AACP | Arab American Congress for Palestine |
AALAPSO | African-Asian-Latin American People’s Solidarity Organization |
AFSC | American Friends Service Committee |
BPP | Black Panther Party |
CA | Covert Action |
CDG | Civil Disturbance Group |
CFI | Committee on Foreign Intelligence |
CI | Counterintelligence |
CIFF | Counterintelligence Futures Forum |
COMINT | Communications Intelligence |
COSVN | Central Office of South Vietnam |
CPSU | Communist Party of the Soviet Union |
CPUSA | Communist Party of the United States |
CRV | Committee of Returned Volunteers |
CUIS | Cuban Intelligence Service |
DEI | Algerian Directorate General of Studies |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DCI | Director of Central Intelligence |
DDO | Deputy Director for Operations |
DDP | Deputy Director for Plans |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Agency |
DGI | Cuban Intelligence Service |
DO | Directorate of Operations |
DRV | Democratic Republic of Vietnam |
FBIS | Foreign Broadcast Information Service |
FCD | First Chief Directorate (KGB) |
FE | Far East |
FI | Foreign Intelligence |
FLN | National Liberation Front |
GID | General Intelligence Division |
GRU | Chief Intelligence Directorate, Soviet/Russian Military Intelligence |
HPSCI | House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence |
IDIU | Interdivision Information Unit |
IEC | Intelligence Evaluation Committee |
IES | Intelligence Evaluation Staff |
ILC | International Liaison Committee |
KGB | Soviet Committee for State Security (March 1954–November 1991) |
ME | Middle East |
MPS | Ministry of Public Security |
NACIC | National Counterintelligence Center |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NMC | New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSC | National Security Council |
OAS | Organization of Arab Students |
OCI | Office of Current Intelligence |
OCLAE | Latin American Students Continental Organization |
OCS | Office of Computer Services |
OS | Office of Security |
PAF | Palestine Arab Fund |
PFIAB | President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board |
PFLP | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine |
PDD | Presidential Decision Directive |
PDFLP | Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Office |
PLP | Progressive Labor Party |
PMS | Personnel Management Staff |
PRG | Provisional Revolutionary Government of Vietnam |
PTP | Professional Training Program |
RCP | Revolutionary Communist Party |
RID | Records Integration Division |
RU | Revolutionary Union |
RYM | Revolutionary Youth Movement |
SDS | Students for a Democratic Society |
S/E | Soviet/East European |
SIGINT | Signals Intelligence |
SNCC | Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee |
SOG | Special Operations Group |
SSCI | Senate Select Committee on Intelligence |
SVR | Foreign Intelligence Service |
SWP | Socialist Workers Party |
TO | Table of Organization |
WCP | World Council for Peace |
WSP | Women Strike for Peace |
YPSL | Young People’s Socialist League |
YSA | Young Socialist Alliance |