, Pierre, 47

Dutch East India Company, 31, 33, 67

Earthquakes, 109, 189-92, 199, 209

East Indies, see Netherlands East Indies

East Java, see Blambangan, Pasuruhan

Eastern Indonesia, 22, 66, 109, 221

Eck, Rutger van, 57, 123, 128

Economy of Bali, 50, 90, 225, 279-80, 292, 303
see also Coffee, Copra, Cotton, Depression, Fishing, Pigs, Rice, Slavery, Taxation, Tourism, Trade Education in Bali, 186, 211-17, 221, 228, 276, 281, 286

Ekadasa Rudra ritual, 231, 253, 278, 287

Elephant Cave, 262

Emanuelle II (film), 265

English language, 281

Ethical Policy, 116, 123, 128, 132

Ethici (Neth: supporters of the Ethical Policy) see Ethical Policy

Exorcism, 79, 153, 198, 205-6, 231, 278

 see also Ekadasa Rudra

Faculty of Letters of Udayana University in Dénpasar (Ind: Fakultas Sastra), 228

Famine, 99, 128, 233-4, 284


Despotic rule and lack of government in images of Bali, 31, 33, 38, 40-3, 49, 56, 81, 121, 125, 128-9, 144, 158, 192, 197

Precolonial Bali seen as feudal by modernists, 25, 106, 145, 166, 207, 217-9, 224-5, 234, 298

Fishing, 284

Flower Garden Temple of Klungkung (Pura Taman Sari), 100

Friederich, R., 117-19, 135

Gambuh (courtly dance-drama form telling Pañji stories), 82, 274

see also Pañji

Gamelan orchestra (ensemble), 37, 64, 82, 125, 200, 300

Garuda Indonesian Airways, 262-3

Gedong, Ibu, 258

Gedong Kirtya, 132, 135, 213-4, 216, 221

Geertz, Clifford, 260, 267

Geertz, Hildred, 260

Geguritan (poems mainly about commoners and everyday life), 97, 107

Gèlgèl, kingdom of, 14, 24-5, 66, 68-9, 73-4, 80, 84-7, 101, 103, 230-1, 278

Gempol, I Nyoman, 55

Genealogies, 101-4, 207, 228, 230-1

Geria (priestly house)

Geria Pidada Klungkung, 98, 207

German Romanticism, see Romanticism

Gestapu (Gerakan September Tigapuluh Ind: Thirtieth September Movement—abortive coup in Jakarta which led to the massacre of Communists), 25, 59, 99, 235, 244

Gianyar, city of, 222. 224

Gianyar, kingdom of, 59, 90, 94, 97, 99, 101-2, 106, 110, 190, 198, 200-1, 208-9, 218, 222-4, 227, 249-51, 274-5

Gianyar War (1884-94), 110

Goona-Goona (film), 154, 164

Gorer, Geoffrey, 170

Goris, Roelof, 135, 153, 159, 176, 182, 184, 216, 228

Grader, Christian J., 157, 160, 182

Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, 217

Green Revolution, 283

Guided Democracy, 233, 244

Gusti (title used by members of the wésia caste)

Habibie, B.J. (third President of the Republic of Indonesia), 290, 297

Hanuman, 206

Harmony in images of Bali, 17-18, 150, 165, 167, 173, 204, 242

Hassan, see Saïd Hassan

Headhunting, 95, 237

Hinduism, 16, 24, 26-31, 43, 45, 74, 115, 118, 129, 143, 227-30, 239, 262, 271, 286-7, 292, 296, 300-1
Reformist movements in Bali, 211-12, 227-32, 265

Hippies, 19, 167, 242, 255-8, 264, 275, 304

Hoëvell, Baron W. R. van, 114-20

Hollywood, 18, 149, 156, 178-82, 253, 306

Holt, Claire, 135, 176, 182, 214

Homosexuality in images of Bali, 18, 151-2

Hong Kong, 50, 137

Hooykaas, Christian, 135, 176, 214

Hope, Bob, see Road to Bali

Houtman, Cornelis de, 27-8

Incest, 58-94

India, 19, 29, 42, 64, 76, 82, 117, 181, 216, 227-9, 301

see also Hinduism

Indonesian Revolution, 25, 135, 156, 177, 179-82, 221-2, 225-6, 228, 240, 242, 244, 248, 255

