AACPArab American Congress for Palestine
AALAPSOAfrican-Asian-Latin American People’s Solidarity Organization
AFSCAmerican Friends Service Committee
BPPBlack Panther Party
CACovert Action
CDGCivil Disturbance Group
CFICommittee on Foreign Intelligence
CIFFCounterintelligence Futures Forum
COMINTCommunications Intelligence
COSVNCentral Office of South Vietnam
CPSUCommunist Party of the Soviet Union
CPUSACommunist Party of the United States
CRVCommittee of Returned Volunteers
CUISCuban Intelligence Service
DEIAlgerian Directorate General of Studies
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DCIDirector of Central Intelligence
DDODeputy Director for Operations
DDPDeputy Director for Plans
DEADrug Enforcement Agency
DGICuban Intelligence Service
DODirectorate of Operations
DRVDemocratic Republic of Vietnam
FBISForeign Broadcast Information Service
FCDFirst Chief Directorate (KGB)
FEFar East
FIForeign Intelligence
FLNNational Liberation Front
GIDGeneral Intelligence Division
GRUChief Intelligence Directorate, Soviet/Russian Military Intelligence
HPSCIHouse Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
IDIUInterdivision Information Unit
IECIntelligence Evaluation Committee
IESIntelligence Evaluation Staff
ILCInternational Liaison Committee
KGBSoviet Committee for State Security (March 1954–November 1991)
MEMiddle East
MPSMinistry of Public Security
NACICNational Counterintelligence Center
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NMCNew Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
NSANational Security Agency
NSCNational Security Council
OASOrganization of Arab Students
OCIOffice of Current Intelligence
OCLAELatin American Students Continental Organization
OCSOffice of Computer Services
OSOffice of Security
PAFPalestine Arab Fund
PFIABPresident’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
PFLPPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
PDDPresidential Decision Directive
PDFLPPopular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
PLOPalestine Liberation Office
PLPProgressive Labor Party
PMSPersonnel Management Staff
PRGProvisional Revolutionary Government of Vietnam
PTPProfessional Training Program
RCPRevolutionary Communist Party
RIDRecords Integration Division
RURevolutionary Union
RYMRevolutionary Youth Movement
SDSStudents for a Democratic Society
S/ESoviet/East European
SIGINTSignals Intelligence
SNCCStudent Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
SOGSpecial Operations Group
SSCISenate Select Committee on Intelligence
SVRForeign Intelligence Service
SWPSocialist Workers Party
TOTable of Organization
WCPWorld Council for Peace
WSPWomen Strike for Peace
YPSLYoung People’s Socialist League
YSAYoung Socialist Alliance