Indra (Hindu god), 77, 230

International Law, see Treaties

Irrigation, see Rice

Islam, 22, 24, 27-8, 43, 58, 61, 118, 229, 243, 295-6, 299, 300
Muslims in Bali, 57-8, 70-1, 193, 265, 295-6
Muslim Fundamentalists, 245, 294, 296
Muslim Nationalists, 243

Island of Bali (book), see Covarrubias

Island of the Demons (book), 150

Island of the Demons (film), 150, 153-4, 157

Island of the Gods, 142, 262

Isteri Kanya, Déwa Agung, 53

Jacobs, Julius, 124-7, 143-4, 152, 166

Jagaraga, village of, 52

Jakarta, city of (formerly known as Batavia), 24, 218, 224, 226, 229, 230, 233, 235, 240-1, 243, 245-6, 249, 253, 255, 263, 266, 277, 279, 282, 290-1, 295, 301

Japan, 33, 137, 275-6


in Bali, 146

Occupation of Indonesia (1942-46), 176, 207, 216-19, 237, 251

tourism, 281

Jardine, Matheson, 49

Jatasura, Ida Bagus Madé, 204, 223

Jati, village of, 201

Java, island of, 18, 22, 24, 34, 38-41, 43-4, 50, 52, 64, 66-7, 77-82, 86, 88, 91-2, 96, 109, 116, 119, 133, 140, 143, 145-6, 151, 177, 193, 196, 198-9, 212, 215-6, 224, 235-6, 238, 247, 252, 284, 295-6, 305

Javanese, 39, 43-4, 72-3, 76, 82, 89-90, 115-18, 154, 212, 215-16, 241, 245-6, 252, 287, 288, 296,
culture, 44, 72-3, 82, 89, 93, 245

law, see Law

see also Bandung, Blambangan, Jakarta, Majapahit, Mataram, Museum, Pasuruhan, Surabaya, Yogyakarta Jembrana, state of, 54, 88, 108, 161, 233

Jero (title used by commoners of elevated status), 48

Jimat, Madé, 274-6

Jlantik, Gusti Bagus (Anak Agung Agung KtutKarangasem, king of Karangasem), 190-1, 193-6, 208, 211, 215

Jlantik, Gusti Gedé (king of Karangasem), 58, 111, 190

Jlantik, Gusti Ktut (chief minister of Bulèlèng), 51-3, 56

Jlantik, Gusti Putu (king of Bulèlèng), 212-3

Jogjakarta, see Yogyakarta

Kadiri, Javanese kingdom of, 72

Kajèng, Nyoman, 212, 214, 221

Kakawin (poetry in Kawi language using Indian-derived meters)

Kakul, Nyoman, 250, 274

Kalimantan, island of, 109, 143, 301

Kamasan, village of, 100, 136, 161, 194, 262, 273-4, 287

Kantor (Neth: office)

Kapal, village of, 80, 88

Karang, Gusti Ayu (queen of Klungkung), 98

Karangasem, state of, 51-2, 58-9, 88-9, 97-8, 101, 109-11, 190, 193, 208, 232, 258

Kawi (archaic literary language), see Language

Kecak (dance performed by chanting men seated in a circle), 148, 154, 179, 199, 265, 271

Képéng (Chinese copper coins used as Balinese currency), see Chinese (coins)

Kerta (royal and priestly law)

Kerta Gosa (Hall of Justice in Klungkung), 194

Kesiman, lord of, 50, 53, 59, 94

Kidung Pamancangah (Balinese poem describing the history of Klungkung), 101

King and I, The (film and play), 178, 180

King Kong (film), 178

King, George P., 49

Kingship, 28-9, 63-8, 71, 76, 78, 81-4, 91, 112, 144, 187, 192, 197

Kirtya Liefrinck–van der Tuuk, see Gedong Kirtya

Klian, see Bañjar

Klungkung, state of, 48, 52-3, 59-60, 87-90, 93-4, 96-8, 100-1, 105-6, 108-11, 127, 130, 163, 187, 192-4, 207, 209, 213, 217, 219, 230-2, 235, 255, 273, 277-9

Koke, Louise Garrett, 129, 156, 170, 183-4

Koke, Robert, 139, 156, 170, 176, 182-4

Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschapen, see Bataviaasch Genootschap
Koninklijk Paketvaart Maatschapij, see

Koopman, Huskus, 48

Koopman, G., 255

Korn, Victor Emmanuel, 133-4, 195, 208

KPM (Netherlands Packet Steam Ship Line), 130-1, 140

Krakatau (Krakatoa volcano), 96, 99

Krause, Gregor, 142-5, 149-50, 153, 157, 165

Kris (dagger), 20, 26, 29-31, 37, 45, 51, 59, 110, 158-9, 172-3, 192, 246

Kris, The, see Goona-Goona

Kris dance, 117, 149-50, 159, 172-3, 264

Krisna (hero of the Mahabharata), 242

Kroncong (Portuguese-influenced style of music), 246

Ksatria, see Satria

Ktut Tantri, see Tantri

Kusamba, village of, 97

Kuta Beach Hotel, 139, 156, 182-4, 252

Kuta, village of, 25, 47-9, 80, 86, 139, 156, 183, 252-3, 255-8, 265, 268, 282-3, 304


ownership, 132-3, 189, 196-7, 210, 227, 234, 238

reform, 233-4

see also Corvée, Taxation

Lange, Mads, 49-54, 116, 118-19


Balinese, 57, 145

English, 131, 143, 156, 260-2, 268, 271, 281-2

Japanese, 281-2

Kawi, 118, 122, 228, 252

Malay, 57, 70, 126, 138, 145, 163, 252

Sanskrit, 24, 117-18, 145, 157


Balinese, 56, 133-4, 189, 207-8, 210

ancient Javanese law books, 78, 89, 91, 208

crime, 79, 92

and the power of life or death, 92

Lebah, 98, 106

Lègong (dance performed by young girls), 88, 179, 249, 296, 304

Leiden University, 134

Le Mayeur de Merpres, Adrien, 158

Lempad, Gusti Nyoman, 199-203

Lér, Kiai, 80

Leydekker, Henrik, 37

Liefrinck, F. A, 120, 128-30, 132-3, 157, 165

Light of Many Masks, The (film), 274-5

Literature, Balinese, 44, 57, 64, 67, 69, 72, 76-7, 79, 96, 101, 118, 120-1, 132, 192, 214-5, 227, 230-1
see also Calon Arang, genealogies, Kidung Pamañcangah, Mahabharata, Pan Brayut, Pañji, Ramayana

Lombok, island of, 17, 49, 52, 57-8, 66, 80, 88-9, 91, 94, 96, 99-100, 105, 109-11, 117, 120, 123, 128, 132, 137, 135, 192, 195, 213, 221, 284, 295, 300-1

Lombok War (1896), 57-8, 111

Losmen (Ind: Pension-style accommodation), 256

Lovina Beach resort, 258

McPhee, Colin, 16, 160, 169, 171-3, 176-7, 179-80, 182, 184, 200-1, 250

Madé’s Warung (food stall restaurant), 256

Madura, island of, 39, 86

Magic, 79, 92, 107, 149, 154, 166, 178, 203, 205-6, 262-3, 266, 286, 307

Mahabharata (ancient text), 206, 242, 245 see also Arjuna, Bima, Krisna

Majapahit, kingdom of, 67, 72-4, 79, 82, 89, 96, 101, 129, 144, 165-6, 246, 301

Makassar, city and kingdom of, 67, 138

Malacca (Melaka), state and city of, 67, 120

Malay kingdoms, 193

Malay language, see Language, Malay

Malaysia, 41, 120

see also Malacca

Maluku (Spice Islands of Eastern Indonesia), 27, 33

see also Ambon

Mandera, Anak Agung, 180, 200

Mandera (Mandra), Nyoman, 273-4

Mangkunegara, 215

Mantik, 227

Mantra, Ida Bagus (Governor of Bali 1978-1988), 286-88, 290

Manuscripts, Balinese, 117-19, 123-4, 132, 214

see also Balinese literature

Marga, village of, 220

Marhaen (Sukarno’s mythical figure of the archetypal peasant), 228

Mario, 163, 180

Marriage, 69, 78, 84, 94-5, 104, 213, 234

Maruti, Gusti Agung, 85-7, 91, 103

Mas, village of, 258


Javanese kingdom of, 31, 39, 48, 67, 80

Lombok kingdom of, 100, 105, 109

Mauritius, island of, 46

Mead, Margaret, 11, 21, 138, 151-2, 167-73, 175, 180, 182, 201-4, 223, 256, 259-61, 272

Meier, Theo, 156

Mengwi, state of, 86-8, 90, 98, 101, 110, 121, 198, 219, 262, 291

Mershon, Jack, 156

Mershon, Katharane, 157, 180, 183

Métra, Nengah, 211-14, 221, 261

Middle Ages, as comparison with Bali, 25, 106, 131, 145

Missions, 16, 27, 31, 45, 53, 57, 120, 123, 159
see also Eck, Netherlands Bible Society, Utrecht Missionary Society

Modernization, 211-13, 240, 268, 288, 292

Monkey Forest, Sangeh, 263

Mouse plagues, 100, 109, 189

Murnau, Friedrich, 151

Museum, Bali as a Museum of ancient

Java, 18, 44, 117, 246-7, 298

Music, see Gamelan

Nasa, Ktut, 212

National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta, 245

Nationalist movement in Indonesia, 207, 214-20, 225-7, 243, 245-6

Nationalist Party of Indonesia (Ind: Partai Nasionalis Indonesia –PNI), 25, 225, 227, 232 Negara Indonesia Timor, see NIT

Nehru, Pandit, 19-20, 247

Netherlands, 33, 40, 47-8, 113, 116, 121, 130, 132, 135, 161, 183, 221, 300

see also Amsterdam

Netherlands Bible Society, 243

Netherlands East Indies Government, 48, 50-1, 56, 116, 122-3, 155, 192, 211
see also Bali Wars, Ethical Policy, Indonesian Revolution, NIT, Treaties

Netherlands Packet Steam Ship Line, see KPM

Neuhaus, Hans, 139, 156, 254-5

Neuhaus, Rolf, 139, 156, 254-5

Ngendon, 223

Ngurah Rai, Gusti, 219-20, 223

Ngurah Rai Airport, 220, 255

Nieuwenkamp, W.O.J., 136-7

Nirartha, Danghyang (ancestor of Siwaite high priests of Bali), 66, 76-9, 86

NIT (Ind: Federal State of Eastern Indonesia), 221-2, 224

Noble Savage, 44

Nusa Dua, 257, 263, 283, 287, 302, 305, 307

Nyai (Dutch term for native mistress of a Dutchman, from the low Balinese term of address for a woman), 34

Nyalian, district of, 94

Nyana, Ida Bagus, 201

Oka, Ida Bagus (Governor of Bali 1988–1993), 290

Oka, Geg, Déwa Agung, 192, 227, 235, 277

Old Javanese language, see Kawi

Old Javanese literature, see Literature

Opium, 46, 49, 70, 75, 83, 100, 132, 210

Oriental despots, see Feudalism

Oz (magazine), 256

Pacekan, Déwa, 85

Padanda (Brahman high priest), see Brahman

Padang Bai, village of, 80

Padmasana (lotus throne symbol used in priestly meditation as sign of unity with god), 230

Pahang, Gusti Ngurah, 95

Painters, see Art


Balinese, 51, 68-71, 75, 97-8, 100-1, 117, 136, 144, 181, 188, 193-4, 222, 236, 258, 278, 282-2

Sukarno’s, 19, 246, 249, 262

Paliatan, village of, 155, 179, 200, 222, 258

Pamangku (temple priests), 75, 77

Pambekel (village head), 106, 188, 210, 237

Pambekel gede, see Punggawa Pamecutan clan, 279

Pamecutan, Cokorda Ngurah, 279

Pan Brayut (story), 107, 161

Pandé (Blacksmith clan), 105-6, 209-10, 221

Pangjeroan (female servants in a palace), 75

Pañji (title of a heroic prince, used of a genre of courtly romance stories), 81-4, 89-94, 101, 104, 108, 193

Pañji, Déwa Agung, 97

Pañji Sakti, Gusti (king of Bulèlèng), 36-7, 54, 86, 90

Pañji Tisna, Gusti (Anak Agung) Nyoman, 258, 277

Parekan (male servants in a palace), 75

Parisada Hindu Dharma (religious reformist organization), 228, 232, 239

Pasek (elevated commoner clan), 208, 228, 231

Pastika, Mangku Madé (Governor of Bali, 2008-), 298, 304

Pasuruhan, east Javanese kingdom of, 38-9, 301

PATA (Pacific Area Tourist Association), 257

Patron-client relations, 188, 221 see also Slavery, Social organization

Peasants, see Commoners, Social organization

Peasants Unilateral Action (Aksi Sepihak), see Land reform

Pemayun, Dalem, 277-8

Pemuda (Revolutionary youth), 220, 242, 245

Penang, town of, 40

Pendit, Nyoman S., 228, 252

People’s Council (Neth: Volksraad), 198, 213

Pidada, Ida Wayan, 207, 209

Pigs, 34, 130-1

pork, 34

Pirates, 39, 45-6, 89

Pita Maha art society. 160-1

PKI, see Communist Party

Pleasure gardens, 193-4

Plessen, Victor Baron von, 153

PNI, see Nationalist Party

Pollok, 156

Political Economy, 41-3

Polygamy, 69

Poppy’s roadside stall restaurant, 256

Population density of Bali, 23, 80, 287

Population of Bali, 23

Porcelain, 68, 80

in trade, 35

Portuguese, 27, 67, 246

Powell, Hickman, 17, 138

Priesthood, 67, 75, 77-9, 89, 97, 205, 207-8, 210, 235, 285

see also Brahman, Pamangku, Sengguhu

Prijono 228, 247, 249, 252

Prostitutes, 75, 92, 126, 249

Protestantism see Christianity

PSI, see Socialist Party

Puger, Gedé, 226, 234, 236

Punggawa (district head), 55, 106, 188

Puppeteer, see Dalang

Puputan (suicidal ending of a kingdom), 58-60, 111, 130, 144, 157-8, 163, 192, 217, 220, 232, 237

Pura (temple)

Pura Dasar (state temple of Gèlgèl), 71, 231

Pura Taman Sari, see Flower Garden Temple

Puri (palace)

Putra, Déwa Agung I (king of Klungkung), 97-8

Putra, Déwa Agung II (king of Klungkung), 98, 101

Race, theories of, 35, 44, 125, 165

Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, 21, 41-5, 49, 61, 114-15, 118, 120-1, 130, 216

Rai, Déwa, 94

Rai, Ida Madé, 55

Rama (hero of the Ramayana, 69

Ramayana (ancient epic), 69, 72, 76, 104, 154, 199, 206, 242, 245

Rangda witch, 149-51, 153, 172-3, 186, 205-6, 247, 262, 264, 271

Rapeng, Ni Nyoman, 255

Ratu Adil (Jav: Just King), 246

Rawana (demonic king in the Ramayana), 69

Rebellion against a ruler, 91, 103, 110

see also Maruti

Reincarnation, 75, 103

Religion, see Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Missions, Theosophy

Religious Reform in Bali, see Hinduism

Rendra, W. S., 270

Repelita I (Indonesian Government Five Year Plan), 257

Republican administration during Indonesian


in Bali, 219

in Java, 223

Rhodius, Hans, 182-3

cultivation, 17, 24, 29, 57, 65, 99-100, 109, 145, 165, 187-9, 280, 282-4, 299-300

grants of rice fields, 93

irrigation, 24, 65, 188, 284

trade, 24, 49, 80, 100, 283

see also Land ownership, Mouse plagues

Rifle manufacture, 39

Rinda, Ktut, 231, 250

Ritual, 24-5, 29-30, 65-6, 69, 71, 73, 76-7, 79, 91-3, 95, 97, 109, 111, 122, 142, 145, 168, 171-3, 185, 194-6, 203, 205, 229-32, 235, 241, 267, 270, 723, 278-9, 287
see also Consecration of kings, Cremation, Ekadasa Rudra

Road to Bali, The (film), 114, 180, 183

Roark, Garland, 179

Roban (palace attendant living outside the walls of the palace), 75

Romanticism, German, 21, 117, 153

Roosevelt, André, 154, 164

Royal Batavian Society for the Arts and Sciences, see Bataviaasch Genootschap

Saïd Hassan, Pangèran, 46-7

Sakti (power, natural and supernatural energy), 103

Sakti, Déwa Agung (king of Klungkung), 97

Sampih, 176-7, 180-1

Sang Hyang Widhi, see Widhi

Sangeh Monkey Forest, 263

Sanghyang (trance dance performed by young girls), 149, 154, 198

Sangsit, district of, 86

Sanskrit, see Language

Santi (religious reform movement), 212

Sanur, village of, 59, 119, 136, 139, 156-7, 180, 252-8, 283, 286, 305

Sapangan (slaves), 75

Sarwo Edhy, General, 236

Sasaks (people of Lombok), 57-8, 112, 193

Satia (widow suicide), see Widow sacrifice

Satria (member of the second caste), 78, 209

Satria, village of, 110

Savage Bali, 26-61, 63, 81, 114, 184

Sayan, village of, 250, 258

Schwartz, H. J. E. F., 58-9, 130, 157

Sculpture, Balinese, 23, 140, 145-6, 200-2, 250, 255

see also Cokot, Lempad, Nyana

Second Police Action, 224

Seganing, Dalem, 79-80

Seken, Pan, 161

Semung, Gusti Madé, 200

Sengguhu (exorcistic priest), 77

Sexuality in images of Bali, 34, 124-6, 148, 167, 203

Shipwrecks, see Treaties

Sibetan, district of, 90

Sidemen, district of, 87-9

Sindhu Beach Hotel, 252

Singapore, city of, 41, 50, 100, 130, 137-8, 301

Bali’s trade with, 24, 47


as Dutch capital, 54

city of, 146, 211, 221, 226

Singasari, Lombok kingdom of, 94

Sita (wife of Rama in Ramayana), 69

Siva or Siwa (Hindu God), 24, 77, 107, 230, 245

Sjariffudin, Amir, 181

Slavery, 14, 22, 24, 26, 33-9, 46-7, 54-6, 75, 83, 85

anti-slavery pressure, 46-7, 54-5

capture in war as a source of slaves, 91

prices of slaves, 37

slave trade, 22, 24, 26, 33-7, 46, 61, 81, 86, 90-1, 100

Smallpox, see Disease

Smuggling, 45, 47, 57

Social organization, 64-7, 72, 77, 92-3, 118, 187-92, 280-92
see also Bañjar, Commoners, Kingship, Land ownership, Marriage, Patron-client relations, Slavery, State, Village

Socialist Dances, 249

Socialist Party of Indonesia (Ind: Partai Socialis Indonesia - PSI), 227, 243, 251

Soekarman, Governor, 287

South Pacific (film and play), 18, 178-80

see also Bali Hai

Spanish, 27, 67

Special Region (Ind: Daerah Istimewah) classification for Bali, 227

Spice Islands, see Maluku

Spice trade, 27

Spies, Walter, 21, 150-60, 162, 164-7, 169-70, 173, 175-6, 180, 182-4, 198-203, 250, 258-9, 303

Sriwijaya, kingdom of, 246

State, Balinese, 66-112 passim

under the Dutch, 187-97, 207

see also Kingship, Pañji, Social organization

Stein Callenfels, Pieter, 135

Stutterheim, Willem, 135, 160-1, 176

Subak (irrigation systems), see Rice

Sudra (member of the fourth or lowest caste), 78, 208-9, 213, 235

Suharto (second President of the Republic of Indonesia), 19, 25, 235, 238, 240, 242, 252-3, 257, 287-8, 290-1, 293-4, 296-7, 300-1

Sukarno (first President of the Republic of Indonesia), 19-21, 25, 124, 179-82, 218, 224, 226-8, 233, 235, 240, 242-54, 257, 296

Sukarno Collection of Paintings, 247

Sukawati, Cokorda (or Tjokorda), 198-200, 279

Sukawati, Cokorda Agung (or Tjokorda, son of Cokorda Sukawati), 199, 248

Sukawati, Cokorda Raka (or Tjokorda, son of Cokorda Sukawati), 198, 213, 221

Sukawati, district of, 88, 102, 110, 209

Sulawesi, island of, 39, 67, 89, 300-1

see also Makassar

Sumatra, island of, 28, 35, 53, 58, 109, 121, 143, 176, 178, 301

see also Aceh

Sumbawa, island of, 24, 66, 89, 96, 301 see also Tambora

Surabaya, city of, 48, 120, 138, 146, 181, 243, 296

kingdom of, 67

Surapati, 38-9

Surfies, 256-7, 290, 304

Survival and preservation of culture, 132-3, 162, 166, 170, 227, 240-3, 247, 269-71, 298-9

Suryakanta (religious reform organization), 212-4, 220-1, 234

Sutèja, Gusti Bagus (Governor of Bali), 225-7, 232-4, 239, 248-9

Suwandi, Ida Gedé, 212

Tabanan, state of, 59, 90, 101, 110, 201, 284, 298, 300

Tagore, Rabindranath, 216

Taman Bali, district of, 94

Tambora, Mount, 96, 98, 101

Tampak Siring, village of, 249, 262

Tanah Lot, 262, 291-2

Tangkeban, Déwa Gedé (ruler of Bangli), 94

Tanjung Sari Hotel, 254, 305

Tantri, Ktut (a.k.a. Miss Manx, Muriel Pearson, Surabaya Sue and Vanneen Walker), 13, 156, 182, 184

Tapakan, Jero, 285

Tapean, House of, 235

Taxation, 42, 74, 93, 106, 210

see also Corvée

Tegeh, Gusti Wayahan (ruler of Lombok), 89

Textiles, 35, 80, 83, 154

from India, 80, 85

from Java, 82

trade, 35

Thailand, 82, 177, 180, 264-5, 293

see also Bangkok

Theater, 64, 96, 103, 155, 159-60, 177, 202, 245, 275

see also Wayang

Theater state, 242, 244, 250

Theosophy, 124, 216, 228, 246, 256
Tilas, matilas (traditional right of subjects to desert), 199

Togog, Ida Bagus Madé, 206, 271-4

Topèng (masked dance-drama telling the stories of ancestors), 102-3, 274

Tour guides, 275, 280-2

Tourism, 10, 12, 15, 19, 23, 25, 61, 130, 132, 135-6, 139, 142, 156, 160, 164, 174, 179, 184, 226, 229, 240-2, 252-95, 299, 301-8

Tracks (magazine), 256

Trade, 29, 33-42, 45-7, 50, 53, 67, 70, 74, 80, 85, 108-9, 121
see also Coffee, Copra, Cotton, Pigs, Rice, Textiles

Tradition, 185-239 passim, 65, 111-12, 118, 120, 132, 251, 267, 276-8, 286-8, 296, 298

Trance, 142, 145, 148-50, 154, 159, 173, 198-9, 265, 307

Treaties, 47-8, 50, 108

Triwangsa (three upper castes), 210, 213, 235

see also Caste

Troet, Jan, 34-36

Trunajaya, see Madura

Turtle Island (Serangan), 262

Tuuk, Herman Neubronner van der, 120-4, 126-8, 130, 132, 136, 151

Ubud, village of, 22, 110, 150, 155-6, 160, 180, 179-201, 203, 205, 211, 213, 215, 221-2, 231, 248-50, 253, 257-8, 262, 264, 268, 273, 275, 279-80, 307

Udayana University, 228

see also Faculty of Letters

Ujung, village of, 193

United Nations, 224

Utrecht Missionary Society, 123

Valentijn, François, 36-8

Van Bloemen Waanders, see Bloemen Waanders

Van Den Broek, see Broek

Van der Tuuk, see Tuuk

Van Eck, see Eck

Van Hoëvell, see Hoëvell

Village Heads, see Pambekel

Village Republic, idea of, 127-8, 132, 153, 157, 165-6, 175, 188

Villages, 73-4, 108, 129, 185-8, 234 see also Bañjar, Corvée, Rice

Virgin Queen, see Isteri Kanya

VOC, see Dutch East India Company

Volcanic eruptions, see Agung, Krakatau, Tambora

Volksraad, see People’s Council

Wake of the Red Witch (film), 178-9

Wallace Line, 116

Warfare, Balinese methods of, 35, 51-2, 95

Warung (roadside stall)

Wayang (shadow puppet theater), 64, 245, 250

see also Dalang

Wayne, John, see Wake of the Red Witch

Weissenborn, Thilly, 146-8, 190-1 Wésia (member of the third caste), 78

Wet-rice growing, see Rice

Widhi, Sang Hyang, also called Atintya (Supreme Being), 24, 230

Widow sacrifice, 17, 29-31, 40, 44, 54-5 60, 70, 117, 132

Wisnu (Hindu god), 111, 230

Witch, see Rangda

World Bank, 257, 268

World Ruler, see Kingship

Yates, Helen Eva, 131

Yogyakarta, city of, 151, 198, 224, 227, 261

Young Generation of Hindu Duty (Ind: Angkatan Muda Hindu Dharma), 229

Zoete, Beryl de, 159, 170

Zollinger, H., 117